BD FocalPoint GS User Manual page 177

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The results for each slide. This includes:
Action required—Review/Process Review/Rerun/Empty. (For additional information,
see Section .)
Specimen Adequacy
Squamous cells—Detected/Insufficient
Endocervical cells—Detected/Insufficient
Inflammation/Obscuration—less than 50% (Satisfactory), between 50–75% (SBLB,
Satisfactory But Limited By), or greater than 75% (Unsatisfactory).
Ranking information. All successfully processed slides having an action of Review or QC
Review receive a group (or quintile) ranking, an individual ranking within the print set,
and each individual rank expressed as a percentage of the total of all Review slides.
For the group ranking, slides are assigned to a numerical quintile between 1 and 5.
Within the print set, the 1st quintile contains the 20% of slides most likely to contain
abnormalities, the 2nd quintile contains the 20% of slides next most likely to contain
abnormalities, and so on, with the 5th quintile containing the 20% of the slides least likely
to contain abnormalities.
Each slide receives an individual rank from 1 to n, where a rank of 1 indicates a slide
most likely to contain abnormality and n is the slide least likely to contain abnormality (n
is the number of Review slides in a print set, minus the scant cellularity slides). For
example, the second slide listed on this report received an individual rank of 33/109, or
33 out of 109.
The percentage value is the individual rank expressed as a percentage of the total of n.
Process Status: A message appears in this area indicating the status of the scan. The
message most likely to be seen is Scan Completed. However, when slides are rejected, or
the scanning process did not complete, a reason is printed under the Message column of the
report. See Section 21, for a list of these messages and the reasons they appear.
Process Date: This area provides the date and the time the slide was processed.
Processing Conventional Slides on the BD FocalPoint™ Slide Profiler


Table of Contents

Table of Contents