General DataComm Megamux Plus 036M241 Operator Instructions Manual page 115

Time division multiplexer
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the data origin (a remote loopback), the signal is looped back (as a regenerated 1 kHz tone) at the
VF interface of the remote channel. This test gives the most extensive test of a voice channel, be-
cause the signal travels through the VF and digital sections of the voice channel module. Figure 8-
6 illustrates the loopback paths of a 1 kHz Test with Node M data origin. Note that 1 kHz tests may
be performed on several channels simultaneously in revisions higher than 2.03.
User Data Test
The User Data test requires that external test equipment be connected to the data origin node chan-
nel to generate test signals and evaluate them. Loopbacks may be selected at the data origin node
channel digital interface, or the opposite-end channel digital inter-face. Figure 8-7 shows the loop-
back paths of a User Data Test with a Node M data origin.
Follow these instructions to apply voice channel data path tests (separate instructions are given be-
low for Rcv dB Levels):
If you are using external test equipment connect the test equipment to the originating channel
Select the Channel diagnostics from the Diagnostics Functions Menu. Remember that you
must specify the channel by name or number, as described earlier in paragraph 5.0. Selecting
channel diagnostics suppresses the Out of Sync alarm for all non-CVSD voice cards.
Using the cursor position keys and the Return key, select the Data Path Tests from the channel
Diagnostics Menu.
When the Data Path Test display appears, the cursor is positioned at the TEST TYPE field.
Use the up and down cursor position keys to step through the possible tests until the desired
test is displayed.
Use the left and right cursor position keys to move the cursor to the DATA ORIGIN or
LOOPBACK POINT fields. (Some voice channel tests do not allow you to select a loopback
point.) Use the up and down cursor position keys to alternate between Node M and Node S
for data origin or loopback point.
When the desired data origin and loopback point have been selected, press the Return key to
initiate the test. If you are using external test equipment to generate test signals, begin the sig-
nal generation. The channel Diagnostics Menu returns to the screen, and the channel status
scan reports the test. If the selected test has displayed test results, the results are displayed in
the status scan.
To terminate the test, select Data Path Tests from the Diagnostic Menu. When the Data Path
Test display appears, select STOP TEST and then depress the Return key. The status scan in-
dicates that the test is no 'longer in effect. (If desired, you may go directly to another test,
without terminating the existing test; the existing test is automatically ended by the system
when you select another test).
036R660-000, Issue 10
Diagnostic Functions


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