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Prologue !9 - Access VIRUS CLASSIC User Manual

Virtual analog synthesizer


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Dear Virus Classic Owner,
Congratulations on your choice, the new Virus Classic. You have purchased a cutting-edge
synthesizer that comes fully loaded with several revolutionary features. Here are just a few of
the highlights:
The Virus delivers the sound characteristics and tone of traditional analog synthesizers - for
instance the Prophet 5 or Memorymoog to name just two popular examples of the species - in
a previously unparalleled level of quality and handling ease. We're not kidding, the Virus Classic
actual delivers the authentic response of an analog synth via a digital signal processor chip,
although the sound shaping and voicing options out-perform those of it historical predecessors
by a considerable margin.
The Virus comes with 1024 slots for storing SINGLE sounds. These are organized in eight
banks. The first two banks (A and B) are located in the RAM, so you can overwrite them with
new sounds. The other two banks are "hard-wired", i.e. they're programmed into the FLASH
The Virus offers a maximum of 24 voices. In Multi Mode, these are allocated dynamically to six-
teen simultaneously available sounds.
You have no less than three audio oscillators plus one suboscillator, a noise generator, a ring
modulator, two Multi Mode filters, two envelopes, a stereo VCA, three LFOs and a saturation
stage (SATURATOR) for cascade filtering, tube and distortion effects.
The Virus Classic offers a veritable arsenal of effects. You have seven powerful sound-sculpting
functions, including chorus, phaser and distortion, at your disposal, with each effect available
separately for every sound. Thus, in 16-way MULTI mode, the Virus offers 80 effects, no less!.
You also get a global reverb/delay unit that lets you create high-quality reverb effects and rhyth-
mic delay taps. Delay time can be synced up to MIDI clock.

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