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IMS IMSAI 8080 User Manual page 276


as memory locations.
microprocessor I/O bus, the user is referred to Intel's u s e r 's
guide again and the microprocessor user's guide.
The J4 connector has 26 pins and also accepts the 3M type flat
cable edge connectors.
Signals to and from the 8 2 5 5 's are direct with no buffering.
8255 outputs have the ability to source 1 ma of current at
1.5 volts.
This allows Darlington transistors to be directly
driven for applications, such as printers and high voltage
The.+18, -18 and +8 volt power supplied to J2 and J3 is unre­
The +5 volts is regulated and is output from the 7805
on the PI06 Board.
not appear on any of the edge connectors.
The PI06 Board plugs into one slot of the microprocessor mother­
Cables may be run directly from the PI06 Board or from
the PI06 Board to 25 pin E IA connectprs at the rear of the
microprocessor and from here to the peripheral device.
The PI06 Board is available in two configurations: PI06-3 and
The PIOö-S4contains one 8255 and the PI06-6 utilizes
two 8 2 5 5 's.
J2, J3 and J4 cables are available separately for
either configuration.
The 8255 I.C.'s can be programmed to generate a signal to be
used as an interrupt request (see.Intel 8080 Microcomputer
Systems U s e r 1s Manual for details).
These signals, PCO and PC3 are brought down to the bottom of
the board where they can be jtampered for use.
"0C0" and "0C3" from 8255-0 and ."ICO" and "1C3" from 8255-1.
Any two of these can be jtampered to an adjacent inverter input.
The inverter outputs labelled "3" and "0" can be jumpered to
"/INT" at the pad provided which connects to Jl-73 or to the
vectored interrupt pads connecting to Jl-4 through Jl-11.
"/ItJ.T" is. also connected to J4-2 so that an external interrupt
request may be generated and brought to either the MPU "/INT" or
the vectored interrupts.
A dual 25 card edge connector to the dual D connectors. Cable B,
is available for providing interface connections at the back of
the chassis.
For details on these techniques and the
The +5 volts supplies the card and does
: User Guide
Revision 0
They are labelled

