General DataComm Megamux Plus 036M241 Operator Instructions Manual page 78

Time division multiplexer
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nel parameter. ACO ON/OFF is not available in the Universal MEGAMUX PLUS. Note, ACO/
ON/OFF is only applicable for A100 and 2.00 through 2.03.
Standard interface types are provided for both voice and data channels. There is a standard E and
M control arrangement for CVSD and ASP voice channels, and no interface type for PCM or AD-
PCM voice channels. There are eight interface types for data channels. The data channel interfac-
es are supported by program plugs installed on the Data II Channel. module. The program plugs
select input control signals to be multiplexed as one through four input (SEND) controls, and se-
lect one through four output (RCV) control signals to be applied to the channel interface as spe-
cific control signals. Additional customized interface types are available on special order.
The Interface Type display defines each selected control signal by assigning a mnemonic; the in-
terface may also force control signals On or Off to support the requirements of the interface (forc-
ing Data Terminal Ready to be constantly On, for example).
The title of the display indicates such interface characteristics, as well as the application that the
interface is intended to serve.
The display shows the mnemonics assigned for input (send) and output (receive) signals; the
mnemonics are positioned horizontally as controls one through four. The send controls displayed
for one node are the same signals as the receive controls displayed for the opposite node.
The selectable interface types are:
CTA1 (CPU to Terminal)
CTB1 (CPU to Terminal - DCD/DSR On)
CTC1 (CPU to Terminal - DSR On)
CPL1 (CPU to Private Line Modem)
CPM2 (CPU to Modem - Polling)
CPT2 (CPU to Terminal - Polling)
CDM3 (CPU to Dial-Up Modem)
DMC3 (Dial-Up Modem to CPU)
VC1 (CVSD or ASP Voice)
To select an interface type, with the cursor positioned below I/F TYPE, press the up or down cur-
sor position keys. As each interface type is selected, the associated display appears below the oth-
er channel parameters. The interface type is valid when the cursor is moved to another position.
TID Mode/Delay
Selects the mode and delay parameters for the TID-III Data Channel Module (4.00 and up).
The name of the configuration that the channel is being installed in is placed in the upper right-
hand corner of the screen above the channel parameters display. The configuration name may be
changed as part of the modification of any channel. The configuration name may contain up to
ten alphanumeric characters. Any characters available on the keyboard may be entered, however,
the first character entered must be an alphabetic character: To enter a configuration name, with
the cursor positioned at the presently displayed configuration, type the desired name. The new
name becomes valid when the cursor is moved to another parameter.
036R660-000, Issue 10


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