Connecting A Bts Telecine; Bi-Phase Tach From The Bts Telecine - evertz 4025 Instruction Manual

Film footage encoder
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In 24 FPS NTSC transfers, the pulldown of the reference frame
is not guaranteed unless you are using a device such as a
Time Logic Controller to control the telecine. This means that
the reference film frame may correspond to more than one
video frame, and that the exact timecode / edge code
numbering relationship is ambiguous except for A frame
In 30 FPS NTSC or 25 FPS PAL transfers; see section 3.12.6
for a discussion of Field 1 dominant and Field 2 dominant
9. After you have made any adjustments, park the telecine with the
reference frame in the gate and repeat steps 5 through 8 until
you have satisfactory results.
Two signals, (bi-phase tach and FRID pulse) must be connected from the
telecine in order to generate field accurate time code. The location and
description of these signals depend on the model of your telecine. Sections
2.11.1 and 2.11.4 provide an overview of the BTS connections. Section
2.11.3 provides some additional information for FDL-60 models. In addition
to making the physical connections to the telecine you will have to select
the bi-phase rate, telecine type and set up for any video processing delays
between the output of your telecine and the input of the 4025. Section
2.11.4 provides a procedure to verify that you have made the necessary
connections and settings for your telecine.
This procedure should be followed before proceeding to KeyKode

2.11.1. Bi-Phase Tach from the BTS Telecine

The 4025 is fitted with a nine pin female 'D' connector (PARALLEL I/O) for
connection to the telecine. The pin connections are shown in Chapter 7.
The BPH1 and BPH2 inputs (pins 7 & 3 respectively) should be connected
to bi-phase quadrature tach pulses from the telecine. These TTL level
pulses usually come at a rate of 10 pulses per film frame. The 4025 can
also accommodate tach rates of 1, 2 or 5 pulses per frame. For best
results use the highest bi-phase rate possible. To adjust the 4025 to the
correct bi-phase rate, use the bi-phase rate menu item of the Engineering
toolbox hardware menu. (See section 3.6.3) Correct connections will result
in EDGE numbers that increment and decrement when the telecine moves
forward and reverse respectively. In the event that the 4025 counts in the
reverse direction when the telecine is in the forward direction, reverse the
two bi-phase connections to the 4025.
Model 4025 Film Footage Encoder Manual
Page 2-20


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