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The Mod Matrix And Soft Knob - Access VIRUS CLASSIC User Manual

Virtual analog synthesizer


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The Mod Matrix and Soft Knob

As a rule, it is of course desirable to be able to create modulation routing configurations on a syn-
thesizer. In other words, you want to enjoy the freedom to combine different modulation sources
and destinations as you see fit. Sometimes you may come up with ideas for standard modulations
that the "hard-wired" factory modulation routing options simply can't satisfy. This is why we opted
to equip the Virus with a versatile Modulation Matrix – you're sure to find it a welcome addition. On
the Virus, you can create modulation routing configurations freely as you see fit using ASSIGN
options. They are located in the EDIT menu, where they appear under the name of – you guessed it
The three ASSIGN options let you control up to six modulation destinations via up to three modula-
tion sources. Simply go to ASSIGN, select one of the modulation sources (SOURCE) and one or
several modulation destinations (DESTINATION). Each of these configurations features a parameter
that determines modulation intensity (AMOUNT). ASSIGN 1 can control one modulation destination,
ASSIGN 2 can control two and ASSIGN 3 can control three modulation destinations, each with
independent AMOUNTs.
These ASSIGN options serve several purposes: for one, they let you assign an external MIDI con-
troller, for example, the keyboard's modulation wheel, to the desired parameter. You can also chose
to use the sound generator's internal modulators, such as LFOs and envelopes, as modulation
sources. The control range of the source may be limited via the AMOUNT values or inverted so that
the modulation occurs strictly within the desired value range for the target parameter. For your tar-
get parameters, you can chose from among virtually all sound parameters that feature an infinitely
variable control range – ergo, you have more than 100 modulation destinations at your disposal!
Since the sources and destinations may be selected independently, you may even modulate a sin-
gle parameter by using up to three modulation sources simultaneously. For this purpose, the control
signals of the modulation sources are added up or overlapped. Conversely, you can also modulate
up to six parameters with just one controller, which gives you all kinds of sophisticated sound mor-
phing options. For this purpose, select the same source for all three ASSIGN options so that it mod-
ulates all six possible destinations. This lets you radically reshape sounds and even transform or
morph them into entirely different sounds.

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