Forcing The Rebuild; Resetting Directory Masters - Acopia Adaptive Resource Switch Cli Maintenance Manual

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Metadata Utilities: nsck and sync
Rebuilding a Namespace

Forcing the Rebuild

Resetting Directory Masters

It is possible for an nsck-rebuild job to freeze in an unfinished state: for example, the
job freezes if one of the back-end filers goes down during the re-import. In this
situation, you should resolve the problem and then restart the rebuild. To override the
unfinished rebuild job and start a new one, add the optional
nsck namespace rebuild [volume volname] force
For example, the following command sequence exits to priv-exec mode and forces a
rebuild for the 'archives' namespace:
bstnA6k(gbl)# end
bstnA6k# nsck archives rebuild force
Reimport all shares in the namespace archives? [yes/no] yes
bstnA6k# ...
A managed volume sometimes duplicates (or stripes) its directories on multiple
shares. Each directory has a single master, and may have one or more stripes. The
master directory is on the share where it was first found, and each stripe is a copy on
another share. By default, any new file goes to the same share as its parent's master
directory: if a client creates a "newfile.doc" file in "\mydir," and "\mydir" has its
master on the nas20 filer, the volume sends "newfile.doc" to nas20 by default.
An nsck-rebuild job causes the managed volume to re import all of its shares
(possibly in a different order than the original import), so directories that were stripes
before the rebuild might be masters after the rebuild. This causes the directory tree to
grow primarily on the share with the new masters. You can use file-placement rule to
correct this: create a fileset that selects all directories recursively, then use it in a
file-placement rule to migrate those directories to the desired share, promoting them
to master. You can then delete the placement rule after it first runs, since the proper
directory mastery will be established. Filesets and rules are detailed in the
filesets, and
"Directing File Placement" on page 14-2
Chapter 13, Grouping Files into Filesets
flag to the
explains file-placement rules.
CLI Maintenance Guide


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