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BD FocalPoint™ Slide Profiler Processing Messages
Dust or dirt on coverslip
The system detected images indicative of dust and scratches on the coverslip or possibly
excessive mounting medium. Ensure that the coverslip is clean and within limits. Repair and
rerun. If the slide cannot be successfully rerun, it must be screened by a cytotechnologist.
The system detected that the distribution of the specimen material is too variable. Repair and
rerun. If the slide cannot be successfully rerun, it must be screened by a cytotechnologist.

Other Errors

The following additional process status messages may be reported:
Slide not detected
The system did not locate a slide in this position on the tray. Inspect the tray position and rerun
the slide if necessary. If the slide cannot be successfully rerun, it must be screened by a
Tray rejected
The system detected that the calibration parameters were not within limits. Rerun these slides
when the system is operating within limits. If the slide cannot be successfully rerun, it must be
screened by a cytotechnologist
Unable to interpret slide
The system algorithms were unable to process the slide. Review the slide manually.
Slide edge not found
One or more of the slide edges were not detected within the expected area. Ensure that the slide
is clean and properly seated. If the slide cannot be successfully rerun, it must be screened by a


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