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Random Patch Generator - Access VIRUS CLASSIC User Manual

Virtual analog synthesizer


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Level of Ouput 2
Level of Ouput 3
Level of Aux Send 1
Much like when the setting «ExtIn» is enabled, you can have the two LFO
Rate LED's indicate the signal levels of five further signal buses. This lets
you check visually if a signal is being routed via a given bus and spot over-
loaded circuits. When you activate this option, the LFO1 LED indicates the
left channel and the LFO2 LED indicates the right channel of the selected
signal bus. The LEDs will flash rapidly to indicated an overloaded bus.
The "Steal" setting indicates if a voice is cut off in the interest of providing
the voices required to render a new note whenever the polyphony that
Virus has been exhausted. If the device is forced to cut a note off, it will
select the voice whose signal level has dropped furthest. Considering that
a voice fades out over a range of 0 to -144 decibels, but – depending on
the sonic context – the signal fades into the background at -32 to -48 deci-
bels, this process of cutting off fading notes is largely inaudible. The bright-
ness of the LFO Rate LED will fluctuate to indicate the volume envelope's
current level for the note that the Virus is cutting off.

Random Patch Generator

The RANDOM PATCH GENERATOR can be used to generate a new sound automatically or a mod-
ify an existing sound at random. The PAR DEPTH and AMOUNT parameters let you determine how
radically the sound is changed. Depending on the values that you set here, the RANDOM PATCH
GENERATOR will do anything from modifying sound parameters subtly to morphing one sound into
an entirely different sound.
The RANDOM PATCH GENERATOR is activated when you presses the button STORE while the dis-
play is showing one of the two RANDOM parameters. The results of the computation are stored in
the Edit buffer and can be heard immediately. You can also press STORE several times in order to
create successive sound changes. If you want store a sound permanently that the RANDOM PATCH
Global And System Parameters

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