GE NetworX V3 Installation Manual page 214

Alarm system
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NetworX Version 3 Installation Manual
To Do This
Arm your system
Disarm your system
Partarm your system
Get the status of the specified
Get a list of zones with
Bypass zones
Read events from the event log
Set a connection to a home
automation device
Switch on X-10 outputs
Switch off X-10 outputs
Activate an auxiliary function
Change your user code
Change another user code
Delete a user code
Start reporting
Send This
arm [partition list]
disarm [partition list]
partarm [partition list]
zone status [partition list]
zone faults [partition list]
bypass [zone list]
events [number]
events [range]
output [output_number
X10_house_code X10_unit]
on [output list]
off [output list]
switch aux [output list]
user code [new user code]
user code [user number new
user code]
delete user code [user number]
start reporting
Arms the system remotely.
Instead of the partition
numbers you can use a
keyword ALL for all
Disarms the system
Partarms the system
Sends the status of the
zone(s) to your phone (for
example, informs whether
the zone is bypassed or
open.) Sending a command
without a partition list
returns information for all
Sends a list of zones with
problems (like tamper, low
battery, zone lost, etc.) to
your phone. Sending a
command without a
partition list returns
information for all partitions.
Bypasses the specified
Sends the specified event or
events from the event log to
the phone.
Connects a specified home
automation device.
Switches on an X-10 output.
Switches off an X-10 output.
Changes the auxiliary
function that occurs when it
is activated, for example by
a button on a keyfob.
Changes your user code.
Changes another persons'
user code.
Deletes a user code.
Sends reports from the
arm 1 to arm partition 1
arm 1 3 to arm partitions 1 and 3
arm all to arm all partitions
32444123456 44aa44 arm 1 3 to arm
partitions 1 and 3 from an unregistered
phone, where 32444123456 is your
registered phone number and 44aa44 is
your password.
disarm 1 to disarm partition 1
disarm 1 3 to disarm partitions 1 and 3
disarm all to disarm all partitions
partarm 1 to arm partition 1
partarm 1 3 to arm partitions 1 and 3
partarm all to arm all partitions
zone status 1 to receive the message
with zone status from zones assigned to
partition 1
zone status all to receive the message
with zone status for all zones
zone faults 1 to receive fault information
from zones assigned to partition 1
zone faults all to receive the message
with zone faults for all zones
bypass 1 3 to bypass zones 1 and 3
events 1 to read the last (newest) event
from the panel log
events 1 3 to read the last 3 events from
the panel log
events returns the 10 most recent
output 2 A 1 to set output two to control
X-10 device with house code A and unit
number 1
on 1 4 7 to switch on X-10 outputs 1, 4
and 7
on all to switch on all X-10 outputs
off 1 4 7 to switch off X-10 outputs 1, 4
and 7
off all to switch off all X-10 outputs
switch aux 1 to activate aux output 1 on
the panel
user code 0101 to change your own
user code to 0101
user code 2 0101 to change the user
code to 0101 for the user 2
delete user code 2 to delete the user
code for the user 2
start reporting

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