Slides, Coverslips, And Slide Preparations; Types Of Slide Preparations Allowed; Bd Surepath™ Slides - BD FocalPoint GS User Manual

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Slides, Coverslips, and Slide Preparations

For a Pap test slide to be successfully processed on the BD FocalPoint™ Slide Profiler, it must
meet certain physical requirements and standards.
This section provides information on slide and coverslip specifications, adhesive specifications,
and the types of Pap smear slides that can be processed on the BD FocalPoint™ Slide Profiler.
Refer to the following sections:
Types of Slide Preparations Allowed (Section 13.1) describes what types of Pap smear
preparations can be processed on the BD FocalPoint™ Slide Profiler.
Slide and Coverslip Standards (Section 13.2) describes the physical requirements for slides
and coverslips, including: dimensions, slide optical properties, coverslip standards, and
adhesive and mounting requirements.

Types of Slide Preparations Allowed

BD SurePath™ slides and Conventional Pap smears can be processed on the BD FocalPoint™
Slide Profiler. See Slide and Coverslip Standards (Section 13.2) for information on required
dimensional, mounting, and optical standards.
BD SurePath™ Slides
The BD FocalPoint™ instrument can process BD SurePath™ slides when the specimen is
prepared according to manufacturer's instructions. Unlike a conventionally prepared slide, a
BD SurePath™ slide contains the cellular material in a defined area near the center of the slide
(see Figure 13-1). The edge of the area containing the cellular material must be 38.5 ±1 mm from
the edge of the slide with the barcode. The center of the spot is within 0.5 mm of the center of the
slide in the narrow dimension. The diameter of the spot is 12 ±1 mm.
Complete specifications for BD SurePath™ slides are detailed in the Slide Requirements
Specification, P/N 803-00367-00.
37.5 - 39.5 mm
Figure 13-1 – Example of a BD SurePath™ slide
11.0 - 13.0


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