Remote Access Configuration Submenu - Matrox 4Sight X Installation And Hardware Reference

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128 Appendix A: BIOS reference
Remote Access
Serial Port Number
Serial Port Mode
115200 8,n,1*
57600 8,n,1
38400 8,n,1
19200 8,n,1
09600 8,n,1
Flow Control
Redirection After BIOS Post
Boot Loader
Terminal Type
VT-UTF8 Combo Key Support

Remote Access Configuration submenu

The Remote Access Configuration submenu allows you to enable or disable
remote access to the Matrox 4Sight X unit from another computer, via the unit's
serial ports, and to configure remote access settings.
This item allows you to enable or disable remote access.
Important: The remaining Remote Access Configuration submenu items listed below will only appear if
you have chosen to enable remote access.
This item allows you to choose which serial port will be used for remote access.
By selecting COM1, you will be using the RS-232 serial por t (top serial port) for remote access. By selecting
COM2, you will be using the RS-232/RS-485-selectable serial port (bottom serial port) for remote access.
Once you have chosen a serial port, the I/O base address and the IRQ will be automatically set, and will
appear below the serial port number on your screen.
This item allows you to select the serial por t settings. The settings are: transmitted bits/second, length of
each word (in bits) being transmitted, a parity bit added or not, and the number of stop bits added. For
example, 115200 8,n,1 refers to a transmission speed of 115200 bits/second, eight bits of data per word, no
parity bit added to each word, and one stop bit added at the end of each word.
This item allows you to select the flow control for the serial ports. Flow control is the ability of one device (the
slower device) to tell another device (the faster device) to stop sending data. Flow control can be managed by
hardware (a signal sent on one of the serial port pins) or software (a special character sent to the faster
The choice of Hardware or Software flow control will depend on the device that you are connecting to the
Matrox 4Sight X unit (see the device's hardware manual).
This item allows you to control the console redirection. Console redirection allows you to control the unit
from a remote location. It re-directs keyboard input and output through a serial port. You can decide when
console redirection is active (that is, when the serial port is available to send/receive input).
By selecting Disabled, console redirection will be turned off after POST. By selecting Boot loader, console
redirection is active during POST and during Boot Loader. By selecting Always, console redirection is always
active. Note that some operating systems might not work under this setting.
Note that this item does not apply to the supported operating systems of the Matrox 4Sight X.
This item allows you to set the type of the remote terminal that a user can use to access the unit remotely via
the serial ports. You must set the remote terminal type so that your unit and the remote terminal can
communicate; otherwise, a user on the remote terminal will not be able to perform remote actions on the
unit's BIOS Setup utility.
This item allows you to enable or disable VT-UTF8 combination key support for ANSI or VT100 terminals.
ANSI and VT100 terminals are limited to using ASCII characters, but the BIOS Setup utility requires the use of
special characters such as function keys. By enabling VT-UTF8 combination key suppor t, an ANSI or VT100
terminal used to access the unit remotely can emulate special characters (such as function keys) by using
special key sequences (called 'escape sequences') when accessing the unit.


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