Hearty   C Hili - Paula Deen kitchen electrics PDPC8 Instruction Manual & Recipes

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Hearty   C hili  
Serves   4  
2-­‐pounds   g round   b eef  
½-­‐pound   h ot   I talian   s ausage,   r emove   c asings  
2   m edium   o nions,   fi nely   c hopped  
2   r ed   b ell   p eppers,   c hopped  
4   c loves   g arlic,   fi nely   c hopped  
3   t ablespoons   c hili   p owder  
1   t ablespoon   g round   c umin  
1   t easpoon   k osher   s alt  
1   t easpoon   b lack   p epper  
1   ( 24-­‐ounce)   c an   c rushed   t omatoes  
1   ( 24-­‐ounce)   c an   d iced   t omatoes,   w ith   j uice  
1   ( 8-­‐ounce)   c an   t omato   s auce  
1   ( 15-­‐ounce)   c an   p into   b eans,   d rained   a nd   r insed  
1   ( 15-­‐ounce)   c an   r ed   k idney   b eans,   d rained   a nd   r insed  
Set   p ressure   c ooker     d ial   t o   1 5   m inutes,   a dd   b eef   a nd   s ausage.   S @r   a nd  
brown,   w hile   b reaking   u p   w ith   b ack   o f   w ooden   s poon   u n@l   c rumbly   a nd  
cooked   t hrough.  
Drain   o ff   a ny   e xcess   f at   a nd   a dd   o nions,   b ell   p eppers   a nd   g arlic.   S auté  
for   2 -­‐3   m inutes,   t hen   s prinkle   i n   c hili   p owder,   c umin,   s alt   a nd   p epper.  
S@r   i n   c rushed   t omatoes,   d iced   t omatoes,   t omato   s auce,   p into   b eans  
and   k idney   b eans.  
Secure   l id   a nd   s et   d ial   f or   1 5   m inutes.  
When   c ook   @ me   i s   c omplete,   a nd   p ressure   i s   f ully   r eleased,   c arefully  
open   l id.  
Serve   w arm.  

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