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IMS IMSAI 8080 User Manual page 75


Primary A
Pin 1 Common
Pin 2 20% Lo Line
Pin 3 10% Lo Line
Pin 4 Nominal
Pin 5 10% Hi Line
Pin 13 AC Phase 1 to 8V Rect
Pin 15 AC Phase 2 to 8V Rect
Pin 14 Ground
Primary Wiring Configurations
VAC 50/60 Hz
92 VAC
103.5 VAC
115 VAC
126.5 VAC
184 VAC
207 VAC
230 VAC
253 VAC
Again, be sure to refer to the accompanying diagrams
when wiring the transformer.
10. Solder a h n solderless terminal to one end of two 9"
yellow wires.
at CR4 - CR7.
#17 on the secondary of the transformer.
11. The other secondary is wired as follows:
and #13 are wired together, and lugs #15 and #16
are wired together.
terminals for the connections to lugs #12 and #16?
use black wire 5 inches long (#14 or larger).
connection to lugs #13 and #15 are made with the
crimp terminals.
Pin 6
Pin 7
Pin 8
Pin 9
(115/230 VAC)
Pin 10 10% Hi Line
Secondary (8080 Chassis)
Strap these
Primary lugs
1 to 6, 2 to 7
1 to 6, 3 to 8
1 to 6, 4 to 9
1 to 6, 5 to 10
6 to 2
6 to 3
6 to 4
6 to 5
Then solder the other ends to the pads
These wires then go to lugs #11 and
Again, use the h " solderless
Assembly Instructions
Primary B
20% Lo Line
10% Lo Line
(115/230 VAC)
Pin 11 AC Phase 1 to 16V Rect
Pin 17 AC Phase 2 to 16V Rect
Pin 12 tie to Pin 13
Pin 16 tie to Pin 15
Connect input VAC
wires to these lugs
6 and 7
6 and 8
6 and 9
6 and 10
1 and 7 .
1 and 8
1 and 9
1 and 10
Lugs #12

