Slides Not Successfully Processed; Slide Result Report Options - BD FocalPoint GS User Manual

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BD FocalPoint™ GS Imaging System Instrument User's Manual

Slides Not Successfully Processed

If the system cannot process a slide because of physical limitations, a mechanical failure of the
device, or an empty slot in a tray, one of the following actions is assigned to the slide: Process
Review, Rerun, or Empty. When a slide triggers one of these process failure actions, if the
failure is not resolved by rerunning the slide, then that slide must be manually screened.
Additionally, for slides with an action of either Process Review or Rerun that are manually
screened and then signed out as NILM, 10% must be randomly selected for QC review. Each of
the process failure actions is described in the following paragraphs.
Process Review Slides
Slides receiving an action of Process Review could not be analyzed because of slide physical
characteristics or specimen limitations. Some Process Review slides with physical damage can
be repaired and rerun on the BD FocalPoint™ Slide Profiler. If a slide cannot be rerun, it must be
manually screened.
Rerun Slides
A slide receives a result of Rerun when processing results are not available. Slides receive this
result under the following circumstances:
during processing, the system falls outside specified operating limits.
during processing, a tray is manually ejected.
slide processing is interrupted (for example, power failure).
Rerun slides should be reprocessed by the BD FocalPoint™ instrument. If the slides cannot be
successfully reprocessed, they must be manually screened.
Slide tray positions receiving an action of Empty indicate that the device did not detect a slide in
the tray position and the slide position is marked as empty on the results reports.

Slide Result Report Options

After the BD FocalPoint™ Slide Profiler processes and classifies slides, various reports that
show the slide processing results can be printed. Each time reports are printed, a print set, which
consists of all the slide results accumulated since the last time reports were printed, is created.
These slide result reports provide a variety of slide results information, which is explained in the
following subsections.
At the end of this section, Table 10-1 lists all the possible slide results generated by the
BD FocalPoint™ Slide Profiler, including the action required for each result, scanning result,
specimen adequacy information, and information on the presence or absence of endocervical
component. This information also appears on many of the slide result reports. For a complete
discussion of each type of report, see Section 12.


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