Overview; Megamux Plus Operating Procedures - General DataComm Megamux Plus 036M241 Operator Instructions Manual

Time division multiplexer
Table of Contents



This section describes the operating features of the MEGAMUX PLUS supervisory port CRT in-
terface. The information in this section describes general operating procedures only. Refer to Sec-
tions 4 through 8 for detailed instructions on implementing particular routines.


The MEGAMUX PLUS operating system is designed to simplify TDM operation, and avoid op-
erator error and confusion. MEGAMUX PLUS operation is based on these three features:
Each feature is discussed in the paragraphs below.
Menu-Driven Routine Selection
The initial MEGAMUX PLUS display is a two-page main menu listing the MEGAMUX PLUS
operating routines. To select an operation, you choose a routine from the main menu. A menu list-
ing the subroutines available for the selected routine is then displayed. You then select the sub-
routine that performs the desired operation. The menu-selection process brings you to a single
display containing all the information necessary for the desired operation. To return to each level
of menus, you depress the CONTROL key and the X key simultaneously (normally referred to as
a CTRL X). Each time you depress these keys simultaneously, the next higher level of menu will
be displayed, until you have returned to the main menu. When you depress the CONTROL key
and the C key simultaneously, the main menu will be displayed.
Cursor Position Selection Method
Selections are made through cursor position. The cursor position (arrow) keys move the cursor
through the possible choices in the screen display. If a menu is displayed, you move the cursor to
the desired routine and make the selection by pressing the Return key. In the displays, you move
the cursor through the various display items using the left and right arrows. Most selections are
made by using the up and down arrows to step through the possible range of selections for each
display item. When alpha-numeric information (such as channel numbers and names) is required,
the entire keyboard is activated for that display item. For every display, the operator is instructed
as to which keys to use by prompts in the Status Line (described in the next paragraph).
Menu-Driven Routine Selection
Cursor Position Selection Method
Status Line Operating Directions
036R660-000, Issue 10


Table of Contents

Table of Contents