Synchronous, Asynchronous,Isochronous, Transition-Encoded, And Tid-Iii Channel Data Path Tests - General DataComm Megamux Plus 036M241 Operator Instructions Manual

Time division multiplexer
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Diagnostic Functions
Synchronous, Asynchronous,Isochronous, Transition-Encoded, and
TID-III Channel Data Path Tests
The same data path tests are available for synchronous, asynchronous, isochronous, and transi-
tion-encoded channels. The TID-III data channel module only allows you to perform User Data
Tests. Voice channel tests are described in subsequent paragraphs.
There are three types of tests for these channels:
BERT (Bit Error Rate Test)
When this test is selected, a test data pattern is generated by the specified channel, and sent
through the loopback path selected for the test. When the test data returns to the channel, the data
is evaluated for errors. The error rate is displayed as part of the channel status scan in the diag-
nostic display. No external test equipment is required for this test.
BERT With Clamp
This test is the same as the BERT test, with one addition. When the test is initiated, the receive
data outputs of the involved channel are disabled (clamped off). This action prevents channel
equipment from receiving and trying to interpret the test data.
User Data
In this test, the selected loopback path is initiated, but no test data pattern is generated. External
equipment (test equipment or a full-duplex CRT) must be connected to the channel and used to
generate and evaluate test data. One important use of this test is to evaluate the channel interface.
Since the BERT tests generate and receive test data within the Data II Channel module, the cir-
cuitry that supports the channel interface is not fully tested by the BERT tests. You may use the
User Data Test to fully evaluate the Data II Channel module interface after BERT tests are run
The node of data origin and the node loopback point in a test determine the test loopback path.
The selections are made after the test type is selected, as shown below:
If Node M is specified as the data origin, the Node M channel is the beginning of the test path. If
Node M is the loopback point, data is looped through the Node M channel only (a local loopback
at Node M). If Node S is the loopback point, the data is sent through the MEGAMUX PLUS sys-
tem to the Node S channel, where the data is looped back to the originating Node M channel (a
remote loopback from Node M). Figure 8-2 illustrates the loopback paths for a Node M data or-
igin; Figure 8-3 illustrates the loopback paths for a Node S data origin.
036R660-000, Issue 10


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