Thermo Scientific Ion 520 User Manual page 19

Table of Contents


g. Enter the appropriate number of flows in the Flows field.
IMPORTANT! Do not exceed 1,400 total flows for one Ion S5
h. Select or edit the remaining optional information fields appropriately for your run.
IMPORTANT! For de novo sequencing applications that do not include a reference BAM
file, select Enable Calibration Standard from the Base Calibration Mode dropdown list in
the Advanced Settings pane. Select this option only if you will add Ion S5
Standard to the Ion Chef
ExT Calibration Standard to your library allows greater accuracy of base-calling in libraries for
which a reference BAM file does not exist.
i. Click Next.
5. Review the Plugins and Projects screens, then make selections appropriate to your run.
6. In the Plan step, enter or make the following selections:
a. Enter a Run Plan Name, then select Reference and BED files appropriate to your run.
Ion 520
& Ion 530
ExT Kit − Chef User Guide
Sequencing type
Library Sample Tube. Selecting this option and adding the Ion S5
Chapter 3 Create a Planned Run
Create a Planned Run
Number of flows
ExT Sequencing Reagents
ExT Calibration


Table of Contents

Table of Contents