Harvest   S Tew - Paula Deen kitchen electrics PDPC8 Instruction Manual & Recipes

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Harvest   S tew  
Serves   4 -­‐6  
2   c ups   c ubed   Y ukon   g old   p otatoes  
2   c ups   p eeled,   c ubed   s weet   p otatoes  
2   c ups   p eeled,   c ubed   b ulernut   s quash  
1   c up   p eeled,   c ubed   r utabaga  
1   c up   p eeled,   d iced   c arrots  
1   c up   s liced   c elery  
1   c up   d iced   o nion  
2   c loves   g arlic,   m inced  
¼   t easpoon   c hopped   f resh   s age  
2   c ups   a pple   c ider  
2   c ups   v egetable   s tock  
1   G ranny   S mith   a pple,   t hinly   s liced  
1   t easpoon   k osher   s alt  
½   t easpoon   b lack   p epper  
Add   a ll   i ngredients   t o   p ressure   c ooker,   s ecure   l id   a nd   s et   d ial   t o   1 0  
When   c ook   @ me   i s   c omplete,   a nd   p ressure   i s   f ull   r eleased,   c arefully  
open   l id.  
Serve   w arm.  

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