Screen Saver\Wind Speed; Screen Saver\Wind Direction; Screen Saver\Brightness; Screen Saver\Rain - Busch-Jaeger Busch-ComfortTouch Product Manual

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Screen saver\Wind speed

Via this 2-byte communication object telegrams with wind speed
values can be received and evaluated, e.g. the ones transmitted by
a KNX weather station. The 2-byte floating point values are eva-
luated according to EIS5.

Screen saver\Wind direction

Via this 1-byte communication object telegrams with wind direc-
tion values can be received and evaluated, e.g. the ones transmit-
ted by a KNX weather station.
The value 0 means 0° and the value 255 means 360°.

Screen saver\Brightness

Telegrams with brightness values can be can be received and eva-
luated via this 2-byte communication object, e.g. the ones trans-
mitted by a KNX weather station. The 2-byte floating point va-
lues are evaluated according to EIS5.

Screen saver\Rain

Via this 1-bit communication object information about rainfall
can be received and evaluated, e.g. the ones transmitted by a
KNX weather station. A telegram with value 0 is interpreted as
No rain and the receipt of a telegram with value 1 is interpreted
as Rain.

Screen saver\Backlight enable

This 1-bit communication object is used to switch the display
backlight on and off. The receipt of a switch-on telegram activa-
tes the display backlight, the receipt of a switch-off telegram
deactivates it.

Screen saver\Display brightness

The brightness of the display can be set via this 1-byte communi-
cation object.
Value 0 means 0% and value255 means 100% display brightness.
Screen saver\Enable status for
This 1-bit communication object activates or deactivates the
Screen saver\Backlight status communication object. If a switch-


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