7.1.4 Periodic Inspection - Vanguard CPW 125-4-S Series Operation And Maintenance Manual

Weld-deck welding package
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Any deficiencies, such as those listed below, shall be carefully examined and determination made as to whether they
constitute a hazard:
1. Inspect for deformed, cracked or corroded members in the crane structure and entire boom.
2. Inspect for loose bolts, particularly mounting bolts.
3. Inspect for cracked or worn sheaves and drums.
4. Inspect for worn, cracked, or distorted parts such as pins, bearings, shafts, gears, rollers and devices.
5. Inspect for excessive wear on brakes and clutch system parts and linings.
6. Inspect crane hooks for cracks.
7. Inspect travel steering, braking, and locking devices for malfunction.
8. Inspect for excessively worn or damaged tires.
9. Inspect hydraulic hose, fittings, and tubing for the following problems:
a. Evidence of leakage at the surface of the flexible hose or its junctions with the metal and coupling.
b. Blistering, or abnormal deformation to the outer covering of the hydraulic or pneumatic hose.
c. Leakage at threaded or clamped joints that cannot be eliminated by normal tightening or recommended
d. Evidence of excessive abrasion or scrubbing on the outer surface of a hose, rigid tube, or fitting. Means
shall be taken to eliminate the interference of elements in contact or otherwise protect the components.
10. Inspect hydraulic pumps and motors for the following problems:
a. Loose bolts and fasteners.
b. Leaks at joints between sections.
c. Shaft seal leaks.
d. Unusual noises or vibrations.
e. Loss of operating speed.
Excessive heating of fluid.
g. Loss of pressure.
11. Inspect hydraulic valves for the following:
a. Cracks in valve housing.
b. Improper return of spool to neutral position.
c. Leaks at spools or joints.
d. Sticking spools.
e. Failure of relief valves to attain or maintain correct pressure setting.
Relief valve pressure shall be checked as specified by the manufacturers.
12. Inspect hydraulic cylinders for the following problems:
a. Driving caused by fluid leaking across piston.
b. Rod seals leaking.
c. Leaks at welding joints.
d. Scored, nicked, or dented cylinder rods.
e. Damaged case (barrel).
Loose or deformed rod eyes or connecting joints.
13. Inspect hydraulic filters for evidence of rubber particles on the filter elements indicating possible hose, O-ring, or
other rubber component deterioration. Metal chips or pieces on the filter may denote failure in pumps, motors, or
cylinders. Further inspection will be necessary to determine the origin of the problem before corrective action can
be taken.
14. Inspect labels to confirm correct location and legibility. Reference decals layout in this manual for proper location
of decals.
15. Rope inspections need not be at equal calendar intervals and should be more frequent as the rope approaches
the end of useful life. A qualified person shall inspect the wire rope based on such factors as:
a. Expected rope life as determined by experience on the particular installation or similar installations.
b. Severity of environment.
c. Percentage of capacity lifts.
d. Frequency rates of operation.
e. Exposure to shock loads.
i. This inspection shall cover the entire length of the rope. Only the surface wires need to be
inspected and no attempt should be made to open the rope. Any deterioration resulting in
appreciable loss of original strength shall be noted and determination made as to whether use of
the rope would constitute a hazard. A few notable deterioration points are listed below:
1. Reduction of rope diameter below nominal diameter due to loss of core support.
2. Internal or external corrosion.
3. Wear of outside wires.
4. Severely corroded, cracked, bent, worn, or improperly applied connections.


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