Data Logger View - Agilent Technologies N6705 User Manual

Dc power analyzer
Table of Contents


Data Logger View

Trace Controls
Data Bar
Time Elapsed
Data Traces
Output Pop-ups
Out of View Arrows
Trigger Level
Ground Reference
Model N6705 User's Guide
Press the Data Logger key to access the Data Logger. This key toggles
between the Standard view shown below, and Marker view, which
enables markers and marker calculations.
Standard View
Identifies the volt/div. or curr/div. settings. √ indicates the trace is on. Dashes
(----) indicate the trace is off. Select the trace and press Enter to turn it on or off.
Represents all of the logged data. The yellow part indicates the data that is
visible on the display. The black part represents the data that is not visible.
Indicates the time elapsed during the data log and the total duration. The
values match when data logging finishes.
Voltage trace labels appear on the left side of the grid (V1 V2, V3, V4).
Current trace labels appear on the right side of the grid (I1, I2, I3, I4).
Power trace labels appear on the center of the grid (P1, P2, P3, P4).
If a portion of a trace is red, it means that portion of the trace is out of range.
Push the Trigger Level knob to auto-scale the data traces.
If you turn the voltage and current knobs, a pop-up
dialog will indicate the present output settings.
If you push the voltage and current knobs, a pop-
up dialog appears to allow the following actions:
Lock/Unlock the voltage or current knobs.
On Models N678xA, select a limit parameter to control or select limit tracking.
Indicates that the trace, V4 in this example, is out of view. Use the Vertical
Volt/Div knob or the Vertical Offset knob to bring the trace into view.
Push the Trigger Level knob to auto-scale the traces.
Shows the location of the voltage or current trigger level and output. In this
example, the voltage trigger level of output 1 is shown. The trigger source and
amplitude are shown at the bottom right of the display.
The ground reference of the trace. Ground references are offset so that they do
not overlap. The ground reference offset value is referenced to the horizontal
center line of the grid.
Using the Measurement Functions 4


Table of Contents

Table of Contents