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IMS IMSAI 8080 User Manual page 467


V I . 4 ... CRI Recording and Reading Procedures
You are now ready to use your recorder to read in the
programs from Appendix B.
about 3 minutes and 30 seconds from the start of the tape.
The first 3 minutes is a sync stream consisting of re­
corded E6's; the next 30 seconds is 0 0 's and after this
are the MIO test programs.
ever recording or reading data are given below.
For recording a data block:
For Reading a data block:
7. Rewind the tape and read the tape using the
program from above and playback volume
determined there.
determine the best recording volume.
8. If the Sense Lights do not come on during
step 7, insert Jumper 8 in the External
Address Area (to reverse the recording
phase) and repeat the above steps.
1. Turn the volume control all the way down.
2. Position the tape to the desired recording
3. Get to the point in the program where you
can start recording with the push of a
4. Start the cassette recorder and slowly
increase the volume to the proper setting.
5. Wait 5 seconds for writing leader, then
start the program.
6. Stop the cassette when the program indi­
cates the write operation is complete.
1. Set the volume control to the playback
position determined during the initial
adjustment procedure.
2. Position the tape to the desired play­
back position (2 or 3 seconds into the
3. Get to the point in the program where you
can start, reading with the push of a
4. Start the cassette in the playback mode
and then start the program.
5. Stop the cassette when the program indi­
cates the read operation is complete.
User Guide
Use the Sense Lights to
The object programs start
The steps to be used when­

