Downloading From An Scp Server - Acopia Adaptive Resource Switch Cli Maintenance Manual

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Upgrading Software
Copying a Release File to the Switch
bstnA6k# ...

Downloading from an SCP Server

bstnA6k(gbl)# exit
bstnA6k# copy scp:// releases test.rel
Password: jpasswd
% INFO: Copying 328 megabytes from the specified source . . .
May 20 12:22
May 20 13:24
For secure sites, you can download the release file with the Secure Copy (SCP)
protocol. The URL has a different syntax for SCP transfers:
copy scp://username@server:file releases dest-file
username@ is a valid username at the remote host,
server identifies the SCP server with an IP address or FQDN (for example,
"" or ""), and
file is the release-file name. Lead with a slash (scp-server:/file) if the file
path is absolute. Without the slash, the path is presumed to start in the home
directory for username.
dest-file is the name you choose for the downloaded copy of the release file.
accept-host-key (optional) tells the CLI to accept an unknown host key if
offered by the SCP server. The host key authenticates the server; if the key is
unknown, it is possible that an attacker has taken the server's hostname
and/or IP address. Note that any SCP server is "unknown" if the switch has
not had an SCP exchange with it since the switch's last reboot.
The CLI prompts for the username's password. Enter a password that is valid at the
remote site. For example, the following command exits from gbl mode to priv-exec
mode, then downloads a release file through SCP:
CLI Maintenance Guide


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