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Enclosure Rack Installation; Pm Removal - Viking VSS2249RQ User Manual


2. Push the PM release tab downwards in the direction of the finger handle
Figure 4.7 PM removal
3. Using one hand to support the bottom of the PM, let go of the release tab
4. Place the PM on an anti-static surface until reinstallation.
5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the remaining PM.
6. PM removal is complete.

Enclosure Rack Installation

The instructions that follow discuss the procedures for installing the
VSS2249RQ Storage Server into a standard EIA 19-inch (48.3-centimeter) rack.
When properly installed, the rail kit's chassis member (bolted to the sides of the
enclosure) slides inside the rail kit's cabinet member (bolted to the rack).
CTC-DOC-002293, Rev A.2
while simultaneously pulling the finger handle outward to disengage the
PM cam. Figure 4.7 identifies the release tab and finger handle. Do NOT
press the PSU tab below the finger handle.
and pull the PM completely out of the enclosure by the finger handle.
TIPPING HAZARD: Only extend one enclosure from the rack at a time. Ensure that
each of the remaining enclosures in the rack are secured to the front rack posts.
Enclosures should be installed into the rack according to their weight, with the heaviest
system on the bottom and lightest system on top.
NOTE: The rail kit supports a 27.0-inch (68.6-centimeter) to 37.0-inch (94.0-centimeter)
rail depth. The rack envelope is 39.4 inches (1 meter).
VSS2249RQ Storage Server User Guide
PM release tab
Finger handle
Do NOT press the PSU tab
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