Red   B Eans   W Ith   R Ice - Paula Deen kitchen electrics PDPC8 Instruction Manual & Recipes

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Red   B eans   w ith   R ice  
Serves   4   t o   6  
4   c ups   c ooked   l ong   g rain   r ice  
1-­‐pound   d ried   r ed   k idney   b eans,   r insed  
1   l arge   o nion   d iced  
1   l arge   b ell   p epper,   d iced  
4   g arlic   c loves,   m inced  
1   l arge   s moked   h am   h ock  
1   1 /2   p ounds   m ild   s moked   s ausage,   s liced  
2   t easpoon   t hyme  
2   b ay   l eaves  
2   t ablespoon   p arsley,   c hopped  
1/2   t easpoon   s alt  
1/2   t easpoon   f reshly   g round   p epper  
1/2   t easpoon   c ayenne   p epper  
1   t ablespoon   h ot   s auce  
1   t easpoon   W orcestershire   s auce  
8   c ups   c hicken   s tock  
Place   a ll   i ngredients,   e xcept   r ice,   i nto   p ressure   c ooker;   s ecure   l id.  
When   p ressure   i s   a chieved,   s et   @ mer   f or   3 0   m inutes.  
When   c ooking   i s   c omplete   a nd   p ressure   i s   f ully   r eleased,   u se   c au@on  
opening   l id.  
Remove   b ay   l eaves,   a nd   s erve   o ver   r ice.  

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