Veichi AC90 Manual page 125

Tension control frequency inverter
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Roll diameter calculation
This parameter is used to select the roll diameter calculation method or the roll diameter input mode. In the process of
winding, diameter calculation directly affects the inverter tension control. The reasonable roll diameter input ways helps
to better control the tension.
0: Initial roll diameter, no calculate
1: Line speed calculate
line speed source selection see [F9.25] . The advantage of this method is it has nothing to do with the material
thickness and can get acceleration speed of system.
2: Calculate through the accumulative thickness
roll diameter according to cumulative calculation of the winding reel circle signal. While winding, it is increase
gradually. Related functions see [F9.36-F9.41] accumulative thickness calculate roll diameter parameters.
3: Calculate through the time
the roll diameter of the middle time by the upper parameters. The method is suitable for the traction line speed
constant and the winding max roll diameter fixed occasions. This feature provides two sets of switch parameters, see
parameter [F9.44-F9.48] .
4: Keyboard potentiometer give winding roll diameter
5: VS1 give winding roll diameter, VS1 input analog filter details see [F3.04]
6: VS2 give winding roll diameter, VS1 input analog filter details see [F3.04]
7: AS give winding roll diameter, VS1 input analog filter details see [F3.04]
8: PUL give winding roll diameter, PUL max frequency is corresponding to max roll diameter.
9: RS485 give winding roll diameter
Note: While analog give, the max analog input is linear relation with [F9.12] max roll diameter.
Max roll diameter
Max roll diameter: Max roll diameter while winding, corresponding to the max input value while [F9.11] is analog input.
And they are linear relationship.
While [F9.11] roll diameter resource is Line speed calculates, Calculate through the accumulative thickness or
Calculate through the time, the result is limited by max roll diameter. It should be modified after calculate the max roll
Reel diameter
Reel diameter: The diameter while winding roll is empty. Inverter also takes it as the initial diameter and the lower
diameter limit. It is very important to set the reel diameter rightly. If not right, as inverter takes it as lower roll diameter
limit, tension control will meet problem while the roll diameter is lower than this value.
Initial diameter resource
It is used to select the initial diameter give mode.
0: Terminal select
Setting range:0-8
the inverter not counting the unwinding roll diameter, default for the initial roll
inverter calculates roll diameter based on the line speed and the inverter output frequency.
Need to set the thickness of the material. The inverter calculates
Need the full winding roll diameter and the time to arrive full roll. Inverter calculates
Setting range:1-10000mm
Setting range:1-10000mm
Setting range:0-5
Select initial diameter by switch terminals. Details see [F9.15-F9.17]
Function Parameter specifications
Factory set: 0
Factory set:500
Factory set:100
Factory set:0


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