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Version 2.0 Version 2.0 OWNER’S MANUAL OWNER’S MANUAL...
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• Yamaha makes no representations or warranties with regard to the use of the software and documentation and cannot be held responsible for the results of the use of this manual and the software.
Getting Started The DME Audio System Network In an audio system including one or more DME units and/or SP2060 units, the “control space” is logically organized using the concepts of “Area”, “Zone”, and “Device Group". The space covered by the entire system is the “Area”, while independent sonic spaces within that Area are called" Zone" A group of DME or SP2060 units assigned to the same function are considered a “Device Group”.
Getting Started The DME Designer Software Application The DME Designer software application provides a convenient, central interface for the creation and control of DME-based audio systems. By connecting the computer on which the DME Designer application is running to a Group Master it becomes possible to control multiple devices simultaneously.
Getting Started Preset Parameters The set of parameters for all components in a Configuration is know as the Configuration's “Preset Parameters”. Scenes A Configuration and its Preset Parameters are a “Scene”. Composition of scene Configurations Scenes Preset Parameters 2WAY MATRIX MIXER COMP/LIMITER PARAMETRIC EQ DELAY...
Components included in the preset parameter set are as follows: • GEQ, MatrixMixer, and other audio signal processing components. • Internal AD/DA (DME24N), Cascade (DME64N), and MY card I/O components*. • Components for external devices such as the AD8HR and AD824 remote head amplifiers.
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Getting Started SP2060 Data Structure Common Overall Data Scene Link Settings Settings required for linked scene operation between multiple devices. Data for Each Device Scenes The information required to switch audio data processing setups. Scenes include configurations and preset data, The last Library name recalled is specified.
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Getting Started External Device (MIDI, GPI, DAW, AMX/Crestron) One DME unit/Device Group Device Group Notes Input Output Microphone Power Amp Audio signal Mixer Processor External Head Amp etc... Control signal etc... Data explanation Setting preset parameters User Defined Button Scene Manager LCD Display Assigned Parameter Scene Name...
Getting Started NOTE Separate SP2060 units normally handle scenes independently, but the Scene Link function can be set from the DME Designer to allow linked scene operation.See “Scene Link Manager” on page 130. System Requirement ® Operating System Windows XP Professional/XP Home Edition/2000 Professional ®...
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• The port name display can now be switched between long name display and short name display. (page 179) • DME64N cascade connections can now be set. (page 195) • Priority items can now be set when compiling configurations by using the [Compile Priority] function in the “Preferences”...
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Getting Started • An Undo/Redo function is now available when using the design mode. It can undo the most recent operation (control movement/resize/deletion). Changes from V1.1 to V1.2 Main Panel Window • The synchronization algorithm has been refined for faster synchronization. •...
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Refer to the “DME-N Remote Control Protocol Specifications” document for details about the communication protocol. Information about the “DME-N Remote Control Protocol Specifications” document can be found at the Yamaha pro Audio website (URL below). • It is possible to specify whether listed events will be executed by the Event Scheduler.
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Getting Started • Compilation of configurations with loop connections is possible when Auto Delay Compensation is On. • The name has been changed from “Foot Monitor” external device to “Floor Monitor.” • Addition External Device types have been provided. • External Devices can be double-clicked to open a file saved by other applications. (page 206) •...
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Getting Started MIDI Setup • A MIDI Setup minimize function has been added. V1.2 Precautions • When using project files (*.daf) created by version 1.1.5 or earlier, synchronize from the DME Designer to the DME unit for the first synchronization. •...
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• It is now possible to switch from the Navigator window to Zone display while online. V2.0 Precautions Please use DME Designer V2.0 with DME64N/24N V2.0 or higher, DME8i-C/DME8o-C/DME4io-C V2.0 or higher, and SP2060 V1.1 or higher. See the Yamaha Pro Audio website for compatibility details (
Contents The DME Audio System Network ..........3 Drawing and Editing Wires ............ 253 The DME Designer Software Application ........4 Adding, Deleting, and Renaming a Zone....... 267 Data Handled by a DME Audio System........6 Changing Device Groups............268 Adding, Deleting, and Renaming a Configuration....
The DME Designer software is started from the [Start] menu. DME Designer is used with one user logged on. The user logs on when the software is started. DME Designer Start Up and Logon (When Auto-Logon Is Not Set) Click [Start] [All Programs] [YAMAHA OPT Tools] [DME Designer] [DME Designer]. NOTE...
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Chapter 1 Before Using Enter the password into the [Password] box. Enter the password set for the user. If no password has been set, leave the password box blank when you log on. Click the [OK] button. DME Designer starts up. When Automatic Logon Has Been Set (page If automatic logon has been set, the “Log On”...
Chapter 1 Before Using Closing DME Designer To close DME Designer, click [Exit] on the [File] menu of the Main Panel window. It can also be closed by clicking the [Close] button on the Main Panel window. Click [Exit] on the Main Panel window [File] menu. When you try to close DME Designer, “Project File has been modified.
Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Names and Functions of the Windows The DME Designer software has several windows, including the Main Panel window, Designer window, Component Editor window, Resource Meter window, and others. Component Editor Window Main Panel Window Designer Window Resource Meter Window Main Panel Window Menus and buttons are available in the Main Panel window.
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Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Designer Window The Designer window displays several different windows. First among them is the Area window, where you can manage the entire system. The Area window includes one or more Zone windows, which in turn include one or more DME or SP2060 units that are used to build a zones within the area. Next is the Configuration window, where you create the internal configuration of each DME or SP2060 unit.
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Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Zone Window The Zone window is used to design zones within the area. A zone is a more concrete blueprint that includes at least one DME or SP2060. It shows the DME’s connections with other devices and the wiring between them.
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Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Navigator Window The Navigator window displays the area, zones, configurations, and components in a hierarchal fashion that lets you check their status as a whole. When editing offline, you can click an area name, zone name, or configuration name to make that window active. Clicking a component name will open the component editor window for that component.
Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Window Operations Operations in all windows are the same as for normal Windows applications. The windows are controlled with the [Minimize], [Maximize/Restore], and [Close] buttons at the upper right of the title bar. DME Designer is closed by clicking the [Close] button on the Main Panel window. Users and Security You can create multiple users in DME Designer and set the functions that are available to each user.
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Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Logging On The “Log On” dialog box is displayed whenever the application is started or a user is logged off. Whenever one user is already logged on, another user cannot be logged on. To log on as another user, first log off the currently logged on user.
Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Logging Off Logoff is used when changing users. When you log off, the document currently being edited is closed, and the “Log On” dialog box is displayed so you can log on the next user. Log off with the [Log Off] command on the [File] menu in the Main Panel window.
Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Files Used by the DME DESIGNER The following files are used by the DME designer application. Name Description Extension Project File Stores information relating to the entire project. .daf DME Data File Stores information for independent DME or SP2060 units. .ddf Library File Stores component parameters.
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Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Saving Project Files Project files are saved using the [File] menu [Save] and [Save As] commands in the Main Panel window. The [Save] command overwrites the previously saved version of the file. The [Save As] command lets you give a new name to the file before saving it.
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Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview 7 [Save as type] Selects the format for the file you are saving. When saving project files including Wave files set for Wav File Player, select “Project File with wave (*.daf)”. Otherwise, select “Project File (*.daf)”. 8 [Security] Protects files with a password.
Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Saving Project Files Click [File] menu [Save] in the Main Panel window. If there is a file already saved with the same name, it will be overwritten. When saving a project file for the first time, you must name the file before saving it. The “Save As”...
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Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Protecting a Project File with a Password When you save a project file with a new name, you can set a password and protect the file. If a password is set, an ID and password will be requested when the file is opened. The security settings for a file cannot be changed by resaving the file with the same name.
Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Opening Project Files Project files are opened using the [File] menu [Open] command in the Main Panel window. Since the currently opened project file must be closed before another one can be opened, a “Project file has been modified.
Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Opening a Project File That Has Security Set If security is set for a project, the “Enter ID & Password” dialog box will be displayed when you click the [Open] button in the “Open” dialog box. Enter the ID and password for the file into the [ID] and [Password] boxes, and click the [OK] button.
Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Double-Click the Icon for the Project File When you double-click the icon for the project file, the file will open. If DME Designer is not started, it will start. After logon, the project file will open. Just as when you use the [Open] command, if DME Designer is already started, the currently open project file must be closed before another one can be opened.
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Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview DME Data Import This imports DME data file settings into a DME or SP2060 included in the current configuration. Activates the DME or SP2060 configuration layout to be imported. If multiple configurations are available, the DME or SP2060 configuration layout to be imported can be selected via the Navigator window.
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Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview [Import Device Configuration] Submenu The device groups included in the current configuration, as well as the DME or SP2060 units included they contain, will be displayed in the [Import Device Configuration] submenu. Select [Create New Group] to create a new device group [Create New DME] creates a new DME and imports settings.
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Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview DME Data Export This exports parameters from a DME or SP2060 included in the current configuration and saves them as a file. Activates the DME or SP2060 configuration layout to be exported. If multiple configurations are available, the DME or SP2060 configuration layout to be exported can be selected via the Navigator window.
Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview [Export Device Configuration] Submenu The DMEs or SP2060s included in the current configuration will be displayed on the [Export Device Configuration] submenu. Library Files Component Editor, User Control Editor, and User Module Editor parameters can be stored to and recalled from library files.
Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Configuration Creation Procedure The configuration is a design diagram that determines the DME configuration. Transferring this data causes the DME to operate. Follow the procedure below to create a DME Designer configuration. SP2060 configurations can be selected from scene preset data, but cannot be edited. NOTE Configurations can be created only when the DME unit is offline.
DME Unit and Computer Connection. Connect the DME unit and computer using a USB cable or an Ethernet cable. See separate “DME64N/24N Owner’s Manual” for details. MIDI Driver Installation. Install the USB-MIDI driver or DME-N Network driver in the computer.
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MIDI Setup button NOTE A maximum of 32 ports can be set. NOTE Slave DME64N/DME24N units connected via Ethernet and ICP1 units cannot be set. NOTE Only USB 1 is available on DME8i-C/DME8o-C/DME4io-C. Making MIDI Port Settings in DME Designer.
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Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Display the “Synchronization” dialog box. Click [Synchronization] in the [Tools] menu or the large [Synchronization] button on the toolbar. When the dialog box opens, a list of connected DME and SP2060 units will be obtained. DMEs and SP2060s connected to the computer are displayed in the [Network] list.
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Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview Going Online. Clicking the [Go On-Line] button displays a dialog box where you can decide the synchronization method. NOTE An alert will be displayed if no scene has been recalled. Click the [Designer Device] direction button. Transfer of the configuration will begin, and DME Designer will be synchronized with the unit.
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Chapter 2 DME Designer Overview To go off line, click either the [ON-Line] button in the main panel window, or the [Go Off-line] button in the “Synchronization” dialog box. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Names and Functions of the Windows The Main Panel window is the main window of DME Designer. Current Zone Current Device Group Title Bar Menu Bar Tool Buttons (Small) Tool Buttons (Large) Log On User Current Scene [Mute] Button Communication...
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Open File] Button Opens project files. [Open] on the [File] menu (page [Save File] Button Saves the project file currently being edited. [Save] on the [File] menu (page [Undo] Button Undoes the most recent edit operation. [Undo] on the [Edit] menu (page [Undo History] Button...
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Port] Button Opens the “Port” dialog box. See "Port" dialog box on page Tool Button (Large) [Synchronization] Button [User Control] Button [Event Logger] Button [Show/Hide Designer] Button [Event Scheduler] Button [Show/Hide Navigator] Button [Show/Hide Designer] Button Displays or hides the Designer window.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Current Zone Displays the name of the active zone. A list where you can select a zone is displayed when you press the [ ]. Current Scene Displays information about the current scene. You can switch between scenes. [Change displayed Scene] (displays DME groups/SP2060s) [Scene Number]...
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Scene Name] Displays the name of the current scene or scene link. [Scene Manager] Button Opens the “Scene Manager” dialog box. [User] (Logged On User) Currently Logged On [Security] Button User Name Currently Logged On User Name Displays the currently logged on user name.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Communication Status Displays the status of communication between the group master of the current device group and the computer. Message Transmit/Receive Indicator ON-line Button • [On-line] Button When the group master of the current device group is connected to a computer, clicking this button alternately switches the unit's on-line/off-line status.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Main Panel Window Menu [File] Menu [New] Creates a new project. When a new project is created, the current project will be closed. A confirmation message asking “Project file has been modified. Save?” will be displayed. [Yes] Button Saves the currently open project.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window If security is enabled for the project file, the “Enter ID & Password” dialog box will be displayed. Enter the ID and password to open the file and click the [OK] button. The project file will open. [Save] Overwrites an already saved project file with the current changes.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Preferences] Opens the “Preferences” dialog box. See “Preferences” on page 62. [Log Off] Logs off the currently logged on user. Because the currently logged on user must be logged off before a new one can be logged on, the “Log On” dialog box will be displayed so you can log on the next user.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Undo History] Opens the “Undo History” dialog box. Undoes multiple operations. Also deletes the history of operations. 1 List Displays all operations performed so far, in order starting with the oldest. You can select an operation by clicking on it.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [View] Menu [Designer] Displays or hides the Designer window. [Event Logger] Displays the network event log. Not displayed if selected while the network event log is showing. See “Event Logger” on page [User Control] This opens User Control. The user controls that can be opened by the currently logged on user are displayed on a submenu.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Tools] Menu [Scene Manager] Opens the “Scene Manager” dialog box. See “Scene Manager” on page [User Control Manager] Opens the “User Control Manager” dialog box. See “User Control” on page page 301. [Parameter Link] Opens the “Parameter Link” window. See “Parameter Link”...
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [MIDI] Opens the “MIDI” dialog box. See “MIDI” on page 110. [User Defined Button] Opens the “User Defined Button” dialog box. See “User Defined Button (User Defined Parameters)” on page 118. [DAW Control] Opens the “DAW Control” dialog box. See “DAW Control”...
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Setup] Menu [Port] Opens the “Port” dialog box. See “MIDI Port Setup" on page 135. [Shortcut Keys] Opens the “Shortcut Keys” dialog box. See “Shortcut Keys” on page 136. [Security] Opens the “Security” dialog box. See “Security (Creating Users and Making User Settings)”...
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Word Clock] Opens the “Word Clock” dialog box. See “Word Clock” on page 154. [Monitor Out] Opens the “Monitor Out” dialog box. See “Monitor Out” on page 156. [Clock] Opens the “Clock” dialog box. See “Clock” on page 157.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Window] Menu Displays the open windows. Click a window name to bring that window to the front. [Close All Editor Windows] Closes all editor windows. NOTE Each design windows within the Designer window can be switched using the [Window] menu in the Designer window. [About] Menu [About DME Designer] Displays information about this application.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window DME File Storage Allows management of DME files. Project files can be managed on the DME, eliminating the need to manage them on the computer.Project files can be managed on a DME unit without the need for a computer.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window NOTE Synchronization may become impossible if the [Remaining Memory] value (the amount of remaining DME memory) becomes too small. If this occurs, delete unwanted files to increase the amount of available memory. Preferences When you click the [Preferences] command on the [File] menu in the Main Panel window, the “Preferences”...
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Auto Save Set up the automatic file save feature. This setting has no effect when the file being worked on has not previously been saved, or the computer is online. • [Enable] Auto save of project files being worked on will occur when checked. The file will be overwritten, but the Undo history will not be cleared.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Slider Mode Sets the action that occurs when you click on the scale located under the sliders. • Ramp When the fader bar is clicked the knob will move a preset amount in the corresponding direction.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Event Logger When you click [Event Logger] in the [View] menu while online, the “Event Logger” window is displayed. This records and displays DME unit events. When the dialog box is opened while online, the event log is automatically obtained and displayed as a list in the Event Logger window.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window DME List • [Date] Displays the date the event occurred. (Example Display: 2004-08-24) • [Time] Displays the time the event occurred. • [Type] Displays the event type and icon. There are three event types: (Warning): Warning event (Error): Error event (Information): Other events •...
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window “Log Setup” dialog box Click the [Log Setup] button in the “Event Logger” window to display the “Log Setup” dialog box. Here you can make Event Log settings. These settings apply to the system as a whole. [Enable Logging] Turns ON or OFF the function that writes the obtained event log data to a file.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Display Log Buffer Full Message] When a check is placed here, “Log Buffer Full” messages will be displayed on the displays of all DME units in the zone. [Log List Setup] Button Sets events sent from the DME units. Clicking here displays the “Event Log List” dialog box. [OK] Button Applies any setting changes and closes the window.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window “Event Log List” Dialog Box Sets events sent from the DME units. Sends events with checks next to them. [Zone] If you click here, a list will be displayed. Specifies a zone. [DME] If you click here, a list will be displayed. Specifies DMEs. [Event] You can turn sending of logs for each event ON or OFF.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Scene Manager Scenes Configuration contents can be given a name and saved as “Scenes.” Saving scenes is called “Scene Store.” Parameter settings in the configuration for each site used can be stored multiple times and recalled and used when needed.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Names and Functions [Copy] Button [Insert] Button [Cut] Button [Paste] Button [Clear] Button [Recall Safe] Button [Store] Button [Detail] Button [Scene Link] Button List [Recall] Button DME Group/SP2060 Selection Selects a DME group or SP2060. List Displays the contents of the scene.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Configuration Displays the configuration name. If the scene has not been stored, a hyphen (-) will be displayed. Edit Security Displays the scene edit security levels. Clicking here will display a list where you can change these security levels.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Fade Time Sets the fade time: i.e. the time it will take fader parameters to reach their new settings when a scene is recalled. The changes are smooth and continuous. If only the presets in the recalled scene are set when that scene is recalled, the volume will be adjusted while the sound from the previous scene is playing, until the new level is reached If the configuration also changes, the volume will rise from silence until it reaches the new value.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Clear] Button Deletes the contents of the scene selected on the list. The button will be grayed out and cannot be used when the DME unit is online or when an SP2060 preset is being used. If the preset parameters included in a scene are not used in another scene, a “Delete preset?”...
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The currently logged on user can store scenes at a security level equal to or lower than his or her own only. NOTE When the computer and DME64N/24N unit are online, a scene stored in the DME Designer will also be stored on the DME or SP2060 unit, regardless of the DME or SP2060 settings.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Detail] Button Expands the dialog box and displays a preset parameters list. If you click the preset parameters list while it is displayed, the preset parameters list will be hidden. When the dialog box is opened, its status will be the same as the last time it was closed.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Preset parameters List Displays the preset parameters for each DME or SP2060 unit in the scene selected in the list. When another scene is selected on the list, the contents of the preset parameters list will be changed. You can change the preset parameters used in the scene by clicking the radio buttons to the left of the preset parameters names.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window User Control User Controls You can create an original control by arranging knobs and sliders in the component editor. Controls you create are called “user controls.” Those created user controls are displayed in the [View] [User Control] submenu in the Main Panel window Refer to “User Control Editor/User Module Editor”...
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window User Control Displays the names of the user controls. Clicking here will select the characters in the name, allowing you to change it. Security Level Displays the security level set for each user control. Clicking here will display a list where you can change the security level. User Displays the name of the user specified in User Control.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [New] Button Creates new user controls. Clicking here displays the “New User Control” dialog box. Enter the User Control name in the [Name] box. [User Level]/[User Name] Use the radio buttons to the left to select security-level or user dependent control. [User Level] Select a security level from the drop-down list.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Parameter Link About Parameter Links You can group parameters of the same type and link them. These groups are called “Parameter Links.” When one parameter in a parameter link group is changed, all parameters in the parameter link group will change in the same way.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window NOTE Component Link cannot be used with SPX components. 2 Parameter Link Group List Displays a hierarchical list of parameter link group and the parameters that belong to them. When a parameter link group name is selected, the controls that belong to that parameter link group are selected.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Synchronization (DME Designer and Unit Synchronization) The DME or SP2060 unit and DME Designer are synchronized by Synchronization. The DME or SP2060 operates according to the configuration and scene information transferred during this process. This Synchronization is used when transferring the configuration in DME Designer and when controlling the DME or SP2060 unit in real time.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window “Synchronization” Dialog Box When you click the [Synchronization] command on the [Tools] menu, the “Synchronization” dialog box is displayed. The data from the current device group in the Designer is synchronized with the DME or SP2060 unit.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Group] List Allows selection of a device group to be synchronized. [Go On-line] Button This button will be grayed out when the software is online. Clicking the button displays a dialog box where you can decide the synchronization method. [Designer DME] button A consistency check is performed between the data in the current device group and the DME or SP2060 data, then the communication status changes to online.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Designer The Designer list displays DME or SP2060 units arranged in the currently valid device group in the DME Designer. The unit in the DME Designer is matched with a recognized IP address, and they are compared one-to-one.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Event Scheduler “Event Scheduler” Dialog Box When you click [Event Scheduler] in the [Tools] menu, the “Event Scheduler” dialog box is displayed. This sets the scheduling for events. You can schedule events by specifying the date, time, and the action to execute.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Operation] Displays the function that will be executed when the event starts. [Date] Displays the event start date. Periodic events are displayed as shown below, with an icon and text that indicate a periodic event. •...
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Paste] Button Pastes the copied event. The event is added. This button is grayed out when no event has been copied. [Apply] Button Applies any current setting changes. [OK] Button Applies any setting changes and closes the window. [Cancel] Button Closes the window without changing any settings.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Event Operation] Set the operation that is executed when the event starts. [Operation] When you click this button, a list of events is displayed. Specify the operation that is executed when the event starts. The following four items are on the list: •...
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Component] Select the component that has the parameter to be changed. The list displays the components arranged for the DME that is selected in the [DME Unit] box. [Parameter] Select the parameter that will change. Parameters for the component that is selected in the [Component] box are displayed in a list.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Event Schedule] Set the year/month/date to start the event. Calendar Sets the date the event will start. Change the year and month using the [<] and [>] buttons. Click on a day to set that date. February 29 can be set on the calendar, where it appears every four years (each leap year).
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Cancel] Button Closes the window without changing any settings. [Event Exceptions] Specifies “exception” year/month/day and time settings at which events will not be executed. The available settings will depend on the event cycle. • When the event cycle is [Year] Only the [Year] setting is available.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Wav File Manager When you click [Wav File Manager] on the [Tools] menu, the “Wav File Manager” dialog box is displayed. Here you can manage playback settings for Wave files played in the Wav File Player. This is set for each DME.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [File Name] Up to 31 characters are displayed as the wave file name. [Size] Displays Wave file size information. The units vary, depending on the file size. The size is displayed to the first decimal. Size Display Up to 1023 bytes...
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Open File Dialog] Displays the file select dialog box. You can select a library file that is saved in the folder set as the Contents Folder, and read it. [Add] Button When you click here, External Input and the file select list is displayed. To add a Wave file, select the row to which it is to be added and click the [Add] button.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Play] Button Plays the selected Wave file on the computer. Allows monitoring and checking of the Wave file. [Stop] Button Stops playback of the Wave file. [Remaining Memory] Displays the remaining size that can be added. [OK] Button Updates the settings and closes the dialog box.
Configuration The current configuration name will be displayed. GPI IN The DME64N has 16 GPI IN channels, and the DME24N/DME8i-C/DME8o-C/DME4io-C has 8 GPI IN ports. These settings determine which DME parameters will be controlled by input received at each individual GPI IN port. The port numbers are shown in the leftmost column.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window • [No Assign] No function assigned. This is the default setting. Select [No Assign] to clear an assigned function. The [Parameter], [Min], [Max], and [Terminal] items are not available. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window • [Parameter Value Edit] Allows component parameters to be changed via GPI input. In this case [Parameter] is used to select the parameter to be controlled. [Min] and [Max] specify the range over which the parameter can be changed. [Terminal] determines how the GPI input voltage will affect the specified parameter.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window The specified [Min] and [Max] parameter values are alternately selected each time the voltage applied to GPI IN drops from above to below the median voltage.* Example: Relationship between the voltage applied to GPI IN and the Fader Level when [Fader Level] is set in the [Parameter] box.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window • [Scene Increment] GPI input can be used to increment the scene number. [Parameter], [Min], and [Max] are not available. [Terminal] determines how the GPI input voltage will affect the specified parameter. The scene number will be incremented each time the voltage applied to GPI IN rises from below to above the median voltage.* Max.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window • [Scene Decrement] GPI input can be used to decrement the scene number. [Parameter], [Min], and [Max] are not available. [Terminal] determines how the GPI input voltage will affect the specified parameter. The scene number will be decremented each time the voltage applied to GPI IN rises from below to above the median voltage.* Max.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window • [Mute] GPI input can be used to engage or disengage the DME mute function. [Parameter], [Min], and [Max] are not available. [Terminal] determines how the GPI input voltage will affect the specified parameter. Mute will be ON when the voltage applied to GPI IN is above the median voltage*, and OFF when the voltage is below the median.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window • [GPI Lock] GPI Lock can be turned on or off via GPI input. When GPI Lock is ON, all GPI inputs other than the one being used for GPI Lock control are locked and input will be ignored. [Parameter], [Min], and [Max] are not available.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window • [Time Adjustment] GPI input can be used to adjust the DME internal clock as follows: Internal clock time Time after adjustment 0~14 seconds Returned to 0 seconds 15~29 seconds Advanced to 30 seconds 30~44 seconds Returned to 30 seconds 45~59 seconds Advanced to 0 seconds...
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window • [Play Wav File] GPI input can be used to initiate playback of the specified Wave file. [Parameter] specifies the Wave file to be played. Files specified by the Wav File Manager can be selected. Wave files can only be selected if a Wav Player is included in the DME configuration.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window GPI OUT The DME64N has sixteen GPI OUT ports, the DME24N has eight, and the DME8i-C/DME8o-C/ DME4io-C have four. These settings determine which DME parameter values will be output via each individual GPI IN ports. The ports numbers are shown in the leftmost column.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window • [Scene Change] The recall status of the specified scene is transmitted via GPI output. [Parameter] specifies the scene for which the recall status is to be output. [Threshold] and [Polarity] are not available. [Terminal] determines how the GPI voltage will be output in response to parameter changes. Terminal GPI Output When the current scene is the same as the scene specified by [Parameter] the output will...
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window MIDI When you click the [MIDI] command on the [Tools] menu, the “MIDI” dialog box is displayed. Here you can make remote control and other settings. NOTE Does not apply to SP2060 units Names and Functions Common to All Tabs From the list, select the DME where you will be making settings.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Control Change List The control change numbers and current settings are displayed in the list in the center. Displays the control change numbers. Component Displays the assigned components. Control changes that have no component assigned to them are blank.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Parameter Set the assigned component link parameter. When you click here, a list of parameters included in the component is displayed. Select the parameter you want to assign. Min/Max Sets the range of operation for the parameter. The current values for the [Min] (lower limit) and [Max] (upper limit) are displayed.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Clear] Button Clears assignments for the selected control change numbers. [All Clear] Button Clears assignments for all control change numbers. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Program Change] Tab Assigns scenes to program control change numbers 1 through 128. Switches scenes when program changes are received. These settings are shared by all DMEs in the device group. Up to 999 assignments can be made. Scenes above number 128 are assigned by changing banks. Program Change Event Program numbers and the scenes assigned to them are displayed in a list.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [All Assign] Button Assigns all scenes in order starting from program number 1. Bank Select LSB The bank is changed when assigning scenes numbered 129 and higher. Eight banks can be used, numbered from zero to seven. Click the [ ] and select the bank where you will make settings. [Parameter Change] Tab Specifies the parameter to be controlled by parameter change commands for each address.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Parameter Change List The current settings are displayed in the list in the center. This displays the parameter change numbers. Component Assigns components. If you click here, a list will be displayed. Assignable components are on the list.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Min/Max This sets the parameter range. The current values for the [Min] (lower limit) and [Max] (upper limit) are displayed. The range and units that can be set will vary, depending on the parameter selected. If you click here, a slider will be displayed.
ICP1 are called “User Defined Button.” Frequently changed parameters can be assigned in advance to any of 24 (four pages times six) presets, and operated on the DME64N/24N unit or ICP1 even if DME Designer is not being used.
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Allows initiation of Wave file playback. The Wave file setting is made in the [Parameter] field. Wave files set by the Wav File manager can be specified. Files can not be selected unless a Wav Player is included in the DME64N/24N configuration. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Parameter Sets the parameter assigned to each function key. If you click here, a list will be displayed. This list displays the parameters that are included in the current configuration. Select the parameter you want called by the function key. LCD Display Sets the text displayed on the DME unit or ICP1.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Setting User Defined Parameters Set the user defined parameter. Create a configuration. Click [User Defined Button] in the [Tools] menu. The “User Defined Button” dialog box will be displayed. Click one of the tabs numbered [1] through [4] to select the set of user defined parameters you will assign your parameters to.
When you click [DAW Control] on the [Tools] menu, the “DAW Control” dialog box is displayed. Here you can make settings for when the DME64N/24N is controlled from a DAW controller. This is set for each zone configuration. The setting can be made only when in offline status.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Function] Selects the function that will be changed by the DAW controller. If you click here, a list will be displayed. • [No Assign] Makes no assignments. Select this when you are erasing an already set assignment. •...
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Controller] Selects a controller from the list when [Parameter Value Edit] is set in [Function]. [Switch], [Fader], or [Knob] can be selected. [Label] Enter a label. Double-click to enter the text. You can enter up to 16 characters of text. Set the value with the <Enter>...
Registers the parameters to be controlled from an external controller. Refer to the “DME-N Remote Control Protocol Specifications” document for details about the communication protocol. Information about the “DME-N Remote Control Protocol Specifications” document can be found at the Yamaha pro Audio website (URL below).
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Clear] Button Clears the selected row. [OK] Button Applies any setting changes and closes the window. [Cancel] Button Closes the window without changing any settings. Parameter List When you click [Parameter List] in the [Tools] menu, the “Parameter List” dialog box is displayed. A list of parameters in the current configuration of the current zone are displayed.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window NOTE Components for user modules are also listed in a hierarchal display, but if user module security is enabled, the components are not displayed. However, parameters displayed in the user module editor are displayed here. [ID] Displays the component or parameter ID.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Print] Button Prints a list of parameters. Clicking here displays the “Print” dialog box. When you click the [Print] button, printing begins. NOTE The displayed [Print] dialog box will vary according to the connected printer. [Setup] Button Clicking here displays the “Print Setup”...
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Prev] Button/[Next] Button Switches the page being previewed when there are multiple pages. The [Prev] button goes to the previous page. The [Next] button goes to the next page. Component Lock Click [Component Lock] in the [Tools] menu to display the Component Lock dialog.] NOTE Does not apply to SP2060 units Names and Functions...
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Select All] Button Checks all component checkboxes. [Clear All] Button Clears all component checkboxes. [OK] Button Enters the settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without entering the settings. Scene Link Manager Either click the [Scene Link Manager] item in the [Tools] menu, or the [Scene Link] button the “Scene Manager”...
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Names and Functions Scene Link Tree View Displays the scene link name, DME group and/or SP2060 scene number, and scene name for each Scene Link setup. Clicking on scene number or scene name opens a list from which a new selection can be made.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Cut] Button Cuts the selected scene link setup. The [Cut] button will be grayed out and inoperable if a scene link setup is not selected. [Insert] Button Inserts a cut or copied scene link at the currently selected scene link position in the scene link tree view.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window SP2060 Library Manager Click the [SP2060 Library Manager] item in the [Tools] menu to open the “SP2060 Library Manager” window. “SP2060 Library Manager” Window Allows editing of SP2060 Speaker Processor component libraries. Up to 60 libraries can be stored for each component, and up to 360 libraries can be stored for each SP2060 unit NOTE Only users with security status in which [Edit] is checked can edit this feature.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Add File] Button Adds a library file saved by the component editor (.cel extension) to the SP2060 selected in the SP2060 list. When the [Add File] button is clicked the “Open” window will appear. Select a library file and click the [Open] button to add the library.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window MIDI Port Setup Click the [Port] item in the [Setup] menu to open the “Port” window. In this window you can set the MIDI port of the master current device to be used by the DME Designer. NOTE Only USB 1 is available on DME8i-C/DME8o-C/DME4io-C.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Shortcut Keys Click [Shortcut Keys] in the [Setup] menu to display the “Shortcut Keys” dialog. Names and Functions Click to select the desired shortcut item. [Enter New Key] If assigned, the current shortcut will be displayed. A shortcut entered via the computer keyboard will be displayed.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Security (Creating Users and Making User Settings) When you click the [Security] command on the [Setup] menu, the “Security” dialog box is displayed. Here you can create and delete users. You can also set the security level for each user. Users are saved as DME Designer settings.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window User Level High Level 1 User Level 2 User Level 3 User Level 4 User Security Level Settings You can allow or disallow editing and the ability to open windows or set controls. Ten levels, 1 through 10, are set for scene storage/recall and user controls. Level 1 is the highest level and 10 is the lowest.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Names and Functions [Enable Auto-Log On] Enables auto-logon. If this checkbox is selected, the user displayed in the box to the right will be logged on automatically when DME Designer is started. Auto-logon logs on the user without any password entry.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window User List The registered users are displayed here. The currently logged on user is displayed in bold text. Click the name of the user whose settings you want to edit. The [Administrator] is the user set by default, and it is used for administering the system. The [Administrator] user has the highest level and can use all functions.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window 4 [Remove User] Button Deletes the user selected on the list. Only users at levels lower than the currently logged on user can be deleted. Furthermore, the currently logged on user cannot delete himself. 5 [Change] Button Changes settings for the user selected on the list.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window “Add User” Dialog Box/“Change User Information” Dialog When you click the [Add User] button in the “Security” dialog box, the “Add User” dialog box is displayed. If you click the [Change] button in the “Security” dialog box, the “Change User Information” dialog box is displayed.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Creating Users Users are created as follows: Click [Security] on the Main Panel window [Setup] menu. The “Security” dialog box will be displayed. You can open the “Security” dialog box by clicking the [Security] button in the Main Panel window. Select a user from the [User List] in the “Security”...
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Set the [Startup User Control]. NOTE If the text entered into the [Password] and [Confirm Password] boxes is not the same, a “Different password!” message will be displayed. Click the [OK] button and reenter the correct password in the [Password] and [Confirm Password] boxes in the “Add User”...
These settings can be edited regardless of the current settings of the DME and SP2060 units. The DME Utility screen Lock page and SP2060 Utility screen User Lock settings only apply to the device panels. NOTE DME64N/24N slave devices will not be displayed. NOTE The settings cannot be changed for devices in a device group that is online.
This window provides a variety of utility settings for DME and SP2060 units. These settings can only be made when the target unit is online. A password will be required to open this window if the DME64N/ 24N Utility screen is locked.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Info Tab Displays basic information for the selected DME or SP2060 unit. Label Displays the names given to the DME and SP2060 units. Version Display the firmware version numbers of DME and SP2060 units that are online. Battery Displays the battery status of DME and SP2060 units that are online Date...
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Displays whether the network connection is via 10Base-T or 100Base-TX. MAC Address Displays the MAC address when online. Display Tab Displays and allows editing of the DME64N/24N panel display. LCD Contrast Displays and sets the display contrast. The parameter range is 0 … 100%. LCD Backlight Displays and sets the display backlight status.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Lock Tab Displays and allows editing of the DME64N/24N and SP2060 panel lock parameters. Only the User Lock parameter is displayed and can be edited for SP2060 units. All other parameters are displayed and can be edited for DME64N/24N units.
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Misc Tab Displays and sets parameters not provided in the other tabs. Scene Store Displays and sets whether scene store operations can be performed on a DME64N/24N unit. The settings are “Enable” and “Disable”. Enable: Scene store possible. Disable: Scene store not possible.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Remote Control Displays and allows editing of the DME unit [REMOTE] terminal. The following seven settings are available: HA Control: External head amplifier control (RS-422 only). COM(232C): Control using DME Communication Protocol via RS-232C. COM(422): Control using DME Communication Protocol via RS-422. MIDI(232C): Control using MIDI commands via RS-232C.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window MIDI CH Sets the MIDI channel. This number is also used as the Parameter Change Device ID. • [Tx] Select the MIDI transmit channel from the list. • [Rx] Select the MIDI receive channel from the list. Program Change/Control Change/Parameter Change Sets transmit (Tx), receive (Rx), OMNI, and Echo for program change/control change/parameter change.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Ch] Checkbox These checkboxes specify the channels to be calibrated. Calibration Information Displays the input voltage in real time. [Reset] Button Resets the calibration of checked channels. [Max] Button Sets the current input voltage as the maximum input voltage for checked channels. The specified maximum voltage is indicated by a red bar.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Word Clock The signal that synchronizes all devices connected to the DME or SP2060 is called the “Word Clock.” It uses the same frequency as the sampling frequency. The word clock is set for each DME or SP2060 in the “Word Clock”...
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Indicates that there is no DME or SP2060 unit information. Internal/Word Clock/Cascade You can select one of the following for the word clock: Word Device Name Slot Internal Cascade Digital Clock DME64N 1 ~ 4 44.1kHz/48kHz/88.2kHz/96kHz WC IN IN/OUT — DME24N 44.1kHz/48kHz/88.2kHz/96kHz WC IN —...
Monitor Out can be set on DME64N/24N units only. [DME] From the list, select the DME64N/24N where you will be making settings. Drop down list From the list, select the card that will be the destination for the monitor output.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Clock When you click the [Clock] command on the [Hardware] menu, the “Clock” dialog box is displayed. Here you can set the DME internal clock. This can be set only when online. The default is the computer date and time.
When you click the [Language] command on the [Hardware] menu, the “Language” dialog box is displayed. This sets the DME64N/24N unit language. NOTE Language Settings can be set on DME64N/24N units only. Names and Functions [Language] Select the language. [English/German/French/Spanish] and [Japanese] are in the list.
Chapter 3 Main Panel Window Backup When you click the [Backup] command on the [Hardware] menu, the “Backup” dialog box is displayed. Data in the DME or SP2060 is gathered in the computer and saved as a file. Backup files are created for each DME or SP2060.
NOTE If the DME64N/24N has been updated from V1.07 or lower to V1.10 or upper, perform the update twice. Because the text display data in the DME64N/24N unit is changed, text display for Japanese is not possible with one update only.
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Program+Component] Updates the DME/SP2060/ICP1 unit firmware. Select [Firmware Update] [Program+Component] in the [Hardware] menu. The folder select dialog box will be displayed. Select the folder that contains the update file, then click the [OK] button. The “Firmware Update”...
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Chapter 3 Main Panel Window [Recovery Update] Restores the DME, SP2060, or ICP1 firmware. NOTE When performing a firmware recovery operation on a DME unit, disconnect from the network and carry out the operation with the DME unit directly connected to the computer via USB. Select [Firmware Update] ->...
Chapter 4 Designer Editing Configurations Configurations Information about inputs/outputs, along with the arrangement of components and how they are connected, is called a “configuration.” Configurations are created in the Designer window and sent to the DME unit. In the Designer window, configurations are designed using various design windows, such as the Area, Zone, Configuration, and User Module windows.
Chapter 4 Designer Edit Mode ON/OFF The edit mode can be turned on or off via the [Edit Mode] command in either the [Tools] menu or the contextual menu that appears when you right-click on the worksheet. You can also use the [Edit Mode] button in the menu bar.
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Chapter 4 Designer Menu Bar Commands that can be executed in the application are collected into categories on the menu bar. When you click one of the categories, a list of commands is displayed. Toolbar Frequently used commands are arranged here as buttons. [Redo] Button [Navigator] Button [Probe Monitor] Button...
Chapter 4 Designer [Zoom Out]/[Zoom In]/[Actual Size]/[Zoom To] Buttons These buttons correspond to the commands on the [View] menu with the same names. Changes the magnification of the display on the screen. “[View] Menu” in “Designer Window Menus” (page 178) [Arrow] Button The mouse cursor appears as crosshairs, and can be used to select objects.
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NOTE If the [Matrix Mixer 64 input 64 output] or the [Matrix Mixer 64 input 32 output] components are placed in the DME64N configuration window, you will not be able to use other components, even though the window does not reach 100 percent.
Chapter 4 Designer Navigator Window The Navigator window can be displayed or hidden via the [View] menu [Navigator] or the tool button (large) [Show/Hide Navigator] button in the main window, or via the [View] menu [Navigator] command in the designer window. Gives a hierarchical display of the area, zones, and configurations, along with the DME devices, user modules and components arranged within the configurations.
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Chapter 4 Designer Area If you click the area while doing offline editing, the Area window becomes active. Zone If you click a zone while doing offline editing, the Zone window becomes active. If another Zone window is open, it will be closed. NOTE When there are multiple configurations in a zone, click a configuration to switch configurations, not the zone.
Chapter 4 Designer Toolkit Window The Toolkit displays objects that can be arranged in each design window. The displayed contents vary according to which window is active. See “Objects” on page 183. Displayed in the designer Floating-style window DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
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Chapter 4 Designer Displaying the Toolkit Window You can display or hide the Toolkit window using the [Toolkit] command on the [View] menu. The Toolkit displays objects that can be arranged in each design window. You can arrange objects in each design window by dragging them from the Toolkit window or by double-clicking them in the Toolkit window.
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Chapter 4 Designer Toolkit Window Types The contents of the Toolkit window will vary, depending on which window is active. Active Design Window Toolkit Window Area Window Area Parts List Zone Window Device List Configuration Window Component List User Module Window Component List The following objects are displayed in each window: Component List...
Chapter 4 Designer [Device List] The Device list displays objects that can be arranged in a Zone window (configuration). The same objects are displayed in the [Device List] submenu on the [Tools] menu or on the context menu that appears when you right-click on the sheet. [Tools] menu Toolkit window [Device List] submenu on the [Tools] menu or...
Chapter 4 Designer [Component List] (User Module Window) The Component List displays objects that can be arranged in the User Module window. The same objects are displayed in the [Component List] submenu on the [Tools] menu or on the context menu that appears when you right-click on the sheet.
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Chapter 4 Designer Four Design Windows The following design windows are available: the Area window, Zone window, Configuration window, and User Module window. In each window there is a single sheet on which objects can be arranged. Within the Designer window, you can simultaneously open and edit in the Area window, Zone Window, Configuration window, and User Module window.
Chapter 4 Designer Designer Window Menu [Print] Menu This menu provides commands for exporting configurations and printing windows. [Print Setup] When you select this command, the “Print Setup” dialog box will be displayed. Sets the paper size and orientation. “Printing Each Design Window” in “Design Window Shared Settings and Operations” (page 247) [Print Preview]...
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Chapter 4 Designer [Edit] Menu This menu provides edit commands. [Undo] Undoes the most recent edit operation. Repeatedly clicking this button will delete multiple operations. When [Undo] is not possible, the command will be grayed out. [Redo] Returns to the status before the [Undo] command was executed. If you repeatedly click this button, it will redo multiple operations.
Chapter 4 Designer [Display Order] Changes the display order (in front or behind) of the selected objects. “Changing the Order” in “Design Window Shared Settings and Operations” (page 252) [Edit Legend] This command can be selected when an Area window, Zone window, or Configuration window is active.
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Chapter 4 Designer [Full Screen] Displays in full-screen mode. Displays the active design window (Area, Zone, Configuration, or User Module window) exclusively, with it covering the entire screen. A context menu appears wherever you right-click on the screen, containing the commands that are needed at that location.
Chapter 4 Designer [Tools] Menu [Area Parts List] This command can be used only when the Area window is active. A submenu displays the same objects that are in the Toolkit window displayed while the Area window is active. Clicking an object on the submenu, then clicking the Area window, places that object in the Area window.
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Chapter 4 Designer [Save User Module] This command can be used only when a User Module is selected in the Configuration window. Saves a template for the selected user module. “User Module Manager” Dialog Box in “User Modules” (page 287) [User Module Manager] Displays the “User Module Manager”...
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Chapter 4 Designer [Hand] The mouse cursor appears as a hand shape, and can be used to click and “grab” the worksheet for scrolling. [Export DXF] Exports the information in the active window and saves it as a DXF file, which is compatible with CAD software sold by other companies.
Chapter 4 Designer Objects Object Types The devices, shapes, and wires that can be arranged in each design window are called “Objects.” The following objects are available: Window Where It can be Name Explanation Placed/Displayed Zone Area Zones Zones DME and any cards inserted into its slots Zones User defined parameter control SP2060...
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Chapter 4 Designer Zone There must be at least one zone in the Area window. Zones are added and deleted using the “Zone” dialog box. Zones are not displayed in the Toolkit window or in the [Area Parts List] submenu in the [Tools] Menu If you right-click on the name of a zone object located in the Area window, a context menu will be displayed.
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Chapter 4 Designer Zone Object Properties When you select a zone in the Area window, then click the [Properties] command on the [Edit] menu, the “Area Properties” dialog box is displayed. Here you can set properties for zone objects. The [Properties] command is also located on the context menu for zone objects. [Text] Box You can enter up to 100 English characters for the object name.
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Chapter 4 Designer [Style] Sets the style of the object. From the list, select [Plain], [Raised], or [Sunken]. Raised Sunken Background Image Sets background effects for the object. • [Color] Button Sets the color. Clicking here displays the “Select Color” dialog box. For information about the “Select Color”...
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DME24N with no I/O card installed. DME24N with an I/O card installed in its expansion slot. DME64N DME64N with no I/O cards connected in slots. DME64N with I/O cards installed in expansion slots 1 and 4. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
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DME64N block with card inserted in a slot and the Configuration window When the DME64N Cascade Setting is Turned ON When [Show Cascade Port] is checked in the DME64N “DME Device Properties” dialog box, the cascade I/O components will be displayed in the Configuration window.
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Chapter 4 Designer CobraNet Card If the I/O card is a CobraNet card, a CobraNet icon will be displayed in the DME object. DME block with CobraNet card inserted Object Selection To open a configuration window for a DME object arranged in the Zone window, first select it by clicking on it, then double-click on it.
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Chapter 4 Designer DME Object Context Menu [Open Configuration Window] Opens the Configuration window. See "Configuration Window" on page 277. [Configuration Manger] Opens the Configuration Manager window. See "Configuration Manager" on page 270. [Device Group Manager] Opens the Device Group Manager window See "Device Group Manager"...
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Displays the “DME Device Properties” dialog box. DME Properties To display the “DME Device Properties” dialog box, select a DME object, then click the [Properties] command on the [Edit] menu. Here you can set DME properties. DME24N DME64N DME8i-C DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
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Chapter 4 Designer DME8o-C DME4io-C [Label] Box You can enter up to 100 English characters to display over the object. NOTE The name set in the [Label] box will be displayed on the list in the Toolkit window, [Import]/[Export] menu commands, and on the list in the dialog box.
Page 194
237. I/O Card Allows I/O card setup. [Slot1] ~ [Slot4] can be set up for a DME64N, while only [Slot1] is available for a DME24N. No I/O card setup is provided for the DME8i-C/DME8o-C/DME4io-C. • [Select I/O Card] Specifies the type of I/O card.
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Chapter 4 Designer Compile Priority Here you can make compile settings for the configuration. NOTE These compile settings are reflected in online status. If you change the settings in offline status, it will be enabled when going online after going offline once. •...
Chapter 4 Designer “Cascade Setting” Dialog Box Clicking the [Cascade Setting] button displays the “Cascade Setting” dialog box. Here you can display DME64E cascade connections and make settings related to them. These settings are common to the cascaded DMEs in the same zone. Unit No.
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Chapter 4 Designer Edit Port Label and Type Dialog Box The Edit Port Label and Type dialog box will appear when the [Edit Port Label and Type] button is clicked. Specifies the port labels and types to be displayed to the left and right of DME and SP2060 objects.
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Chapter 4 Designer You can arrange DME Device objects in the Zone window. These can be controlled using User Defined Button. First click on an ICP object arranged in the Zone window to select it, then double-click the label. This opens a “Control Panel Properties”...
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Chapter 4 Designer ICP Properties To display the “DME Device Properties” dialog box, select a ICP object, then click the [Properties] command on the [Edit] menu. [Label] Box You can enter up to 100 text characters to display above the object. Labels for identical ICP objects that exist in other configurations will also be changed.
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Chapter 4 Designer SP2060 SP2060 objects can be placed in the zone window. When clicked an SP2060 in the zone window will be selected, and when double-clicked the configuration window will open. A contextual menu will appear if the object is right-clicked. Scene Info and [On-line] Button SP2060 objects include an object that provides scene info and an [On-line] button.
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Chapter 4 Designer [Copy] Copies the selected object to the clipboard. [Paste] Pastes the SP2060 object currently on the clipboard. [Delete] Deletes an object. [Duplicate] Creates a duplicate of an object. [Display Order] Changes the display order according to the selected submenu command. [Recall Scene] Selects and recalls a scene from the submenu.
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Chapter 4 Designer SP2060 Properties Select an SP2060 object and click [Properties] in the [Edit] menu to open the “Speaker Processor Device Properties” window. The SP2060 properties can be edited here. [Label] Box Up to 100 single-byte characters or 50 two-byte characters can be entered for display on the object.
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Chapter 4 Designer [Port Label Color] Button Species the color of the I/O port label characters. The “Select Color” window will appear when this button is clicked. [Color] Button Specifies the color of the object. The “Select Color” window will appear when this button is clicked. Port Style on Zone Window Species how ports will be displayed on SP2060 objects in the zone window.
You can connect Yamaha AD824 and AD8HR A/D converters to a DME unit and control them remotely from DME Designer. DME Designer has a component editor for controlling [AD824] and [AD8HR] units.
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Chapter 4 Designer External Device Object Context Menu [Open Component Editor] Starts the application assigned to the object. For the [AD824] and [AD8HR], it opens the component editor. [Cut] Cuts the selected object and moves it to the clipboard. [Copy] Copies the selected object to the clipboard.
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Chapter 4 Designer [Style] Sets the object style. Select [Plain], [Raised], or [Sunken] from the list. [Label Font] Button Sets the font for the label. Clicking here displays the “Select Font” dialog box. For information about the “Select Font” dialog box, see page 236.
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Chapter 4 Designer External Device Properties (AD824, AD8HR “Serial Controlled Device Properties” Dialog Box) To display the “Serial Controlled Device Properties” dialog box, select AD824 or AD8HR, then click the [Properties] command on the [Edit] menu. This dialog box is the same as the “External Device Properties” dialog box, except for [Remote]. Remote Select the DME you will control remotely from AD824 and AD8HR.
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Chapter 4 Designer Component Components are arranged in the Configuration window and the User Module window. They include audio processors like mixers and compressors, and control parts like switches and sliders. They can be added by plug-in functions. Component objects arranged in a configuration are displayed in block form.
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Chapter 4 Designer [Store Component Library] Saves the component parameters. Click to display the Store dialog. If you then save without changing the folder, the parameters will be added to the library. Refer to “Library” on page 337 for more information. [Add Component to Component Link] Creates component link.
Chapter 4 Designer [Label Color] Button This sets the color of the label text. Clicking here displays the “Select Color” dialog box. [Inputs/Outputs Label Color] Button Sets the color for the I/O port label text. Clicking here displays the “Select Color” dialog box. [Color] Button Sets the color of the object.
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Chapter 4 Designer [Display Order] Changes the display order of the objects, according to a command in the submenu. [Recall Component Library] Recalls libraries with component parameters saved in them. Clicking here displays the submenu. When a library is selected from the submenu, the library is read and the component parameters are changed.
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Chapter 4 Designer [Label Font] button Sets the font for the label. Clicking here displays the “Select Font” dialog box. For information about the “Select Font” dialog box, see “Select Font” dialog box (page 236). [Label Color] Button Sets the color for the label text. Clicking here displays the “Select Color” dialog box. [Inputs/Outputs Label Color] Button Sets the color for the I/O port label text.
Chapter 4 Designer [Color] Button Sets the color of the object. Clicking here displays the “Select Color” dialog box. NOTE For information about the “Select Color” dialog box, see “'Select Color' Dialog Box” (page 237). [OK] Button Updates the settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings.
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Chapter 4 Designer Slot Component Properties To display the “Slot Component Properties” dialog box, select a Slot component object, then click the [Properties] command on the [Edit] menu. [Label] Box You can enter up to 100 characters to display over the object. [Width] Box Specifies the width of the object in pixels.
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Chapter 4 Designer “Edit Port Label” Dialog Box When you click the [Edit I/O Port Label] button, the “Edit Port Label” dialog box is displayed. Here you can set the port labels displayed for components. Enter a [Short Name] and [Long Name] for [Inputs] and [Outputs].
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Chapter 4 Designer User Module A user module combines a number of other components into a module that is treated as a single component. It can be arranged in the Configuration window. A user object arranged in a window is displayed as a single block.
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Chapter 4 Designer NOTE Libraries can be recalled only by users for whom [Control Component Editor] in security is turned ON. The command is grayed out for users for whom [Control Component Editor] is turned OFF. • [Open File Dialog] Displays the file select dialog box.
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Chapter 4 Designer [Label] Box You can enter up to 100 English characters to display over the object. [Width] Box Specifies the width of the object in pixels. [Height] Box Specifies the height of the object in pixels. [Style] Sets the style of the object. From the list, select [Plain], [Raised], [Sunken], or [Image]. When [Image] is selected the Open dialog will appear.
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Chapter 4 Designer Security Settings Turns user module security ON or OFF, and sets a password. • [Enable Security] Enables user module security. If you turn this function ON when no password is currently set, the “Set Password” dialog box appears. Enter a password, then click the [OK] button. If you change the setting from OFF to ON, the “Input Password”...
Page 220
The default for the “Preferences” dialog box [Application] tab [ContentsFolder] in the Main Panel window is “C:\Program Files\YAMAHA\OPT Tools\DME Designer.” The [Designer] folder is located in the [DME Designer] folder. Within that folder, there is an [Images] folder prepared for saving image files. NOTE Background images for sheets are specified in the “Sheet”...
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Chapter 4 Designer Picture Object When you click a picture object that is located in each design window, handles (small squares) appear at the corners and sides of the object. You can expand or reduce the picture’s size by dragging a handle. If you double-click on the object, the “Open”...
Page 222
Chapter 4 Designer Picture Object Properties To display the “Picture Properties” dialog box, select a picture object, then click the [Properties] command on the [Edit] menu. [Label] Box You can enter up to 100 English characters to display over the object. If the box is left blank, the label will disappear.
Chapter 4 Designer Port Specifies the number of ports to be displayed for a picture object. • [Left] Sets the number of ports to be displayed on the left. • [Right] Sets the number of ports to be displayed to the right. •...
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Chapter 4 Designer Text Object Properties To display the “Text Properties” dialog box, double-click on a text object, or select a text object, then click the [Properties] command on the [Edit] menu. [Text] Box You can enter up to 10,000 English characters to display in the text object box. [Text Font] Button Sets the font.
Chapter 4 Designer Box (Rectangle) You can arrange rectangles on the sheet. If you click the box, handles (small squares) appear at the corners and sides of the object. You can adjust the size by dragging the handles. You can open the “Box Properties” dialog box by double- clicking the box.
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Chapter 4 Designer Box Object Properties To display the “Box Properties” dialog box, double-click on a box object or select a box object, then click the [Properties] command on the [Edit] menu. [Width] Box Specifies the width of the object in pixels. The default is 50 pixels. [Height] Box Specifies the height of the object in pixels.
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Chapter 4 Designer Ellipse [Ellipse] in the Toolkit window places a elliptical shape on the sheet. When you click an Ellipse object that is located in the sheet, handles (small squares) appear at the corners and sides of the object. You can adjust the size by dragging the handles. You can open the “Ellipse Properties”...
Page 228
Chapter 4 Designer Ellipse Object Properties To display the “Ellipse Properties” dialog box, double-click on an ellipse object, or select an ellipse object, then click the [Properties] command on the [Edit] menu. [Width] Box Specifies the width of the object in pixels. The default is 50 pixels. [Height] Box Specifies the height of the object in pixels.
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Chapter 4 Designer Wire Draws lines (wires) for connecting components and creating shapes. For instructions on drawing wires, see “Drawing and Editing Wires” on page 253. First click on an wire object arranged on the sheet to select it, then double-click the object. This opens a “Wire Properties”...
Page 230
Chapter 4 Designer [Wire Color] Specifies the wire color. [Properties] Displays the “Wire Properties” dialog box. Wire Object Context Menu (Node) Node Context Menu [Start Wire] Begins drawing a wire segment from the location where you right-clicked. [Delete Wire] Deletes the entire wire. [Delete] Deletes the node.
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Chapter 4 Designer Wire Object Properties To display the “Wire Properties” dialog box, double-click on a wire object. You can also select a wire object, then click the [Properties] command on the [Edit] menu. [Line Width] Box Set the line width. This setting can range from 1 to 10 pixels. [Line Type] Displays a list where you can select the type of line.
Chapter 4 Designer Legend (Descriptive Fields) Displays a legend for all sheets except the User Module window. When you click the [Edit Legend] command on the [Edit] menu or double-click on one of the Legend fields displayed on the sheet, the “Edit Legend” dialog box is displayed. If you right-click on the Legend, the displayed context menu will have the [Edit Legend] command only.
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Chapter 4 Designer “Edit Legend” Dialog Box [Project] Box, [Title] Box, [No.] Box, [Author] Box, [Company] Box, [Address1] Box, and [Address2] Box Used to enter the Project, Title, Number, Author, Company, Address1, and Address2. You can enter up to 100 English characters for each field. [Date] Box and [Revisions] Box You can enter up to five dates and five revisions.
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Chapter 4 Designer Sheet There is one sheet in each design window for arranging objects. The size of the sheet and its background image are specified with the “Sheet” dialog box. This dialog box is displayed using the [Sheet] command from the [Tools] menu. Make the window where you are going to change sheet settings active, then click [Tools] menu [Sheet].
Page 235
Chapter 4 Designer Background Effect Sets the background for the sheet. • [Color] Button Sets the color of the background. Clicking here displays the “Select Color” dialog box. For information about the “Select Color” dialog box, see page 237. • [Image] Button Displays an image as the sheet background.
Chapter 4 Designer “Select Font” Dialog Box When you click the [Font] or [Label Font] button in an object’s properties dialog box, the “Select Font” dialog box is displayed. Sets the font. Font Selects the font. The currently selected font name is displayed in this box. Select a font by clicking its name on the list.
Chapter 4 Designer “Select Color” Dialog Box When you click the [Color] or [Label Color] button in an object’s properties dialog box, the “Select color” dialog box is displayed. Sets the color of objects and text. Setting Basic Colors There are 48 basic colors provided in the [Basic colors] section. When you select a basic color by clicking on it, the position of that color in the color palette to the right is indicated by a cross (+).
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Chapter 4 Designer Click the [Custom colors] box where you will save the color you create. The box you clicked will be selected and a frame will appear around it. Set the color on the color palette. Click the [Add to Custom Colors] button. The selected color will be added to [Custom colors].
[Application] tab [ContentsFolder] in the Main Panel window is “C:\Program Files\YAMAHA\OPT Tools\DME Designer.” The [Designer] folder is located in the [DME Designer] folder. Within that folder, there is an [Images] folder prepared for saving image files. If you click the [Image] button in the properties dialog box for an object that can display a background image or in the “Sheet”...
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Chapter 4 Designer [Browse] Button Specifies a path for the image file. Clicking here displays the “Open” dialog box. Select a file with one of the following extensions: “.bmp,” “.png,” “.xpm,” or “.jpg,” then click the [Open] button. [OK] Button Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box.
Chapter 4 Designer Design Window Shared Settings and Operations Preferences You can set the operating environment for the Designer window in the “Preferences” dialog box. This dialog box is opened using the [Preferences] command in the Designer window [Tools] menu. Graphics Ports &...
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Chapter 4 Designer Crosshairs • [Show Crosshairs While Dragging] Place a checkmark here to have crosshairs displayed for guidance when dragging the wire endpoint. • [Select Crosshair Length] Specifies the length of the crosshair lines. Enter a number into the [Arbitrary Crosshair Length] box to specify the length in pixels. [Infinite Crosshairs] causes the lines to go all the way to the edge of the window.
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Chapter 4 Designer Grid Displays a grid on the sheet in each design window to guide the placement of objects. You can also have the objects “snap to” (automatically align with) the grid when dragging them. When you click the [Grid] command on the [Tools] menu, the “Grid”...
Page 244
Chapter 4 Designer Exporting Each Design Window Instead of saving projects in their entirety, you can output the information contained in the active window using the Designer Window [Print] [Export DXF] command and save it in a DXF format file. These files have “.dxf”...
Chapter 4 Designer “Export DXF” dialog box DXF File Name Enter a filename for the DXF file. The default file name entered here will vary according to the currently active window. If you click the [...] button at the right of the box, the “DXF File Name” dialog box is displayed. Specify the DXF file filename and the folder where the file will be saved.
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Chapter 4 Designer Block Sets the block form used in the sheet. Displays a list where you can select the form. [Block] Makes the blocks rectangular and groups the text in the port icons and port names. [Explode] Makes the blocks into sets of four lines, and does not group the text in the port icons and port names.
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Chapter 4 Designer Printing Each Design Window You can print out the content of each design window just as it appears on the screen. The content in the window will be expanded or reduced in size as necessary to match the size and orientation of the paper, and printed onto a single sheet of paper.
Chapter 4 Designer [“Print Preview” window] Displays a print preview of the active design window. You can check the appearance of the page before printing it. [Print] Displays the “Print” dialog box. [Close] Closes the print preview window. Arranging Objects Multiple object placement methods are available.
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Chapter 4 Designer Device Group Selection When laying out DME, SP2060, and ICP1 objects the “Select Group and Sampling Frequency” will be showing. “Device Group and Sampling Frequency Settings” Window Select Group Selects a device group. • Existent Group Allows an existing group to be selected from a list. If a group does not exist it will be grayed out in the list and cannot be selected.
Chapter 4 Designer Selecting Objects Objects can be selected when the mouse cursor appears as crosshairs. Selecting with a Click You can select an object by clicking on it. If you click another object or an empty location on the sheet, it will cancel selection of the object you previously clicked.
Chapter 4 Designer Editing Objects Objects that have been arranged on the sheet can be edited using the [Cut], [Copy], [Paste], [Duplicate], and similar commands in the [Edit] menu. These edit commands will also appear in the context menu displayed when you right-click an object in the design window. Buttons for [Cut], [Copy], and [Paste] are also available on the Designer window toolbar.
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Chapter 4 Designer Changing the Order Objects newly placed on the sheet will be displayed above any previously placed objects they overlap. You can change this behavior using the [Display Order] command on the [Edit] menu. Select the object for which you want to change the display order, then select the appropriate command from the [Display Order] submenu on the [Edit] menu.
Chapter 4 Designer Drawing and Editing Wires Wire Objects that are arranged on sheets in the Configuration or User Module windows can be connected to each other by wires. Not only does this let you logically connect signal sources (output side) and destinations (input side), it also lets you draw connections and independent lines on the display.
Chapter 4 Designer Line Segment The line width default value is set from one to five pixels in the Designer window “Preferences” dialog box. In the “Wire Properties” dialog box, the line thickness and color can be adjusted as required for the various wires arranged on the sheet. Line Segment Selection When you select a line segment by clicking on it, only that line segment is selected.
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Chapter 4 Designer Wire Nodes Both ends of a wire, the location where wires bend, and the location where wires diverge are called “Nodes.” When a wire object is not selected, its nodes are not displayed. When a wire is selected, the nodes are displayed with a red circle.
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Chapter 4 Designer Hotspot The small white rectangles at the edge of objects are called “Hotspots.” Wires usually connect to hotspots. Hotspots • Some hotspots do not have a connection to a logical signal within the hardware. • Component and user module hotspots normally include logical connections. •...
Chapter 4 Designer Drawing Settings Several functions are available to help ensure accurate wire drawing. Grid To accurately draw in relation to the grid, turn ON [Snap to Grid] in the “Grid” dialog box. Draw Exact Vertical and Horizontal Lines When [Prohibit Diagonal Connections] in the [Tools] menu is turned ON, wires will be drawn using horizontal and vertical lines only.
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Chapter 4 Designer Wire Drawing Wire drawing starts at the positions shown in the following table: Drawing Start Location Start Method Hotspot Click Wire End Terminal Right-click click [Continue Wire] on the menu Node Right-click click [Start Wire] on the menu Line Segment Right-click click [Start Wire] on the menu...
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Chapter 4 Designer Connect with Bent Line Method 1 From Hotspot to Hotspot Click the hotspot where the connection originates to begin drawing, then click the location (which will become a node) where you want the line to bend. Finally, click the destination hotspot to complete the connection.
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Chapter 4 Designer Connect Multiple Hotspots in a Single Operation Method 1 <Ctrl> Key Combinations If you hold down the <Ctrl> key when finishing dragging, a wire will be drawn at all origin hotspots. The wire will be connected to the destination hotspot you dragged and those that come after. Begin dragging from the connection origin hotspot, then press the <Ctrl>...
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Chapter 4 Designer Press the [F4] key to connect the uppermost open hot spot to the right of the selected object and the uppermost open hot spot to the left of the object on the right. Press <Shift> + [F4] to connect the uppermost open hot spot to the left of the selected object and the uppermost open hot spot to the right of the object on the left.
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Chapter 4 Designer Press <Shift> + [F5] to connect the uppermost open hot spot to the left of the selected object and the uppermost open hot spot to the right of the object on the left, and continue automatically making sequential connections until no more open ports are available on either object. Automatic connections will not be made over other objects.
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Chapter 4 Designer Starting Drawing from the End Point/Node/Line Segment of an Existing Wire You can draw from the end or midway point of an existing wire. If you start from a node or line segment, a branch line will be created. Method 1 Continue Drawing from a Wire End Point When continuing an existing wire, right-click on the wire end point, then click [Continue Wire] on the displayed context menu.
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Chapter 4 Designer Finishing Drawing When the hotspots or already drawn wires are connected, drawing is finished. To finish drawing without connecting to a hotspot, use one of the following methods: • Right-click the mouse • Double-click • Press the <Esc> key Drawing also finishes if another window is made active.
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Chapter 4 Designer Editing by Dragging Moving Nodes You can move nodes by dragging them with the mouse. When multiple nodes are selected and dragged with the mouse, you can move all selected nodes simultaneously. Moving Line Segments To move a line segment, select the nodes on both sides of the segment, and drag one of the nodes.
Chapter 4 Designer Logical connection A connection from a source (output side) signal to a destination (input side) signal is called a “logical connection.” If a logical connection is present in a configuration, the actual hardware signal will be connected. A single wire can make a single logical connection. Logical connections are possible only in the Configuration window and the User Module window.
Chapter 4 Designer Adding, Deleting, and Renaming a Zone At least one zone is included within an area. In the default Area window that zone will be named [Zone1]. Multiple zones can be arranged in an Area. When you click the [Zone Manager] command on the [Tools] menu, the “Zone Manager” dialog box is displayed.
Chapter 4 Designer [Rename] Button Changes the name of the zone selected on the list. Clicking here displays the “Enter new name for the current zone name” dialog box. Enter a zone name, then click the [OK] button. NOTE The current name of the zone you will be renaming is displayed in the “Current Zone Name” box of the “Enter new name for current zone name”...
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Chapter 4 Designer • [Delete] Button Deletes the device group currently selected in the list. An “Are you sure” confirmation box will appear when this button is clicked. The selected device group will be deleted when the [OK] button is clicked. Click the [Cancel] button to abort the delete operation. NOTE Device groups cannot be deleted when they include assigned devices.
Chapter 4 Designer Adding, Deleting, and Renaming a Configuration A device group will include at least one configuration, and others can be added as required. When you click the [Configuration Manager] command on the [Tools] menu, the “Configuration Manager” dialog box is displayed. Here you can add, delete, or rename a configuration. “Configuration Manager”...
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Chapter 4 Designer [Rename] Button Changes the name of the configuration selected on the list. Clicking here displays the “Enter new name for the current configuration” dialog box. Enter a configuration name, then click the [OK] button. NOTE The current name of the configuration you will be renaming is displayed in the “Current Configuration Name” box of the “Enter new name for current configuration name”...
Chapter 4 Designer Area Window In the Area window, the area is designed by arranging objects on a design sheet, When you click “Area” in the Navigator window, the Area window becomes active. You can also open the Area window using the [Area] command in the [View] menu.
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Chapter 4 Designer Arranging Objects Objects other than zones can be placed in the window by dragging them from the Toolkit window. You can also place objects by double-clicking them in the Toolkit window. You can also display the [Area Parts List] from the [Tools] menu or from the context menu that appears when you right-click on the sheet.
Chapter 4 Designer Zone Window In the Zone window, the zone configuration is designed by arranging zone devices on a design sheet, A zone configuration can be created that is the same as the actual hardware arrangement. To display the Zone window, double-click in the Area window. When you click a configuration in the Navigator window, it becomes active.
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Chapter 4 Designer Objects You can perform edit operations such as place, cut, copy, paste, delete, and move to devices and shapes. If you double-click on a device arranged in the window, a Configuration window or dialog box will open. Device Action When Double-Clicked DME/SP2060...
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Chapter 4 Designer Placing DME or SP2060 In the Toolkit window [DME24N], [DME64N], [DME8i-C], [DME8o-C], and [DME4io-C] icons are located in the [DME] folder, and an [SP2060] icon is located in the [Speaker Processor] folder. These icons can be dragged to the zone window.
Legend Title Bar Displays “Device Name (Zone Name).” The configuration window for a DME64N placed in [Zone1] will be “DME64N (Zone1).” The device name is set in the properties for the device placed in the Zone window. Objects Objects such components, user modules, and shapes are arranged in the Configuration window.
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NOTE If the [Matrix Mixer 64 input 64 output] or the [Matrix Mixer 64 input 32 output] components are placed in the DME64N configuration window, you will not be able to use other components, even though the window does not reach 100 percent.
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The probe monitor can be set to ON or OFF for each DME64N/24N. The probe monitor can be used only when online with the DME64N/24N and Configuration window or user module active. When the probe monitor is ON, no editing is possible except in the Component Editor.
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Chapter 4 Designer Monitor object If you click another output port, the location being monitored will change. L/R Selection To monitor the left channel and right channel simultaneously, <Shift> + click on the left channel, then do the some for the right channel. Exiting the Probe Monitor Click [Probe Monitor] in the [Tools] menu or the [Probe Monitor] button on the toolbar to turn OFF the probe monitor.
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Chapter 4 Designer Show Signal Delay (Delay Display Value) The signal delays according to the processing time in the audio processor. The [Show Signal Delay] command from the [Tools] menu calculates a delay value and displays it for the component. Selecting this command switches delay value display between ON and OFF.
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Chapter 4 Designer Monitoring Point List When you click [Monitoring Point List] in the [Tools] menu, the “Monitoring Point List” dialog box is displayed. Here you can register or edit points for monitoring with headphones. NOTE Monitoring points can be edited only by users for whom the [Edit] security checkbox has been turned ON. [Cut] Button Cuts the selected monitoring point information.
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Chapter 4 Designer Monitoring Point List Displays and allows editing of monitoring point information. [No.] Displays the numbers for monitor link points. Numbers are assigned in order from the top. [Label] Displays and allows editing of monitoring point names. Clicking here selects the text. You can then enter a new name.
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Chapter 4 Designer Analyze (Configuration Analysis) When you click the [Analyze] command on the [Tools] menu or the [Analyze] button on the toolbar, the “Analyze” dialog box is displayed. The wire connections in the currently active configuration window are analyzed, and the results are displayed in the “Analyze” dialog box. Because this function allows you to make sure there are no problems with component arrangement and wires without connecting to the DME unit, it is useful for eliminating complier errors before executing Synchronization.
A “User Modules” folder will be created in the folder specified in [Contents Folder] in the “Preferences” dialog box in the Main Panel window. User modules will be saved there. If you do not change the setting in the “Preferences” dialog box, the location will be “C:\Program Files\YAMAHA\OPT Tools\DME Designer\User Modules.”...
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Chapter 4 Designer Creating User Modules When you place a blank user module in the Configuration window, a new user module is created. Make the Configuration window active. Click the [+] next to [User Module] in the Toolkit window. The items in the level below the [User Module] folder will be displayed. Drag the [Blank User Module] to the Configuration window.
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Chapter 4 Designer Saving User Modules Saved user modules are displayed under [User Module] in the Toolkit window, and can be used as templates. NOTE User modules placed in the component editor are saved in the project file. When you want to use a user module in another configuration in the same project, save it using the “Save User Module”...
Chapter 4 Designer Security Settings Initial settings of user module security. [Enable Security] Enables user module security. If you place a checkmark here, the “Set Password” dialog box appears. Enter the same password into the [Password] box and [Confirm Password] box, and click the [OK] button. [Set Password] Button Changes the password.
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Chapter 4 Designer Editing User Modules User modules can be edited in the User Module window. Components layout and logical connections are set up in the design worksheet. The design worksheet can be opened by selecting [Open User Module Design Window] from the contextual menu of user modules in the configuration window. If [Open User Module Design Window] is selected as the [Double Click Action] in the “User Module Properties”...
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Chapter 4 Designer Placing a Number of Components of the Same Type You can arrange a number of components of the same type. If there are two or more of the same component, numbers will be attached to their names as follows: “Compressor (2),” “Compressor (3)”...
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Chapter 4 Designer Double Click Action Specifies the default action when user modules in the configuration window are double-clicked. [Open User Module Design Window] Opens the User Module Design window. [Open User Module Editor] Opens the User Module editor. The user module editor is a window where controls for components that are placed in a user module can be laid out and their parameters changed.
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Chapter 4 Designer [Rename] Button Changes the name of the user module selected on the list. Clicking here displays the “Rename User Module” dialog box. Enter a name into the user module name box, and click the [OK] button. NOTE The user module name also becomes the file name.
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Chapter 4 Designer [Export Library] Button Saves the library to a file. [OK] Button Accepts the changed initial settings and closes the dialog box. [Cancel] Button Closes the dialog box without changing the settings. NOTE Settings in the “User Module Manager” dialog box are changed when you click the [OK] button. If you mistakenly set security, change the password, or delete a user module, you can click the [Cancel] button to close the dialog box and return to the original unchanged settings.
Chapter 5 Editor Window Component Editor Window Component parameters are edited in the component editor. The same component can be placed multiple times on the same sheet in a Configuration or User Module window. If there are multiple examples of the same component in a configuration window or user module window, each component is independent and its parameters are set individually in a separate Component Editor window.
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When controlling the DME64N/24N by connecting an RS-232C compatible controller to the [REMOTE] terminal, a component ID is required for distinguishing the same components in the DME64N/24N. The component ID is included in the signal that controls the component parameters. For details about control methods, contact your nearest Yamaha representative or the authorized distributor at the end of the DME64N/24N Owner’s Manual.
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Chapter 5 Components Knob Drag to adjust the parameter. You can change the way knobs operate, using the [Component Editor] tab [Knob Mode] setting in the “Preferences” dialog box. “Preferences” dialog box "Component Editor" tab (page NOTE To make a finer setting, press the <Shift> key while dragging the knob when [Knob Mode] is "Linear". If you click a knob while pressing the <Ctrl>...
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Chapter 5 Components Buttons There are several types of buttons. • Switches between ON/OFF. When turned on, the button lights up. The color depends on the button’s function. When turned ON When turned OFF • In button sets of this type, you can select one of several buttons. When you do all other buttons in the set turn off.
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Chapter 5 Components • Displays another window. Edit Box Displays current values for settings. You can modify values by typing from the keyboard or using the mouse. When a value is changed, the knob or slider moves. Mouse-over When [Edit Box Zoom] in the [Component Editor] tab of the “Preferences” dialog box is checked, the edit box will zoom when the mouse is positioned over it (mouse-over).
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Chapter 5 Components Double-click Selects a number. You can change the selected number using the keyboard. There is no need to enter units. When you press the <Enter> key, the numbers you entered will be set and the units displayed. Enter a number from Set the value with the <Enter>...
Page 300
Chapter 5 Components Graph Control Point Displays parameters graphically. When parameters are changed, the graph also changes. In graphs that have control points, you can adjust parameters by dragging the points. On graphs with control points that are limited to movement in one direction only, aligning the mouse pointer with the control point and pressing the mouse button causes the mouse pointer to change to a double-headed arrow pointing in both directions of movement.
Chapter 5 Components User Control Editor/User Module Editor User Control Editor The user control function lets you lay out a set of component controls in the Configuration window or User Module window, and create a control window with them. The controls in the user control editor are linked to the controls for the original component.
Chapter 5 Components [User Control] Menu User controls are displayed in the [View] [User Control] submenu of the Main Panel window. If you click the [User Control] button in the Main Panel window, you will display the same menu as the [View] menu [User Control] submenu.
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Chapter 5 Components Creating New User Controls New user controls are added in the “User Control Manager” dialog box. Click [User Control Manager] on the Main Panel window [Tools] menu. The “User Control Manager” dialog box will be displayed. NOTE You can also display the “User Control Manager”...
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Chapter 5 Components Use [User Name] to select a user. Click the [OK] button. The user control will be created and displayed on the list in the “User Control Manager” dialog box. Click the [OK] button in the “User Control Manager” dialog box. When a new user control is created, it will be displayed in the [View] menu [User Control] submenu in the Main Panel window.
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Chapter 5 Components User Control Security Security can be set independently for each User Control. User Control levels higher than the user security level will not be displayed in the menu or the User Control Manager dialog box. The security level settings for both the user control and the user affect editing and display of user controls.
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Chapter 5 Components • Setting Security for Individual Users Click the [User] box of the User Control to be changed. The user list will appear. NOTE The users that can be selected will depend on the user security level. Click the user to be set for the User Control. The selected user name will be displayed in the [User] box.
Chapter 5 Components User Module Editor The user module editor lets you make a layout of controls for components arranged in the user module window. For each user module there is one user module editor. The name of the user module is displayed in the title bar.
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Chapter 5 Components Names and Functions Status Bar The lock icon will appear in the User Module when security is active. User Module properties (page 216). User Module (page 285). The lock icon will appear locked when the password has not been entered, and layouts edited in the Design Mode cannot be saved.
Chapter 5 Components Edit Palette The edit palette is automatically displayed whenever the user control editor/user module editor is active in design mode. Whenever you move the user control editor/user module editor, the edit palette moves together with it. When you turn OFF design mode, the palette disappears. Commands for editing in the user control editor/user module editor are provided on the edit palette.
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Chapter 5 Components [Picture] Button Places a graphic file. [TEXT] Button Places a text box. [Box] Button Places a square. [Ellipse] Button Places an ellipse. [Frame] Button Places a frame. Grid Setting When arranging controls, you can align them along the grid. This menu sets the spacing of the grid.
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Chapter 5 Components Changing the Window Size In design mode, you can change the window size of the user control editor. If you align the mouse pointer with a side or corner of the window, its shape will change into a double-headed arrow. When the arrow is shaped like this, dragging it will change the size of the window.
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Chapter 5 Components Setting Background Images for Windows The default color for the user control editor/user module editor window background is black, the same as for the component editor window. However, you can change the color or display an image in the background.
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Chapter 5 Components [Image] Displays an image for the background. You can use image files in the following formats: BMP (.bmp), PNG (.png), XPM (.xpm), and JPEG (.jpg). Use the [Select Image] button to select an image file. [Select Image] Button Clicking here displays the “Select Image”...
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Chapter 5 Components Placing Controls Controls can be placed when you are in the design mode. You can turn the design mode ON and OFF by right-clicking in the user control editor/user module editor, or component editor, then clicking the [Design Mode] command in the context menu that is displayed.
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Chapter 5 Components NOTE If you drag controls like knobs and sliders, edit boxes and labels that show parameter types, and place them one-by-one in the user control editor, they must be arranged in the user control editor. If you select multiple items and drag them, you can copy them as a group into the user control editor, keeping their original arrangement.
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Chapter 5 Components Arrange the controls in the user control editor. Placing Controls by Dragging Them (User Module Editor) You can drag the controls you want to copy from the component editor window in the user module to the user module editor. Create a user module, then arrange and connect the components for it.
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Chapter 5 Components Placing Controls Using Copy and Paste Copy the controls in the component editor and paste in the user control editor or user module editor. To copy controls in the component editor, press the [Copy] command shortcut keys, <Ctrl> + <C>. To paste in the user control editor or user module editor, press the [Paste] command shortcut key, <Ctrl>...
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Chapter 5 Components When You Cannot Copy Regardless of whether you drag or use copy and paste, you cannot create multiple copies from the same single component. If you drag controls that are already copied into the user control editor or user module editor, the mouse pointer will change into the “unavailable”...
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Chapter 5 Components Moving and Aligning Controls In the user control editor or user module editor, you can move or align copied controls. Selecting Controls In the user control editor or user module editor, controls are selected in the same way as in the component editor.
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Chapter 5 Components Cut/Copy/Paste Controls You can edit controls arranged in the user control editor or user module editor using the [Cut], [Copy], and [Paste] commands in the edit palette. Cuts controls arranged in the user control editor. Select one or more controls, then press the [Cut] button on the edit palette Copy Copies controls arranged in the user control editor or user module editor.
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Chapter 5 Components “Knob Properties” Dialog Box When you right-click on a knob, then select [Properties] from the context menu, the “Knob Properties” dialog box will be displayed. This dialog box sets the size of the knob. [Size] Displays a list where you can select the knob size. Select [Large], [Medium], [Small], or [Very Small].
Page 323
Chapter 5 Components [Color] Displays a list where you can select the color of the button. If you click the [ ], a list of button colors will be displayed. [Text Font] Button Sets the font, size and style. Clicking here displays the “Select Font” dialog box. For information about the “Select Font”...
Page 324
Chapter 5 Components “Edit Box Properties” Dialog Box The Edit Box Properties dialog box will appear when you either double click an edit box or right- click it and select [Properties] from the contextual menu. Here you can set the edit box size. [Size] Select an edit box size from the list: [Large], [Medium], or [Small].
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Chapter 5 Components Partition Line/Sub-Partition Line Sets partition lines within the frame. [Partition Line] is a long partition line displayed from end to end, and [Sub-Partition Line] is a short partition line. • [Direction] Select the direction of a partition line from the list. [Vertical] inserts a vertical partition line and [Horizontal] inserts a horizontal partition line.
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Chapter 5 Components Line Width Sets the thickness of the lines at [Top]/[Left]/[Right]/[Bottom]. Set “0” to display no lines. Frame Color Sets the color of the color frame. Click this button to display the “Select color” dialog box. For information about the “Select color” dialog box, see page 237.
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Chapter 5 Components • [Stretch] When ON, the graphic will be enlarged when a size that is bigger than it's original size is specified. [Link Component Editor] When ON, clicking the [Select Component] button selects the editor that is opened when the graphic is clicked.
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Chapter 5 Components Box Properties Dialog Box Right-click the box and select [Properties] from the contextual menu to display the Box Properties dialog box. Box Size • [Width] Specifies the width in pixels. • [Height] Specifies the height in pixels. Box Style •...
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Chapter 5 Components Ellipse Properties Dialog Box Right-click the ellipse and select [Properties] from the contextual menu to display the Ellipse Properties dialog box. Ellipse Size • [Width] Specifies the width in pixels. • [Height] Specifies the height in pixels. Line •...
Chapter 5 Components Changing the Tab Order The tab order for controls is determined by the order in which they were pasted into the user control editor or user module editor. If you right-click the user control editor or user module editor, you can check or change the tab order using the [Tab Order] command on the context menu.
Chapter 5 Components Operation Mode and Design Mode There are two modes for the user control editor/user module editor and the component editor: “operation mode” and “design mode.” In operation mode you adjust parameters, while in design mode you lay out controls. You can switch between operation mode and design mode using the context menu that is displayed when you right-click in the user control editor/user module editor or component editor.
Chapter 5 Components Context Menu The context menus that appear when you right-click in a window will differ in operation mode and in design mode. In design mode, other commands will be added, depending on where you click. Operation Mode Context Menu Some commands that are displayed in the context menus for operation mode will also be displayed in design mode.
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Chapter 5 Components [Level Meter Enable] Specifies whether the level meters will be enabled or disabled. [Close All Editor Windows] Closes all component editor windows. [Open Parameter Link] Opens the “Parameter Link” window. For information about the Parameter Link window, see “Parameter Link”...
Chapter 5 Components The Context Menu Displayed in Design Mode When You Right-Click a Control [Open Original Component Editor] (User Control Editor and User Module Editor only) It opens the component editor for the control you clicked. [Display Order] Specifies the vertical display order of the controllers. It opens the component editor for the control you clicked.
Chapter 5 Components Snap The Snap function records parameters for the component editor, user control editor, and user module editor temporarily. Clicking a button switches the parameter set, setting all parameters in the editor to the status that existed when the parameters were recorded in the memory. You can record the current values for parameters.
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Chapter 5 Components Recording Parameter Sets Recording parameters from the current window The parameters present when the snap button is switched are recorded to the snap button before the switch. Click the snap button ([A] through [D]) that will record the parameter set. This turns it Set the parameters in the editor to the settings you want to record.
Menu If you store library files in folders that conform to the following path, they will be automatically displayed in the component editor [Recall Library] menu: “C:\Program Files\YAMAHA\OPT Tools\DME Designer\Editor\Library\Component Group Name\Component Name.” The dialog box used for storing items in the library opens with the library folder displayed.
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filename. For example, when you are storing a parameter set in the stereo compressor library, the “Save Library File” dialog will be displayed with the “C:\Program Files\YAMAHA\OPT Tools\DME Designer\Editor\Library\Compressor\Compressor Stereo” folder selected. If you save in that folder, the file you save will be displayed only in the [Recall Library”...
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Chapter 5 Components Recalling a Library The recall function reads stored parameters into the component editor. Editor Windows You can recall libraries in the component editor, user control editor, and user module editor windows by clicking the [Recall Library] button. When a library is recalled in an editor window, the parameter set is recorded to the selected snap button.
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Chapter 5 Components Recalling a Library Stored in a Folder Other Than the Default Libraries not stored in the default folder do not appear on the [Recall Library] menu. You must specify the file you want in order to recall it. Click the [Recall Library] button in the component editor.
Chapter 5 Components Creating Parameter Links You can group controls (parameters) and link their parameters. You can create parameter link groups and add controls to them in the component editor. Parameter link settings are made in the Parameter Link window. For information about parameter links and the Parameter Link window, see “Parameter Link”...
Chapter 5 Components Local Link The group names for local like groups are displayed in the [Local Link] submenu. When you click a group name, a control is added to the group. Adding Multiple Controls You can select multiple controls in Design Mode. When multiple controls are selected, multiple parameters can be added to a group simultaneously.
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Chapter 5 Components Add Components to a Group Right-click a component in the component editor to display the contextual menu. [Add Component to Component Link] [group name] adds to an existing group. Groups that are not of the same type will be grayed out and cannot be selected.
Chapter 6 Component Guide Types of Components Component Groups When the Configuration window and User Module window are made active, a component list is displayed in the Toolkit window, and you can use the [Component List] on the [Tools] menu. Components can be separated into groups based on types.
The items with small rightward-facing triangles are groups. Those without triangles are components. Group Component NOTE When the User Module window is active, [User Module] is not present in the menu. Component List DME8i-C/ Component Group DME64N DME24N DME8o-C/ SP2060 Variations DEM4io Crossover 2 Way 3 Way...
Chapter 6 Component Guide Crossover Separates input signals into multiple frequency channels and outputs them. The following five types of components are available in the Crossover group: 2 Way, 3 Way, 4 Way, 5 Way, and 6 Way. Crossover components have a single input and multiple outputs. Double-click a component to display the component editor for it.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Name Function Crossover Curve Displays the level of each frequency band, distinguished by color. Section Parameter Setting Range Function Input Level - to +10 dB Sets the input signal level. Output Level - to ±0 dB Sets the output signal level for each frequency band.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide The number of output channels varies according to the component variation. 2 Way Low/High 3 Way Low/Mid/High 4 Way Low/Low-Mid/High-Mid/High 5 Way Sub-Low/Low/Low-Mid/High-Mid/High 6 Way Sub-Low/Low/Low-Mid/Mid/High-Mid/High Set the attenuation curve for the lowest band and the middle bands with the Low Pass Filter (LPF) and High Pass Filter (HPF), and the highest band with HPF.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Changing the [Frequency] Parameter LFP/HPF [Type] sets the attenuation slope and the filter type for the LPF and HPF. The selected items are displayed on the buttons. Clicking these buttons displays a menu. Combinations of six slope types and four filter types are available.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide • Bessel For curves where phase characteristics are important, Bessel has gentler attenuation than Butterworth, and there is little distortion of the waveform when square waves are passed through. • Linkwitz (Linkwitz-Riley) As second-order filters, the sum of the output voltages for LPF and HPF have a gain of 0 dB across the entire band.
Chapter 6 Component Guide Crossover Processor A crossover processor consists of a crossover, delay, parametric equalizer, and compressor. After the input signal is processed by the crossover, effects of the delay, parametric equalizer, and compressor are applied to each frequency band. The following two types are available in the Crossover Processor group: Crossover Processor and Crossover Processor II.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide The output number varies according to the component variation. 2 Way Low/High 3 Way Low/Mid/High 4 Way Low/Low-Mid/High-Mid/High 5 Way Sub-Low/Low/Low-Mid/High-Mid/High 6 Way Sub-Low/Low/Low-Mid/Mid/High-Mid/High Set the attenuation curve for the lowest band and the middle bands with the Low Pass Filter (LPF) and High Pass Filter (HPF), and the highest band with HPF.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Name Function Crossover Curve Displays the level of each frequency channel, distinguished by color. Section Parameter Setting Range Function Frequency 20 Hz to 20 kHz Sets the cross frequency between each frequency band. Type Thru Sets the attenuation for each octave and the 6 dB/Oct filter type.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Delay When you click the [Delay] button for the crossover processor, it opens the delay editor window. Here you can set the delay for each frequency band. [Crossover Processor - Delay] editor window Parameter Setting Range Function Delay ms: 0 to 500...
Chapter 6 Component Guide Parametric Equalizer When you click [PEQ] button for the crossover processor, it opens the parametric equalizer editor window. Here you can make parametric equalizer settings for each frequency band. [Crossover Processor-PEQ] editor window Name Function PEQ Curve Displays the PEQ curve.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Compressor When you click the [Compressor] button for the crossover processor, it opens the compressor editor window. Here you can make compressor settings for each frequency band. [Crossover Processor-Compressor] editor window Name Function Compressor Curve Displays results graphically. The horizontal axis is the input signal level, and the vertical axis is the output level.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Crossover Processor II The following five types of components are available in the Crossover Processor II group: 2 Way, 3 Way, 4 Way, 5 Way, and 6 Way. Crossover processor II components have a single input and 2 to 6 outputs.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Name Function Input Meter Displays the input signal level. Output Meter Displays the output signal level. Section Parameter Setting Range Function Input Gain - to +10 dB Sets the input signal level. Mute ON/OFF Mutes the input signal. Output Gain - to +10 dB...
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Name Function Crossover Curve Displays the level of each frequency band, distinguished by color. Section Parameter Setting Range Function Frequency 20 Hz to 20 kHz Sets the cross frequency between each frequency band. Polarity Normal/Inverted Reverses the output signal phase for each frequency band.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Delay When you click the [Delay] button for the crossover processor, it opens the delay editor window. Here you can set the delay for each frequency band. Parameter Setting Range Function Delay ms: 0 to 500 Sets the delay time.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Parametric Equalizer When you click the [PEQ] button for the crossover processor, it opens the parametric equalizer editor window. Here you can make parametric equalizer settings for each frequency band. Name Function PEQ Curve Displays the PEQ curve. Parameter Setting Range Function...
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Compressor When you click the [Compressor] button for the crossover processor, it opens the compressor editor window. Here you can make compressor settings for each frequency band. Name Function Compressor Curve Displays results graphically. The horizontal axis is the input signal level, and the vertical axis is the output level.
Chapter 6 Component Guide Delay This is a multi-tap delay that provides independent delay and level control for each output. You can specify the delay time in milliseconds, samples, meters, feet, time code frames, or number of beats. Within the delay group, there are two subgroups called Long and Short. Each has a different setting range for the delay.
Chapter 6 Component Guide NOTE Delay Scale does not support the parameter link feature. Refer to “Parameter Link” on page 81 for information on parameter linking. Delay Short Delay short components are available with from one to eight outputs. Each has a single input and from one to eight outputs.
Chapter 6 Component Guide NOTE Delay Scale does not support the parameter link feature. Refer to “Parameter Link” on page 81 for information on parameter linking. Dynamics Components in the dynamic group adjust the dynamic range of the sound. There are eight types of components, each of which is available in mono channel and stereo channel versions.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Compander The compander combines the effects of a compressor and an expander. A compressor compresses signals that exceed the threshold, while the expander reduces signals that fall below the threshold. There are two compander groups, CompanderH (compander hard) and CompanderS (compander soft).
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Name Function Compander Curve Displays results graphically. The horizontal axis is the input signal level, and the vertical axis is the output level. Gain Reduction Meter Displays the gain reduction attenuation. Output Meter Displays the output signal level. Parameter Setting Range Function...
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Compressor Compresses signals that exceed a threshold. Narrows the dynamic range of the signal, making it easier to mix or record signals with a wide dynamic range such as vocals or piano music. Both mono channel and stereo channel compressors are provided. Mono channel compressors have one input, one output, and one KeyIn input.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Name Function Compressor Curve Displays results graphically. The horizontal axis is the input signal level, and the vertical axis is the output level. Gain Reduction Meter Displays the gain reduction attenuation. Output Meter Displays the output signal level. Parameter Setting Range Function...
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Chapter 6 Component Guide De-Esser Compresses the signal above a specified frequency. The de-esser controls sibilant (hissing) sounds included in speech that are produced by the letter “S.” Both mono channel and stereo channel de- essers are provided. Mono channel de-essers have one input and one output each. Stereo channel de-essers have two inputs and two outputs each.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Ratio = 2: 1 –10 Knee= Hard –20 –30 –40 –50 Threshold= –20dB –60 –70 –70 –60 –50 –40 –30 –20 –10 0 +10 +20 Input Level (dB) Ducking Attenuates the output a particular amount, when an input signal exceeds its threshold. Both mono channel and stereo channel duckers are provided.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Name Function Ducking Curve Displays results graphically. The horizontal axis is the input signal level, and the vertical axis is the output level. Gain Reduction Meter Displays the gain reduction attenuation. Output Meter Displays the output signal level. Parameter Setting Range Function...
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Expander Widens the dynamic range of the signal. Low-level signals such as noise are diminished. Both mono channel and stereo channel expanders are provided. Mono channel expanders have one input, one output, and one KeyIn input. Stereo channel expanders have two inputs, two outputs, and one KeyIn input.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Knee = Hard –10 Ratio= 2 : 1 –20 –30 –40 Threshold = –10dB –50 –60 –70 –70 –60 –50 –40 –30 –20 –10 0 +10 +20 Input Level (dB) Gate Attenuates signals that are lower than the threshold level. Both mono channel and stereo channel gates are provided.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Name Function Gate Curve Displays results graphically. The horizontal axis is the input signal level, and the vertical axis is the output level. Gain Reduction Meter Displays the gain reduction attenuation. Output Meter Displays the output signal level. Parameter Setting Range Function...
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Limiter Signals above the threshold are compressed at an :1 ratio, preventing output of signals that exceed the threshold level. Mono channel and stereo channel components are provided. Mono channel components have a single input and output plus a key input, while stereo channel components have two inputs and outputs and a key input.
Chapter 6 Component Guide RATIO=20:1 Threshold = –20dB –10 –20 –30 –40 –50 –60 –70 –70 –60 –50 –40 –30 –20 –10 +10 +20 Input Level (dB) Equalizer (EQ) The equalizer boosts or cuts the levels of specified frequencies. The EQ group contains graphic equalizers (GEQ) and parametric equalizers (PEQ).
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Component editor for GEQ & & & & Name Function Input Meter Displays the input signal level. EQ Curve Displays the equalizer effect. Output Meter Displays the output signal level. Section Parameter Setting Range Function Equalizer Bypass ON/OFF Bypasses each bands in the GEQ equalizer...
Chapter 6 Component Guide EQ Graph [Bypass] Button A number for each frequency band is displayed on these buttons. When you click the button, it lights up and the bypass turns ON. When you turn this ON, bypassed sound (unchanged sound) is output.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Name Function EQ Curve Displays the equalizer effect. You can change the parameter by dragging the control point with the mouse. Section Parameter Setting Range Function Input Level - to +10 dB Sets the input signal level. Phase ON/OFF Reverses the phase of the input signal.
Chapter 6 Component Guide Fader Controls the output level for each channel. Fader components are available for 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 16 channels. Double-click a component to display the component editor for it. The number of channels varies, but all components share a common configuration in the component editor.
Chapter 6 Component Guide Feedback Suppressor The Feedback Suppressor reduces feedback components of the signal. Parameter Mode Speech Selects the type of input signal to be processed. Select this mode when the input source is speech. Music Select this mode when the input source is music.
Chapter 6 Component Guide Filters A filter passes specific frequencies and attenuates all others. There are seven types of filters available in the filter group: band pass filter (BPF), high pass filter (HPF), low pass filter (LPF), notch filter (Notch), programmable BPF, programmable HPF, and programmable LPF.
Chapter 6 Component Guide High Pass Filter (HPF) The high pass filter passes frequencies in the signal that are higher than a specified frequency, while attenuating lower frequencies in the signal. There are two types of HPF components: mono channel and stereo channel.
Chapter 6 Component Guide Low Pass Filter (LPF) The low pass filter passes frequencies in the signal that are lower than a specified frequency, while attenuating higher frequencies in the signal. There are two types of LPF components: mono channel and stereo channel.
Chapter 6 Component Guide Notch Filter (Notch) The notch filter attenuates the signal within a specified frequency band, while passing frequencies outside that band. There are two types of notch filter components: mono channel and stereo channel. Mono channel notch filters have one input and one output. Stereo channel notch filters have two of each.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Programmable BPF The band pass filter passes the signal from a specified frequency band, while attenuating frequencies outside that band. With the programmable band pass filter you can set the filter type and the slope between the frequency band that is passed and the band that is cutoff. There are two types of programmable BPF components: mono channel and stereo channel.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Section Parameter Setting Range Function Frequency 20 Hz to 20 kHz Sets the LPF cutoff frequency. Type Thru Sets the attenuation for each octave and the 6 dB/Oct filter type. 12 dB/Oct AdjustGc [THRU] turns off the filter. 12 dB/Oct Butrwrth 12 dB/Oct Bessel 12 dB/Oct Linkwitz...
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Programmable HPF The high pass filter passes frequencies in the signal that are higher the specified frequency, while attenuating lower frequencies in the signal. With the programmable high pass filter you can set the filter type and the slope between the frequency band that is passed and the band that is cutoff. There are two types of programmable HPF components: mono channel and stereo channel.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Programmable LPF The low pass filter passes frequencies in the signal that are lower than the specified frequency, while attenuating higher frequencies in the signal. With the programmable low pass filter you can set the filter type and the slope between the frequency band that is passed and the band that is cutoff. There are two types of programmable LPF components: mono channel and stereo channel.
Chapter 6 Component Guide Meter Displays signal levels. Meter components are available with 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 16 channels. Double-click a component to display the component editor for it. The number of channels varies depending on the component, but all share a common configuration in the component editor. Meter component editor Name Function...
Chapter 6 Component Guide Miscellaneous In the Miscellaneous group, there are the Oscillator subgroup and the Wav File Player. Oscillator The Oscillator subgroup contains a monochannel oscillator component. The oscillator generates sine waves at fixed frequencies of 100 Hz, 1 kHz, and 10 kHz, a variable frequency sine wave, pink noise, and burst noise.
Chapter 6 Component Guide Wav File Player The Wav File Player is a component for playing Wave files. Only one Wav File Player component can be arranged for each single DME unit. NOTE If you switch the effect type for SPX components while playing Wave file by Wav File Player, drop-outs in the sound played in the Wav File Player may occur.
Chapter 6 Component Guide Mixer The Mixer group contains the Auto Mixer, Delay Matrix, and Matrix Mixer. Auto Mixer There is a noise gate for each input channel, which passes only signals that exceed a specified threshold. There are five mixer types, each with a different number of inputs. Double-click a component to display the component editor for it.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Section Parameter Setting Range Function Input Channels Phase ON/OFF Reverses the phase of each channel’s input signal. Gate Indicator When the gate is open, the light turns green. When the gate is closed, the light turns yellow. Threshold -54 dB to ±0 dB Sets the threshold value for each gate.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Delay Matrix This is a matrix mixer that allows you to set an independent delay time and level adjustment for each output. There are three groups of delay matrix, based on the number of inputs: 2 Input, 4 Input, and 8 Input.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Section Name Function Input Master Opens the Input Master window. Output Master Opens the Output Master window. Matrix Delay meters Displays output level and delay time for each output Output level meters channel. Clicking here displays the Crosspoint window. Block Turns ON output for all channels in the Crosspoint window.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Click to open the “In 5-8 x Out Click to open the “In 1-4 x For 2 input matrix, click to 5-8” Crosspoint window. Out 1-4” Crosspoint window. open the “In 1-2 x Out 1-4” Crosspoint window. Input Master If you click the [Input Master] button in the delay matrix component editor, it will open the [Delay Matrix - InputMaster] editor window.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Output Master If you click the [Output Master] button in the delay matrix component editor, it will open the [Delay Matrix - OutputMaster] editor window. Here you can turn the master output for each channel ON and OFF and set the level.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide All Inputs to One Output When you click the output channel number on the matrix, the [Delay Matrix - All Inputs to One Output] editor window opens. All input channels and one output channel are displayed. The output channel is the one you have clicked on in the delay mixer component editor.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide One Input to All Outputs When you click the input channel number on the left side of matrix, the [Delay Matrix - One Input to All Outputs] editor window opens. One input channel and all output channels are displayed. The input channel is the one you have clicked on in the delay mixer component editor.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide If you make the delay matrix component editor active while the [Delay Matrix - One Input to All Outputs] editor window is displayed, and then click another input channel, that channel will be displayed in the [Delay Matrix - One Input to All Outputs] editor window. One [Delay Matrix - One Input to All Outputs] editor window is displayed for each delay matrix component editor.
NOTE If a 64 input 64 output Matrix Mixer component or a 64 input 32 output Matrix Mixer component is placed in the DME64N configuration window, no other components can be used even though the resource meter does not reach 100%.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Double-click a component to display the component editor for it. The number of input and output channels varies depending on the component, but all share a common configuration in the component editor. The matrix mixer component editor consists of four sections: input, output, matrix, and block. The [Master] buttons in the [Input] and [Output] sections display windows where you can make master input and output settings.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Matrix (Output Level) In the matrix, you can view levels for all output channels at once. The level will be grayed out when the corresponding channel is set to Off. Output level When you click an output channel number on the matrix, the [Matrix Mixer - All Inputs to One Output] editor window opens.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Input Master If you click the [Input Master] button in the matrix mixer component editor, it will open the [Matrix Mixer - InputMaster] editor window. Here you can turn the master input for each channel ON and OFF and set the level.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Output Master Window If you click the [Output Master] button in the matrix mixer component editor, it will open the Output Master window. Her you can turn the master output for each channel ON and OFF and set the level. [Matrix Mixer - OutputMaster] editor window Section Parameter...
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Chapter 6 Component Guide All Inputs to One Output When you click the output channel number on the matrix, the [Matrix Mixer - All Inputs to One Output] editor window opens. All input channels and one output channel are displayed. The output channel is the one you have clicked on in the matrix mixer component editor.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide One Input to All Outputs When you click the input channel number on the left side of the matrix, the [Matrix Mixer - One Input to All Outputs] editor window opens. One input channel and all output channels are displayed. The input channel is the one you have clicked on in the delay mixer component editor.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Crosspoint If you click a level meter in the matrix mixer component editor, the output crosspoint window for the group will be displayed. Turns the input channels ON and OFF and sets their levels. Just like the matrix mixture component editor, the input channels are arranged vertically while the output channels are arranged horizontally.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Channel Group Switching The [Matrix Mixer - Crosspoint] editor window displays four channels each for Input and Output. It displays the channel group that was clicked on in the matrix mixer component editor. The [Channel] buttons in the [Input] and [Output] sections of the [Matrix Mixer - Crosspoint] editor window switch the channel group that is displayed.
Chapter 6 Component Guide The Pan group contains the following subgroups: LCR, LR, and Surround. Pan Nominal Position Component editors contain the “Pan Nominal Position” parameter. The button for that parameter displays its current setting. Clicking the button displays a menu with [Center] and [LR], which are used to set the pan 0 dB reference.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide LCR component editor Parameter Setting Range Function 0 to 100% Sets the ratio for sending the center signal to LR. L63 - Center - R63 Sets LR orientation. Pan Nominal Position Center Selects the nominal position from a menu. Separates a single input into left and right outputs.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Surround There are three types of surround pan components in the Surround subgroup: 3-1, 5.1, and 6.1. The surround pan component editor has a two-dimensional surround pan graph where you can set the location of the sound image. Surround 6.1 component editor Location, Name...
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Dragging You can move the control by dragging it with the mouse. Click If you click within the graph, the control point will move to that position. Click Speaker Button If you click any speaker button besides the [LFE] button, the control point will jump to that speaker’s position.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Surround 3-1 Surround 3-1 has four channel surround pan, with three channels in front, and one in the rear. There is one input and four outputs. Double-click a component to display the component editor for it. Surround 3-1 component editor Section Name/Parameter...
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Surround 5.1 Surround 5.1 has surround pan with three channels in front, two in the rear, and one sub woofer channel. There is one input and six outputs. Double-click a component to display the component editor for it. Surround 5.1 component editor Section Name/Parameter...
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Surround 6.1 Surround 6.1 has surround pan with three channels in front, three in the rear, and one sub woofer channel. There is one input and seven outputs. Double-click a component to display the component editor for it. Surround 6.1 component editor Section Name/Parameter...
Chapter 6 Component Guide Router The router assigns inputs to outputs. Each of the six router groups has a different number of inputs. The groups are 1 input, 2 input, 4 input, 8 input, 12 input and 16 input. Each group has five components, with 2, 4, 8, 12, and 16 outputs.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Routing Settings To change an assignment, click at the position where the desired input and output channels intersect. When the mouse pointer is moved over a cell, the input and output channels are highlighted, and a red line is displayed connecting them. Click to set routing for that position. If another output channel has been assigned to the clicked input channel, the original assignment will not be cleared.
Chapter 6 Component Guide Source Selector This component selects a single input source from multiple input sources. “Position” is the number of input sources, and “Channel” is the number of channels included in the source. For example, a “4 Position 2 Channel” component allows you to select a single 2-channel source from four 2-channel input sources.
Chapter 6 Component Guide Speaker Processor The Speaker Processor is a crossover processor that includes APF (All Pass Filter), horn EQ, and limiter functions. Six component types are available: 1 Way, 2 Way, 3 Way, 4 Way, 5 Way, and 6 Way. Speaker Processor components have one input and one or multiple outputs.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Name Function Library name Displays library name. Crossover response (phase) Crossover phase response, color coded for output channel. Crossover response (level) Crossover level response, color coded for each output channel. Input meter Displays the input signal level. Output meter Displays the output level for each band.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Graph Control Points The crossover level control points indicate [Output Level] and [Frequency]. The control points will move in response to [Output Level] changes made via the knobs or edit boxes. The [Output Level] and [Frequency] parameters can also be changed by directly dragging the control points. Changes to the [Frequency] parameter are shown on the crossover phase response graph.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Crossover Click the Speaker Processor [Crossover] button to open the crossover editor window. [Speaker Processor - Crossover] editor window Section Parameter Range Function Polarity Normal/Inverted Inverts the polarity of each output channel. Mute ON/OFF Mutes the output of each output channel. This parameter is linked to the Mute setting in the original window.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Section Parameter Range Function Type Thru Sets the roll-off slope and filter type for each 6dB/Oct octave. 12dB/Oct AdjustGc The filter is bypassed when [Thru] is 12dB/Oct Butrwrth selected. 12dB/Oct Bessel 12dB/Oct Linkwitz 18dB/Oct AdjustGc 18dB/Oct Butrwrth 18dB/Oct Bessel 24dB/Oct AdjustGc 24dB/Oct Butrwrth...
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Chapter 6 Component Guide NOTE Delay Scale does not support the parameter link feature. Refer to “Parameter Link” on page 81 for information on parameter linking. Parametric Equalizer Click the Crossover Processor [PEQ] button to open the window. Parametric equalization is provided for each crossover band.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Name Function Crossover response (phase) Shows crossover phase response. Crossover response (level) Shows crossover level response. Parameter Range Function Type Select a filter type from the menu. L.SHELF 6dB/Oct L.SHELF 12dB/Oct H.SHELF 6dB/Oct H.SHELF 12dB/Oct Horn EQ 0.023 ~ 6.672 Sets the octave bandwidth for each band.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Limiter Click the Speaker Processor [Limiter] button to open the window. Limiter settings are provided for each output channel. [Speaker Processor - Limiter] Editor Window Name Function Limiter Curve A graphic representation of limiter response. The horizontal axis represents input level, and the vertical axis represents output level.
Chapter 6 Component Guide SPX is an effect component that supports many different effect applications, such as reverb, delay, and modulation effects, along with complex combinations of multiple effects. Although the SPX component is a single component, it encompasses 43 effect types. When you change the effect type, right-click the SPX component to display the context menu, click [Recall Component Library], then select the effect type from the [Effect Type] submenu.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Other effect parameters vary according to the selected effect type, as shown below. Effect Type Parameter Setting Range Function Reverb Hall Rev Time 0.3 to 99.0 s Reverb time Reverb Room Ini.Dly 0.0 to 500.0 ms Initial delay before reverb begins Reverb Stage Reverb Plate...
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Effect Type Parameter Setting Range Function Stereo Delay Delay L 0.0 to 1350.0 ms Left channel delay time Two input, two Delay R 0.0 to 1350.0 ms Right channel delay time output basic stereo delay. FB.Gain L -99 to +99% Left channel feedback (plus values for normal- phase feedback, minus values for reverse-phase...
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Effect Type Parameter Setting Range Function Flange Freq. 0.05 to 40.00 Hz Modulation speed Two input, two Depth 0 to 100% Modulation depth output flange effect. Mod.Dly 0.0 to 500.0 ms Modulation delay time FB.Gain -99 to +99% Feedback gain (plus values for normal-phase feedback, minus values for reverse-phase feedback)
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Effect Type Parameter Setting Range Function HQ.Pitch Pitch -12 to +12 semitones Pitch shift One input, two Fine -50 to +50 cents Pitch shift fine output high-quality pitch shifter. Delay 0.0 to 1000.0 ms Delay time FB.Gain -99 to +99% Feedback gain (plus values for normal-phase...
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Effect Type Parameter Setting Range Function Amp Simulate AMP.Type STK-M1, STK-M2, THRASH, Guitar amp simulation type One input, two MIDBST, CMB-PG, CMB-VR, output guitar amp CMB-DX, CMB-TW, MINI, FLAT simulator. DST.Type DST1, DST2, OVD1, OVD2, Distortion type (DST = distortion, OVD = overdrive) CRUNCH Drive 0 to 100...
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Effect Type Parameter Setting Range Function Rev+Chorus Rev Time 0.3 to 99.0 s Reverb time One input, two Ini.Dly 0.0 to 500.0 ms Initial delay before reverb begins output reverb and chorus effects in Hi.Ratio 0.1 to 1.0 High-frequency reverb time ratio parallel.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Effect Type Parameter Setting Range Function Rev+Sympho. Rev Time 0.3 to 99.0 s Reverb time One input, two Ini.Dly 0.0 to 500.0 ms Initial delay before reverb begins output reverb and symphonic effects Hi.Ratio 0.1 to 1.0 High-frequency reverb time ratio in parallel.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Effect Type Parameter Setting Range Function Delay->ER. Delay L 0.0 to 1000.0 ms Left channel delay time One input, two Delay R 0.0 to 1000.0 ms Right channel delay time output delay and early reflections FB.Dly 0.0 to 1000.0 ms Feedback delay time effects in series.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Effect Type Parameter Setting Range Function Dist->Delay DST.Type DST1, DST2, OVD1, OVD2, Distortion type (DST = distortion, OVD = overdrive) One input, two CRUNCH output distortion Drive 0 to 100 Distortion drive and delay effects in series.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Effect Type Parameter Setting Range Function M.Band Dyna. Low Gain -96.0 to +12.0 dB Low band level Two input, two Mid Gain -96.0 to +12.0 dB Mid band level output 3-band dynamics Hi. Gain -96.0 to +12.0 dB High band level processor, with Presence...
Chapter 6 Component Guide Slot Slot In The Slot In Component only has outputs. 4, 8, and 16 channel types are provided. Right-click the component and select [Open Slot In Component] from the contextual menu to open the component editor. The component editor is the same for all types. Name Function Meter...
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Slot Out The Slot Out component has only an input. There are three types of Slot In components: four- channel, eight-channel, and 16 channel types. The component editor can be displayed by right-clicking the component, then clicking [Open Slot Out Component Editor] on the displayed context menu.
Cascade In The Cascade In Component only has outputs. Only the DME64N has a Cascade In component, which can be displayed by checking [Show Cascade Port] in the DME Device Properties dialog box. Right-click the component and select [Open Component Editor] from the contextual menu to open the component editor.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Cascade Out The Cascade Out Component only has inputs. Right-click the component and select [Open Component Editor] from the contextual menu to open the component editor. The component editor is the same for all types. Name Function Meter Shows the signal level for each channel.
Chapter 6 Component Guide Analog Input and Output In the DME24N/DME8i-C/DME8o-C/DME4io-C configuration window, there are [Analog Input] and [Analog Output] blocks. Analog Input Double-click [Analog Input] to display the component editor for it. NOTE The DME24N, DME8i-C and DME4io-C have analog inputs. The DME24N and DME8i-C have eight analog inputs, while the DME4io-C has four.
Chapter 6 Component Guide The DME24N, DME8o-C and DME4io-C have analog outputs. The DME24N and DME8i-C have eight analog outputs, while the DME4io-C has four. SP2060 Input and Output The SP2060 configuration window includes [SP2060 Input] and [SP2060 Output] blocks. SP2060 Input Either double-click [SP2060 Input] or select [Open Component Editor] from the contextual menu that appears when the component is right-clicked to open the editor.
Chapter 6 Component Guide CobraNet Input and Output The DME8i-C/DME8o-C/DME4io-C configuration window includes [CobraNet Input] and [CobraNet Output] blocks. CobraNet Either double-click [CobraNet Input]/[CobraNet Output] or select [Open CobraNet Editor] from the contextual menu that appears when a component is right-clicked to open the editor. CobraNet Input/Output Component Editor Section Name/Parameter...
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Chapter 6 Component Guide NOTE Refer to “DME8i-C/DME8o-C/DME4io-C Owner's Manual” for mote information on CobraNet. “Advanced Settings” Window Section Name/Parameter Range Function Channel per Bundle Input 1, 2, 4, 8 Specifies the number of channels per input bundle (*1). Output 1, 2, 4, 8 Specifies the number of channels per output bundle (*1).
Chapter 6 Component Guide MY-Card This shows the input and output for the card inserted into the DME expansion slot. The following components are available, depending on the card types: Input Format/Output Format This is the I/O mode for high sample rate operation (88.2/96 kHz). In the Double Channel Mode, high sampling rate data (88.2/96 kHz) is transmitted and received by two channels, each channel handling the digital audio data at half the sampling rate.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide MY-Others Double-click the block to display the component editor for it.This editor can be used for generic MY card editing, but some parameters are not available. Use a card specific editor when available. Parameter Setting Range Function Input Format Double Channel...
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Chapter 6 Component Guide MY16-AE/MY8-AE96/MY8-AE/MY8-AT/MY8-TD/MY16-TD/MY16-AT Double-click the block to display the component editor for it. Example: MY16-AE component editor Parameter Setting Range Function Input Format Double Speed Selects the format for 88.2/96 kHz. For MY8-AE96, the Double Channel setting range is Double Speed/Double Channel. For Single other cards, it is Double Channel/Single.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide MY16-C Double-click the block to display the component editor for it. MY16-C component editor Section Parameter Setting Range Function Setting Priority Setting Priority Hardware/ The MY16-C switch settings take priority when Software “Hardware” is selected, and the DME Designer settings take priority when “Software”...
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* Select “Disable” if you intend to make settings via the CobraNet network using the CobraNet Manager, for example. In such cases selecting “Enable” may result in incorrect settings. NOTE Refer to the “MY16-CII Owner's Manual” or “CobraNet Manager Lite for YAMAHA Owner's Manual” for mote information on CobraNet. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
Remote Controlled Head Amp There are AD824 and AD8HR components arranged in the zone window. AD824 Controls the Yamaha A/D converter AD824. The AD824 is an eight channel analog to digital converter. Double-click the component to display the component editor for it.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide AD8HR Controls the Yamaha A/D converter AD8HR. The AD8HR is an eight channel analog to digital converter. Double-click this component to display the component editor for it. NOTE If a DME is not selected in the properties dialog box, the component editor will not be displayed even if you double-click (page 204).
Chapter 6 Component Guide Component Glossary Adjustable Gc (AdjustGc) One type of filter characteristic. With this setting, you can adjust Gc (gain on the cutoff frequency) between -6 dB and +6 dB. If you set -3 dB it becomes a Butterworth filter. If you set -6 dB, it becomes Linkwitz-Riley filter.
Chapter 6 Component Guide Delay Scale Sets the units used for specifying the delay time. Components: Crossover Processor, Crossover Processor II, Delay Long, Delay Short, Speaker Processor Divergence Sets the ratio for sending the center signal to LR. When 100 percent is set, the signal will be sent to LR only.
Chapter 6 Component Guide Knee In compressors, de-essers, and expanders, sets the way in which compression or expansion will be applied after the signal exceeds the threshold. The following range of settings is available: HARD, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. If Hard is set, the signal level changes to a straight line following the specified slope when the trigger signal exceeds the threshold.
Chapter 6 Component Guide Range Set for Ducking and Gate. Sets the amount by which the level is reduced when signal is ducked/ gated. It can be set within the range of -70 to 0 dB. At -70 dB the entire signal above the threshold value is cut.
Appendix Options The ICP1, CP4SW, CP1SF, and CP4SF controllers are optionally available for remote external control of the DME The ICP1 connects via Ethernet, while the CP4SW, CP1SF, and CP4SF connect via the GPI interface. ICP1 settings and operation This controller connects to the DME series via Ethernet. Like the DME series, each ICP1 unit has it’s own IP address.
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Confirms and enters a value or setting. ! Display Displays scene information and device parameters. @ Dial Adjusts the value of selected parameters. The ICP1 dial functions in the same way as the DME64N/ 24N dial. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
Chapter 6 Component Guide 4 Edit Indicator Main Display If a parameter is changed after recalling a scene, “EDIT” will appear in the display. The Main display will appear in a few seconds after the power is turned on. The Main display shows 5 Mute Indicator information about the current scene.
Chapter 6 Component Guide Parameter Edit Displays Parameter Edit Display with One Numeric Parameter Parameter Edit displays will appear when the [SCENE], [F6/MUTE] or other key is pressed to allow scene changes, level adjustment, and other settings to be edited as required. Parameter Edit displays are also used to edit utility parameters.
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Rotate the dial to edit the value as List Parameters required. List parameters allow you to make one selection from a list of possibilities. Rotate the dial to scroll up or down the list. In some cases the centermost item on the display will be always highlighted as the list is scrolled, and in others the same item will remain highlight as the list is...
Chapter 6 Component Guide ON/OFF Parameters Mute Switching Turns the DME series output mute function ON or OFF. Parameters that are either ON or OFF are edited via this type of display (e.g., Mute Parameter Edit display Press the [F6/MUTE] key for longer than 2 in “Mute Switching”...
Chapter 6 Component Guide Scene Recall Scene Store This procedure recalls a new scene (refer to Stores the current scene data for later recall. page 468). Press the [SCENE] button for longer than Press the [SCENE] button. 2 seconds. The Scene Recall display will appear. A confirmation window will appear on the display.
Chapter 6 Component Guide Utility Displays Most basic ICP1 functions can be accessed via the Utility Display. Items accessible via the Utility display Page Item Description Manual Page Info Current status and settings for the devices basic parameters. page 473 Label Name display.
Chapter 6 Component Guide Utility Display Operation Network Settings (Net) Page The general procedure for operating the Utility Shows the Ethernet network address and other displays is outlined below. parameters. Press the [F4/UTILITY] Key for longer than 2 seconds from the Main display to go to the Utility display.
If you forget your password the unit cannot be operated! If you forget your password contact the system administrator. If the password become unrecoverable for some reason and you need to unlock the system, please contact your Yamaha representative. DME Designer Owner’s Manual...
Chapter 6 Component Guide 2 Panel Lock Boot Miscellaneous Setup (Misc) Determines whether or not panel lock will be on when Page power to the device is turned on. This parameter can This page includes parameters not available in any be set to “Unlock”...
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Chapter 6 Component Guide Initializing the ICP1 Follow the steps below to initialize the internal memory: You can select one of the following initialization types: * Initializing the current scene backup [CURRENT BACKUP] * Initializing all user settings (excluding the libraries) to the factory settings [WITHOUT LIB.] * Initializing all settings to the factory settings [FACTORY SETUP]...
Troubleshooting For the latest information about DME Designer, visit the Yamaha pro audio site at Symptom Possible Causes Corrective Actions A compile error occurs during DSP total resource consumption has Delete unneeded components. synchronization. exceeded the upper limit. The wiring between components is...
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