Export Translation Table; Import / Export Translation Table; Import Translation Table - Busch-Jaeger Busch-ComfortTouch Product Manual

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→ Import / export translation table


Export translation table

If you would like to export a translation table, select the
language you want to export in theAvailable languages
list. Add the list of Selected languages using the Add but-
ton. The languages are then sorted in the translation table
in a *.txt in ascending order beginning with the language
selected first.

Import translation table

The dialog for importing a translation table is avai-
Project > Import Translation Table
lable via
menu. The translation table must be in the *.txt file
format. You can load a translation table from any
directory or drive.
Select a file and load it into IP-project by clicking
Export translation table
If you wish to export a translation table, you must
first select the language in which you have entered
the text (page names, button names, etc.) because
the language you use may differ from the language
installed in IPP. The language must first be selected
from the "Available Languages" column and transfer-
red using "Add" in the "Selected Languages" column.
Additional languages can be added later in the same
way. The languages are then sorted in the translation
table in a *.txt in ascending order beginning with the
language selected first.
in the


Table of Contents

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