General DataComm Megamux Plus 036M241 Operator Instructions Manual page 77

Time division multiplexer
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This 32 kbps mode complies with the current ADPCM joint standard provided by CCITT G.721
and ANSI committee T1Y1.2. This operating mode is preferable for voice applications; it provides
superior performance in an idle channel situation. Use this operating mode for 32 kbps voice chan-
nels unless a specific application dictates selection of another mode.
This 32 kbps mode complies with the former CCITT standard G.721, dated March, 1984. This
mode is only required for compatibility with existing Voice II/ ADPCM channel cards - in other
words, if a Universal Voice Card/ADPCM is used at one end of the circuit, and a Voice II/ADPCM
channel card is used at the other end of the circuit, select this operating mode.
T-R CLK - (Synchronous Channels Only)
This entry specifies the source of transmit and receive timing for the channel. Separate selections
must be made for Node M and Node S, since different timing arrangements are possible at each end
of a channel link.
The possible selections are E-E (external-external; both transmit and receive timing from equip-
ment connected to channel), E-I (external-internal; transmit timing from the channel equipment and
receive timing from the TDM channel), or I-I (internal-internal; transmit and receive timing from
the TDM channel).
Use the up and down cursor position keys to step through the range of selections; the selection be-
comes valid when the left or right cursor position keys move the cursor to another channel param-
DATA-STOP BITS - (Asynchronous Channels only)
This parameter enters the data character format for an asynchronous channel. Since the number of
data bits and the number of stop bits are normally specified together for character formats, a single
selection determines both para-meters. Use the up and down cursor position keys to step through
the range of selections; the choice becomes valid when the left or right cursor position key moves
the cursor to another channel parameter.
In 4.00 and up, if a TID-III Data Channel Module is configured, this header may display the TID-
III channel's isochronous rate.
(CVSD, PCM, UVC/PCM, ADPCM, UVC/ADPCM and ASP Voice Channels only).
This entry specifies the attenuation or amplification required for the voice output level of a voice
channel module. The level for a module is set by a switch on the Voice Channel II module; that
nominal level may be set for 0 dBm or +7 dBm. This entry specifies an adjustment to the nominal
level; the attenuation or amplification ranges between +1.5 dB and -6.0 dB in 1/2 dB steps: This
feature provides compensation for cable and equipment losses that alter the nominal output level.
The up and down cursor position keys step through the output level range; the entry becomes valid
when the left or right cursor position keys move the cursor to another channel parameter.
Alarm Cutoff selects whether alarms in the channel are reported and logged in the alarm scan, or
indicated by the Common Alarm Plus module front panel indicators. This feature is useful when a
malfunctioning channel produces enough alarms to prevent alarm reporting on other channels. Use
the up and down cursor keys to choose the ON (alarms cut off) or OFF (alarms reported) selection.
The entry becomes valid when the left or right cursor position key moves the cursor to another chan-
036R660-000, Issue 10


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