Report Options; Report Types - BD FocalPoint GS User Manual

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Use the scroll bar, to scroll down and view that statistics for each operating mode.
Slide data is available to be displayed after the slides are printed
and assigned to a print set, not when they complete processing on
the instrument. Additionally, the data is presented on a 24 hour
basis, not per print set. Slides are added to the statistics the day
they are first printed and assigned to a print set, not when they
If the Process Review rate value is greater than 10%, print a Process Review report for the
month. Look over the report for trends to determine if there is something to do to correct the
If analysis of the Process Review report doesn't suggest any corrective actions, Contact
BD Technical Support. BD may examine the System Logs to determine the cause of the
process failures and propose corrective action to reduce the frequency of slide rejections.

Report Options

This section discusses the various types of reports and the rationale for selecting certain types of
reports and options. Because each laboratory handles their cytology work flow differently, it is
impossible to standardize a single report that meets each lab's needs. Thus, we've provided
several types of reports with sorting and layout options that allow printing slide result reports that
best suit the workflow in your laboratory.

Report Types

There are six types of report available:
Slide Result Report: Lists results for all slides. (See Figure 12-3 for an example of this
Review Report: Lists all slides designated Review . (See Figure 12-5 for an example of this
QC Review Report: Lists all slides selected for QC Review plus a limited number of Review
slides. When this report type is selected, the same options are available as for the other
reports, but the feature allowing selecting the portion of slides to print for QC Review
becomes active (no longer dimmed). (See Figure 12-6 for an example of this report). For
additional information, see Section 14.2.
Archive Report: Lists all slides that were designated to No Further Review (See Archive
Report in Section 12.3.4 for an example of this report).
Process Review Report: Lists all slides that were designated Process Review.
(See Figure 12-8 for an example of this report.)
Rerun Report: Lists all slides that were designated Rerun. (See Figure 12-9 for an example
of this report.)
These reports are very similar in appearance to each other and all have the same column
headings. The arrangement and content of a report can be varied by choosing specific sorting
and layout options. The following Section 18.9.2, describes each of the sorting and layout
options in detail.
Processing Conventional Slides on the BD FocalPoint™ Slide Profiler
complete processing on the instrument.


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