General DataComm Megamux Plus 036M241 Operator Instructions Manual page 12

Time division multiplexer
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The circuit name is a channel identifier assigned by the user. The name may be up to six alpha-
numeric characters in length: The name may include any punctuation or non-standard char-acters
available on the keyboard. However, the first character entered must be an alpha character. You
enter the circuit name by typing the desired characters. The selection becomes valid when you
use the cursor position keys to move to another channel parameter.
Once a circuit name is entered, status scans, alarm scans and diagnostics may be applied to a
channel using a circuit name specification.
The baud rate of a channel is determined by the baud rate of the equipment connected to the chan-
nel. With the cursor positioned at BAUD RATE, you begin the selection by pressing Return.
The standard VLBRV Channel Module rates (9600, 4800 or 2400 bps) appear below the channel
parameters display. To select a standard rate, use the cursor position keys to position the cursor
at the required rate. Press Return to complete the selection. The selected rate appears in the pa-
rameter display under BAUD RATE, and the REMAINING BANDWIDTH display is revised.
Not configured for the VLBRV Channel Module.
Not configured for the VLBRV Channel Module.
This entry specifies the attenuation or amplification required for the voice output level on the VL-
BRV Channel Module. The nominal level is set by a DIP switch to 0 dBm or +? dBm. This entry
allows the nominal level to be further adjusted between +1.5 dB and -6.0 dB in 0.5 dB steps. This
feature provides compensation for cable and equipment losses. The up and down cursor position
keys step through the output level range. This entry becomes valid when the cursor is placed on
another channel parameter.
The Interface Type display defines each selected control signal by assigning a mnemonic. For the
VLBRV Channel Module, the interface type is VC-1. To select the interface type, with the cursor
positioned below I/F TYPE press the up or down cursor position keys. As each interface type is
selected, the associated display appears below the other channel parameters. The interface type
is valid when the cursor is moved to another position.
Not configured for the VLBRV Channel Module.


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