Auerswald ISDN Installation And Configuration Manual page 50

Table of Contents


Priority for certain Subscribers or S
The number of the server is stored in the PBX, but may be changed (if
necessary). The telephone number of the system telephone server
can be changed with the PC program COMfort Set.
The system telephones need to have a firmware version bet-
ter than V 1.2K to perform the central update.
B Channel Reservation
If one of the subscribers should have the possibility to make an external
call at any time, you can reserve a B channel in COMset from the avail-
able S
ports of the users.
Restrict Programming, Telephoning and Forwarding (Protection against Exploits)
Programming Telephone
The customer has the option to configure certain settings e.g. the refill
of the call allowance, with the telephone. This is possible with every tel-
ephone but only with knowledge of the secret password. If these set-
tings should be available to a single telephone only (accessible to
authorized personnel), a Programming phone has to be configured in
Some functions may be configured by each individual subscriber with
his telephone. There may be substantial changes due to some of these
programming, so some functions are only available with an authoriza-
tion. The authorization for subscriber-, group-, and MSN/DDI call
forwarding as well as for remote switching and manual configura-
tion switching have to be assigned in COMset.
Programming via Telephone
If individual telephones should not have access to any programming,
you have to deactivate the authorization to program with digit „7" for
the corresponding subscriber in COMset. Then programming (e.g. acti-
vate call forwarding, Call waiting configuration) and information func-
tions (e.g. interrogate charge allowance) are not possible from this tel-
ephone any longer.
Programming via PC (Interface CAPI 2.0)
For programming with an ISDN PC-controller the internal CAPI pro-
gramming must be allowed in COMset. If the ISDN PC-controller in use
does not transfer any MSN, a subscriber should be configured as ISDN
PC-controller in COMset under internal telephone numbers for the
corresponding S
port. This subscriber will automatically be used then.
By using secret passwords you can prevent unauthorized persons from
programming your PBX. The passwords pre-configured in the default
setting of COMset (Public, Secret, Remote) have to be changed. For
the password protected separation of private calls a private password
can be set for each telephone in COMset.
Your configuration made with COMset can be protected with a admin-
istrator password against unauthorized intervention. The configuration
cannot be changed without knowledge of the password.
Priority for certain Subscribers or S
There are no costs involved in addition to the normal telephone charges
for the telephone connection (PBX -> Server and 1st system telephone
-> Server).
After a PBX firmware update, the LCR data may be deleted
Preferred Exchange Line
If a certain S
port should be used by a telephone as often as possible
you can configure a Preferred exchange line for business and/or pri-
vate calls in COMset for the corresponding subscriber or group.
The data edited with COMtools can be protected with the user password
by the administrator of the PBX. This password will absolutely be nec-
essary for reading out the call data with COMlist. The user password
has to set in COMset first, but it can be changed later in COMtools or
COMlist also.
Exchange line to Exchange Line Transfer
Each subscriber who makes external calls, can transfer/forward a call
between two external subscribers. To prevent this happens by mistake
(the forwarding person will be charged with the costs for the call at the
end), you can withdraw the authorization for the Exchange line to
Exchange Line Transfer from a subscriber in COMset. If you want to
perform an Exchange line to Exchange Line Transfer without this
authorization, the user has to start the second call with a special access
(page 17 in the user
manual). The transferred call is limited to the
maximum Exchange line to Exchange Line Transfer Time configured
in COMset.
Blocking Numbers
The Blocking numbers cannot only be used to prevent the dialling of
certain numbers on telephones, but they also offer a reliable protection
against dialling of so-called 0190 dialer programs that enforce the dial-
up into the Internet via expensive telephone numbers (e.g. 019x or
The Blocking numbers have to be entered with COMtools telephone
book into the PBX and additionally in COMset the activation of the
Blocking numbers for the ISDN PC-controllers has to be done on the
internal S
and USB ports.
If the PBX was configured incompletely or wrong, 0190 dialers may per-
haps avoid the Blocking numbers. Therefore please pay attention to the
following points when configuring your PBX and ISDN PC-controllers:
On each internal S
port with an ISDN PC-controller there are
always two internal telephone numbers configured as „ISDN PC-
controller". For these two telephone numbers the Blocking numbers
have to be activated. This is necessary because there are dialers
trying to build up a channel-bundled connection or one of both inter-
nal telephone numbers is already in use and the dialer will take
automatically the second internal telephone number then.
If the ISDN PC-controller has the option, assign an internal tele-
phone number to it. This number has to be configured for the corre-
sponding internal S
port as „ISDN PC-controller" first.


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