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Service Action Preparation; System Safety & Handling; Locating The Service Labels; Dual Cord Warnings - Viking VSS2249RQ User Manual



These instructions guide the user through the steps necessary to prepare for a
service action, which consists of reviewing product safety requirements, locating
the service label, and ensuring the appropriate tools are on hand.
System Safety & Handling
Review the product safety supplement provided on page xxiii prior to
commencing with any service action. Each section in this chapter provides
additional safety precautions. Make note of these warnings, cautions, and notes
to ensure user safety and system longevity.

Locating the Service Labels

This section identifies the purpose and location of each of the following labels:
Dual Cord Warning Label
The two dual cord warnings ensure user safety by reminding the user to remove
both power cords—one from each PM—prior to commencing with service
actions that require system power to be shut down. This label is located on the
rear of the enclosure.
Figure 8.1 Dual cord warnings
Regulatory Label
The regulatory label identifies system compliance with different regulatory
agencies (such as ROHS, WEEE, and UL), and may also contain various
country marks as well. Additional certifications may be added without notice.
The regulatory label is located on top of the right side of the chassis (as viewed
from the front), closest to the drives.
Serial Number & Product Number Label
Serial and product numbers are required to obtain an RMA from the Viking
Enterprise Solutions support department. The serial number and product
number label is on the front right chassis rack ear. A second label is located on
the side of each server module. The serial and product numbers are also
located on the regulatory label.
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Chapter 8: System Maintenance
CTC-DOC-002293, Rev A.2



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