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Filters - Access VIRUS CLASSIC User Manual

Virtual analog synthesizer


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You can select the waveshapes individually for Oscillator 3 via the following Oscillator 3 mode
options: sawtooth, square (pulse width modulation), sine, triangle and all further spectral wave-
shapes. You have three further parameters available once you set Oscillator 3 to an individual wave-
shape. These are explained further below. All other parameters as well as the settings for the
oscillator modulations (LFO pulse width modulation and so forth) are dictated by Oscillator 2. This
doesn't limit the functionality of the third oscillator by much (if at all), but it certainly facilitates intui-
tive handling. The FM, Sync and Ring Modulator functions are not available for the third oscillator.
Like all other oscillators, the level of Oscillator 3 is controlled via OSC VOL.


You have two options for using the 24-dB filters of the Virus.
1. You can cascade the two 12-dB filters in SER 4 mode.
2. You can use Filter-1 as a 24-dB filter in SER 6 mode, whereby Filter-2 is faded out via FILT BAL-
ANCE (to the left). If you want to create a sound with resonance, you should try out both options.
When you do, you'll find that the sound of the resonance is different despite the fact that filters
have the same slope. The cascading option (SER 4) gives you a higher Q factor with a lower res-
onance peak. For direct A/B comparison, you can store both versions in consecutive SINGLE
memory slots and switch back and forth between them at will.
The filter section of the Virus puts slopes of 12, 24 and 36 dB/oct. at your disposal. In addition, the
FILT BALANCE knob lets you morph smoothly from slope to another, which effectively makes it infi-
nitely variable. Set the filter routing option to SER 6 and both filters to low-pass (LP). This gives you
a serial setup comprised of a 24-dB and a 12-dB filter. When you set the FILT BALANCE knob to the
center position, you end up with a filter that has a slope of 36 dB/oct. As you turn the knob to the
left, you're fading Filter-2 out and consequently steadily reducing the slope until you arrive at 24 dB/
oct. You can morph from 24 decibels to 12 decibels by using the filter routing option SER 4. In this
configuration, both filters have a slope of 12 dB/oct., so it doesn't matter in which direction you dial
the FILT BALANCE knob.
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