Duration Trigger - UNI-T MSO/UPO2000 Series Programming Manual

Digital phosphor oscilloscope
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Programming Manual

Duration Trigger

Command format:
Functional description:
This command is used to set pattern of duration trigger, which is HIGH (pattern value is 1), LOW (pattern
value is 0) and X (channel is invalid).
Return format:
Query returns { HIGH | LOW | X }.
For example:
:TRIGger:DURation:PATTern HIGH
Command format:
:TRIGger:DURation:QUALifier { GREaterthan | LESSthan | INRange }
Functional description:
This command is used to set time interval condition, which includes GREaterthan (greater than),
LESSthan (less than) and INRange (within the range).
Return format:
Query returns { GREaterthan | LESSthan | INRange }.
For example:
:TRIGger:DURation:QUALifier GRE
Command format:
:TRIGger:DURation:TIME:LOWer <time>
Functional description:
This command is used to set the lower time limit of duration trigger. It can be set when time interval
condition is GREaterthan (greater than).
Return format:
Query returns the current lower limit, unit is s.
For example:
:TRIGger:DURation:TIME:LOWer 1
{ HIGH | LOW | X }
Set patter of duration trigger to 1.
Query returns HIGH.
Set slope condition to GREaterthan.
Query returns GREaterthan.
Set the lower time limit of duration trigger to 1s.
MSO/UPO2000 Series
55 / 156


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