Enable/Disable; Input Filter; Input Filter / Debounce Time - Ametek DMS-3K Installation & Operation Manual

Distributed monitoring system
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would have inputs 33-64, first 16 I Digital Input module will have inputs 65-80, second 16 I
module has 81-96, third 16 I module has 97-112 and fourth 16 I module has 113-128.
Combined Systems:
When multiple DMS-3K units are used in a system using 'CR' option, it will be necessary to
increment the input numbers, so you don't end up with the same input number on different
systems. (The CR option is used to collect alarms from up to 15 DMS-3K units and display
them on a single DMS-3K unit)
The unit with the CR feature is designated as a Master and must start the input numbering at 1.
The first slave unit would then start after the alarm input and control input numbers.
Example: If the Master had 128 Alarm Inputs and the Slave had the same configuration; the
starting input on the master would be 1 and the starting input on the slave would be 129.
Note: Before enabling the CR feature on the Master, the Slave unit input numbers must be


You have the ability to disable alarms that may be out for service. Once disabled, they will no
longer indicate an alarm regardless of the input state. This prevents it from being displayed,
saved to the event log and sent out through the email notification or any of the communication
protocols (ASCII, Modbus, DNP). Disabled alarms are highlighted as a reminder on this
configuration page and the Home Page Graphic view as well as an entry in the event log.

Input Filter:

Input Filters are typically used to screen out momentary (false) alarms and Debounce Filters
are used to eliminate repetitive alarms from a chattering contact. The Automatic Delete from
Scan function is used to disable a repetitive alarm for a period of time until it settles down and
then record it when it finally stays in the alarm state.

Input Filter / Debounce Time:

Values can be 0–65535ms. 0 defaults to 1ms input response.
If the filter mode is set as "Filter Time", this value is the time that the alarm must be present
before an alarm is registered. For example, if you set the time to 200ms, then the contact must
stay in alarm for 200ms before it is registered. Once it exceeds the filter time, the alarm will be
recorded using the time stamp when it first went into the alarm state.
If the filter mode is set to "Debounce", active alarms will be prevented from multiple occurrences
for the set time period. For example, if you set the Debounce time to 200 ms and the contact
goes in alarm but toggles on and off 100 ms apart for several seconds before eventually staying
in the alarm state, only one alarm will be recorded with a timestamp when it first went into the
alarm state.
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