Introduction; The Arx - Acopia Adaptive Resource Switch Cli Maintenance Manual

Table of Contents



CLI Maintenance Guide
This manual contains instructions and best practices for troubleshooting and
maintaining the Adaptive Resource Switch (ARX®) after it is fully connected to the
network and running storage services. These instructions focus on the Command-Line
Interface (CLI).
Use this book after the ARX is installed, connected to the IP network, and serving
clients. The platform's Hardware Installation manual explains how to install the
ARX. You can set up basic networking through a GUI wizard (as described in
Quick Start: Network Setup
described in
CLI Network-Management
configuring most of the storage features in the ARX (see
CIFS Storage
GUI Quick Start Guide: NFS Storage
these wizards); the
CLI Storage-Management Guide
best-practices for configuring all of them through the CLI.
The Adaptive Resource Switch (ARX®) is a highly available and scalable solution
that brings resource awareness to a file storage infrastructure, and adapts these
resources to meet the demands of users and applications in real time. The ARX
provides a file-virtualization layer that aggregates the total capacity and performance
of your file storage. A namespace provides location-independent, transparent
mapping of user requests onto the appropriate storage resource. You can configure
policies that the switch enforces for the placement, replication and migration of files.
Through policy configuration, the ARX adapts to the real-time demands of users and
applications. The ARX thereby serves as a resource proxy for the files and services
behind it.
manual), or work with the more-advanced CLI features
Guide. The GUI provides wizards for
Chapter 1


GUI Quick Start Guide:
for instructions on using
provides procedures and


Table of Contents

Table of Contents