ashtech GG Surveyor Reference Manual page 251

Gps/glonass receiver
Table of Contents


disable differential mode, 178
DLK, 190
DOP and active satellites message, 140
double-precision format, D-3
DSC, 78
DSY, 78
DTG, 79
DtLS, 90
DTM, 79
DUG, 80
E90, 79
ECEF, 125
elevation mask, 96
elevation mask, set, 81
ellipsoidal height, 75
ELM, 81
enable type of message, 183
encryption, A-3
EPG, 81
Ephemeris, 38
data, 1
ephemeris, 126
structure, 126
ephemeris data, 124, 126
error,position estimate (GST), 145
ERT, 133
Evaluate, 53
event marker, 6
event marker message, 171
EXF, 81
exponent field, D-1
external frequency, 40
false alarm probability, 39
fast CPD mode, 193
fast RTK, 59
Fast RTK mode, 49
FDMA, Frequency Division Multiple Access, A-
FIL, 82
firmware version, 103, 104
FIX, 83
fixed altitude, 86
float Mode, 62
fraction field, D-1
FSS, 84
FST, 193
geodetic data, 104
geodetic datum, A-6
geoid height, 6
geoidal separation, 135
get system file status, 84
GGA, 134
GLL, 137
almanac, 125
almanac data, 121
ephemeris data, 124
residual, 138
satellite almanac message, 121
satellite information, 144
time, A-2
time shift, 86
time shift DOP mask, 109
GLONASS system time, 125
GLONASS time shift, 79, 86
GLONASS time shift relative or fixed, 86
GLONASS to GPS coordinate transformation
(MRX), 92
GMT time, 92
GPGLL, 131
almanac data, 123
ephemeris data, 126
GPS and GLONASS signal structures, A-3
satellite almanac message, 123
satellite information, 141, 144
time, A-2
week number when message was read, 90
GPS position message, 134
GPS satellite information, 166


Table of Contents

Table of Contents