Configuration Options; Description Of The Bundled Software; General Advice For Using The Configuration Software - Auerswald ISDN Installation And Configuration Manual

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Configuration Options

Configuration Options
Part of the product is a CD-ROM with four PC programs for use with the
The configuration program COMset will be needed in any case to adjust
the PBX for the ISDN connection and to enter the requirements of the
customer installation. The configuration options are described in the fol-
lowing. It is also possible to program the customers PBX over an exter-
nal telephone connection from a remote location (see
Programming on page
With the program COMtools separate PC programs can be launched.
These programs can modify wake-up times, call allowance accounts,
Short-Code Dialling numbers, special numbers and the Music on Hold.
The PC program COMlist will let you manage and analyse the data in
the call data memory of the PBX.
The PC program Soft-LCR manages the data for the Least Cost Rout-

General Advice for using the Configuration Software

Program Windows: This is divided into two parts:
In the left view are the themes listed in the order to be worked on. If
you leave out a theme, it may happen that the following page is not
available (e.g. because no subscriber with an internal telephone
number has been configured yet).
The right view shows the page of the selected theme. For working
on the program pages you need not the menu line. All the entries
and changes are made directly on the pages via mouse or keys.
Help: With the menu „Help...Topics" or with the F1-key you can open a
help window that will offer you explanations to the respectively open
Entry into a free field: A free entry field lets you enter a name or a
number. Click into the corresponding field with the left mouse key and
then enter a number or a name with the keyboard.
Modify number or name: If you entered a number or a name and like
to completely change these, click twice onto the entry to be written over
with the left mouse key. After that it will be marked blue and can be
directly written over or be deleted with delete/backspace.
Extendable tables: In order to delete an entry in extendable tables
(e.g. exchange line access numbers, internal subscriber telephone
numbers), the whole line can be deleted here. Therefore click with the
left mouse click into a field of the line to be deleted. This field gets a yel-
low margin. By pressing the right mouse key then, a menu opens. Click
on „delete line".
Automatic number generator: If you like to use several successive
telephone numbers in the table for internal telephone numbers, you can
use the program to create these. First you enter the lowest telephone
number into a free field. Then you click into this field with the left mouse
key. The field will get a blue edging. If you click the right mouse key
then, a menu will open. Click on „new numbers until ...". Now you can
enter a second telephone number to limit the range of telephone num-
Switch functions on or off: A square displays a switch field. An empty
square means „off" or „no"; a little hook means „on" or „yes".
The switch over happens by simply clicking on it with the left mouse
If there are more boxes in a table column, the switching over is also
done by simply clicking with the left mouse key.
If you like to switch over a whole column or a bigger part of this, first
mark the corresponding fields by drawing with the pressed left
mouse key over the corresponding fields. You can mark the whole

Description of the bundled Software

Toggle functions: For functions that offer more than switching on/off,
but whose settings are limited to a few setting options, a default setting
chapter Remote
was made in the field. If you like to change this, you will have to select
the option with the left or right mouse key out of the opened pop-up
column by clicking on the headline of the column with the left mouse
key. Then you can open a Popup-menu by clicking with the right
mouse key into the corresponding column and select with the left
mouse key. All marked fields will be changed at the same time.
If there is a single field with an arrow pointing down, you open the
pop-up menu by mouse click with the left mouse key onto the field.
If there are more fields in a table column, you will open the pop-up
menu by clicking twice with the left mouse key.
If you like to modify a whole column or a bigger part of it, first you
mark the corresponding fields by drawing the corresponding fields
with pressed left mouse key. The whole column can be marked by
clicking on the headline of the column with the left mouse key. Then
you can open the pop-up menu by clicking with the right mouse key
and make your choice. The marked fields will be changed at the
same time.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents