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Saturation - Adding Grit And Dirt - Access VIRUS CLASSIC User Manual

Virtual analog synthesizer


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In Filter SPLIT mode, each of the two oscillators sends its signal into one of the two filters. Each fil-
tered signal, in turn, is sent into a separate VCA. The two VCAs can be spread in the panorama via
the UNISON Pan Spread parameter. The difference to UNISON mode is that you only have one
oscillator and one filter available for each side, although each with the full complement of voices.

Saturation - Adding Grit and Dirt

In serial filter modes, the SATURATION unit is located between the filters. This configuration gives
you the option of first filtering the oscillator signal in the conventional manner, then distorting it, and
finally sending the distorted signal to a second filter, where it can be processed again as you see fit.
Next to serving as a volume control for the OSCILLATOR section, in the right half of its control
range, the OSC VOL knob lets you control the gain level of the distortion module (SATURATION)
within a wide range of 12 decibels, , without increasing the volume level. At 24 decibels, the control
range of the "Digital" SATURATION Curve is even greater. The OSC VOL knob retains its function as
a volume control in Input mode as well as in Vocoder mode.
The Shaper's saturation response differs from that of the other SATURATION Curves. Its character-
istic curve is a sine wave with several cycles. The Shaper lets you radically bend signals, whereby
the results are at times reminiscent of the spectra of linear frequency modulation. The response of
the Shaper depends largely on the input signal. This means that the Filter-1 settings have a pro-
found impact on the outcome. You should use Filter-2 independently of Filter-1 in order to further
process the raw output signal of the Shaper. As is the case with the other SATURATION Curves, the
OSC VOL knob is used to tweak the characteristics that shape its timbre . In particular in the case of
the Shaper, this knob influences the complexity of the generated sound to a considerable degree.

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