Creating A Program; Programming Support; Creating A Program Header; Adding Blocks - HEIDENHAIN POSITIP 8013 ACTIVE Operating Instructions Manual

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Creating a program

A program always consists of a program header and a sequence of blocks. You
can define various block types, edit the associated block parameters, and delete
individual blocks from the program.

Programming support

The product provides the following features to assist you in creating programs:
When you add a block, the wizard displays information on the parameters that
are required for the selected block type.
If a block contains errors or undefined parameters, it is displayed in red type in
the list.
If problems occur, the wizard displays the message The program contains
incomplete program blocks. You can tap the arrow keys to go to the program
blocks concerned.
The optional simulation window shows a visualization of the current block.
Further information:

Creating a program header


Adding blocks

"Using the simulation window", Page 188
All changes to a program can be automatically saved.
Tap Save program automatically in the program management
All changes will be automatically saved immediately
Tap Create new program in the program management
In the dialog select the storage location, e.g.
Internal/Programs, in which you want to save the program
Enter a name for the program
Confirm the entry with RET
Tap Create
A new program containing the Program header start block is
The name of the program is displayed on the toolbar
Enter a unique name in the Name field
Confirm the entry with RET
Change the unit of measure with the selection switch, if
Tap Add block on the toolbar
A new block is inserted below the current position
Select the desired block type in the Block type drop-down
Define the relevant parameters, depending on the block type
Further information:
Confirm each entry with RET
If the simulation window is active, the current block is
Programming | Creating a program
"Block types", Page 205
HEIDENHAIN | POSITIP 8013 ACTIVE | Operating Instructions | 01/2018


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