MotoSAT J1 User And Installation Manual page 29

Mobile satellite antenna controller
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When set to Low the skew (polarization) is calculated from the current
GPS readings and the Feed Assembly will rotate the calculated value.
There are no additional adjustments in the Low mode.
When set to Medium, Skew is initially set using the Low mode routine.
Once the mount is near the correct elevation the J1 will then test the tilt
sensors attached to the mount by rotating the Azimuth 180 degrees to
determine the levelness of the mount. Any offset in level will be added or
subtracted to the GPS calculated value and the Feed Assembly will be
corrected as required.
When set to High mode the J1 will first perform the Medium routines.
Once locked onto the Target Satellite the J1 controller will initialize a
signal feedback routine using either the internal DVB Tuner in the J1 or if
using a Hughes modem will initiate an ACP with the Hughes NMC Cross
Pol server.
TX Offset for additional information.
Target Search
When Target Search is Disabled the J1 Satellite Antenna Controller will
begin an initial search for any/all satellites in the true southern part of the
sky (Longitude Search). During this search the polarization is set to H or
V Field with no skew offset added. Elevation is adjusted to pass through
the highest satellites in the arc. Once a satellite in the Southern part of the
sky has been identified the J1 will correct the Skew for the Target Satellite
and move directly to the calculated position. In most cases, this search in
areas of the world where many satellite can be identified is most efficient.
When Target Search is Enabled the J1 Satellite Antenna Controller will
calculate the proper Elevation and Skew and begin a direct azimuth search
for the selected satellite (Target). Use this type of search when there are
fewer identifiable satellites in the arc.
Dual Verification
TX Offset when used will influence the final Skew location. See


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