Onion Squid; Steamed Hake With Dill - Kogan ThermoBlend Pro All-in-One Recipe Booklet

Food processor & cooker
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1kg squid (cut in pieces of 3x3cm)
70g olive oil
3 cloves garlic
2 large onions
2 bay leaves
tsp. sweet pepper
Salt and pepper to taste
Mix the onion, garlic and parsley in the bowl for 3 seconds at speed 5.
2. Put the mixing tool in place and add the oil to cook this mixture for 5 minutes
at 120°C and speed 1.
3. Add the squids, the peppers, bay leaves to cook for 35 minutes at 100°C and
speed 2.
4. After this time make sure the squids are soft and there is little sauce left over.
5. If not, continue to cook for 10 minutes more at the same temperature and speed.
200g broccoli (without the stems)
200g cauliflower (without the stems)
600g fillet hake
500ml water
Dill stems
Salt and pepper
Cut a piece of transparent paper and grease it with a bit of oil and put a dill stem
on top.
2. Oil the fish and put it on top of the dill stem and put another stem on top of the fish.
3. Wrap the fish tightly to form a round shape and repeat this action with the other
pieces of fish. Reserve for later use.
4. Add the stems of broccoli and cauliflower to the steam tray with some salt.
5. Pour some water in the bowl and heat for 5 minutes at 120°C and speed 2.
6. When the water is boiling, put the steam tray on top of the bowl and cook the
ingredients for 10 minutes at 120°C and speed 2.
7. After this time, open the steam tray and put the fish inside to cook selecting 10
minutes, temperature 120°C and speed 2.
8. Open the wrappings carefully and serve the fish with the vegetables.


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Table of Contents