Modbus Information - ICPDAS ECAT-2610 User Manual

Ethercat to modbus rtu gateway
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EtherCAT to Modbus RTU Gateway

5. Modbus Information

Modbus is a communication protocol developed by Modicon in 1979. You can also visit
to find more valuable information.
The Different versions of Modbus used today include Modbus RTU (based on serial communication
interfaces such as RS-485 and RS-232), Modbus ASCII and Modbus TCP, which is the Modbus RTU
protocol embedded into TCP packets.
Modbus Message Structure
Modbus devices communicate using a master-slave (client-server) technique in which only one
device (the master/client) can initiate transactions (called queries). The other devices
(slaves/servers) respond by supplying the requested data to the master, or by taking the action
requested in the query.
A query from a master will consist of a slave address, a function code defining the requested action,
any required data, and an error checking field. A response from a slave consists of fields confirming
the action taken, any data to be returned, and an error checking field.
RTU Data Structure
Byte 00
Net ID
(Station number)
Net ID: specifies the address of the receiver (Modbus RTU slave).
Function Code: specifies the message type.
Data Field: is the data block.
Copyright © 2017 ICP DAS CO., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Byte 01
Function Code
Reference Number
(Address Mapping)
Byte 02-03
Data Field
Number of Points
Byte 04-05
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