Cantrak System - Alarms - Goldacres Crop Cruiser G6 Operator's Manual

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CANtrak System - Alarms

Active & Stored Alarm Lists
Active alarms. When an active/current alarm is
received, a flashing pop-up window appears overlaid
on the current screen in use, showing details of the
current alarm. If the alarm is 'red/stop' category (this
is J1939 terminology for a serious problem, e.g. low
oil pressure), GEM activates its internal sounder
(beeping noise), and the External Alarm Output
or Pin 11 (if available on the CANtrak you have
Above: Example alarm message plus alarm list
screens showing unacknowledged conditions (black
background) and acknowledged alarms (grey
background). After acknowledgement the return key
becomes active ('exit door' icon). J1939 - standard
abbreviations are used wherever possible.
NOTE: 'MS' = Most Severe, "MOD"= Moderately
Severe and "LS" = Least Severe.
G4.7, G5, G6 Crop Cruiser Operator's Manual MY19 - REV 0
The alarm list is accessed by pressing any key while
an alarm pop-up is displayed, or by pressing any of
the first 4 keys to show the button bar, and then key
4. This screen displays all current active alarms; when
entered, Pin 11 External Alarm Output is deactivated
(if the function is available). Alarms not yet
acknowledged are shown in grey on black. Alarms
already acknowledged are shown in black on grey. If
engine Hours data is available, the list indicates when
the alarm was initiated. When first entering the
screen, the list automatically displays the most recent
alarm. The list can be scrolled using keys 1 and 2. This
screen cannot be exited until all alarms have been
acknowledged by pressing key 3. Alarm messages are
automatically cleared from the list when no longer
received by GEM.
Stored alarms. Alarms stored by engine/transmission
ECU's (i.e. not active or current but old/historical
alarms) may be viewed by pressing and holding key
4 while the active alarm list screen is visible. On
entry to this page, GEM sends a data request to
the engine/transmission. The engine/transmission
sends the stored alarm data to GEM, which is
decoded and displayed in a similar fashion to active
alarms. GEM displays an error message if there is no
response from the engine/transmission. If the engine/
transmission supports the erasure of stored alarms,
they may now be erased by holding key 3.
Above: Example of stored alarms list.
Chapter 4 - Cabin - 41


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