Acopia Adaptive Resource Switch Cli Maintenance Manual page 247

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Table 8-1. Share Status Conditions (Continued)
Status Condition
Error: NFSv2 error during import
Error: NFSv3 error during import
Error: Network communications
failure during import scan.
Error: No space left on share, or
share unreachable
Error: No space on back-end device.
Error: Operation aborted at user
Error: Permission Denied
Error: Protocol specific error, see logs
for more information.
CLI Maintenance Guide
(NFS) Persistent NFS errors from a back-end share caused the
import to fail. Check the NFS service at the back-end filer.
Use the
command and/or
show exports
connection to the filer.
The ARX got an error writing a database that is created as part of
the import process. This database is created on the filer share
itself, so the error indicates a problem with the filer.
An administrator issued the
share import.
This indicates that the ARX did not have proper permissions to
connect to the back-end filer.
For NFS exports, check your back-end filer configuration: the
back-end share should allow access to all of the ARX's proxy IP
addresses. Use the
show exports
permissions and configuration. Use the
command to list all configured proxy IP addresses.
For CIFS shares, the switch uses the proxy user for the
namespace; the
proxy-user (gbl-ns)
credentials. The proxy user must belong to the Backup
Operator's group. Further, this group could be defined uniquely
at each filer: verify that the proxy user is part of the Backup
Operator's group at the particular filer.
(CIFS) The back-end filer returned an unexpected CIFS error
during import. The syslog shows the specific error. Use
to read the syslog, or
for a specific string in the syslog. You may need to escalate to
Acopia Support.
After you correct the error, retry the import.
Troubleshooting Managed Volumes
Correcting Share-Import Errors
to check the
command to stop this
cancel import
command to check the filer's
show ip proxy-addresses
command sets these
string logs syslog
to search


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