Canceling A Restore Operation - Acopia Adaptive Resource Switch Cli Maintenance Manual

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Backing Up a Volume's Files

Canceling a Restore Operation

Canceling a Restore Operation
To cancel an in-progress restore operation, go to priv-exec mode and use the
restore data
cancel restore data namespace volume vol-path path path
namespace (1-30 characters) identifies the namespace,
vol-path (1-1024 characters) is the volume, and
path (1-1024 characters) is the specific virtual path that is being restored.
This is relative to the vol-path.
A prompt requests confirmation before the CLI cancels the restore; enter yes to
confirm that you want to cancel the operation.
For example, this command cancels a restore operation in the "wwmed" namespace:
bstnA6k(gbl)# end
bstnA6k# cancel restore data wwmed volume /acct path /
Cancel specified restore data operations? [yes/no] yes
bstnA6k# ...
CLI Maintenance Guide


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