Cerio OW-200N2 User Manual page 79

500mw extreme power 11na outdoor bridge
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Idle Time : Last inactive time period in seconds for a wireless connection.
Connect Time : Total connection time period in seconds for a wireless connection.
Disconnect : Click "Delete" button to manually disconnect a wireless client in a Virtual AP.
2.7.3 Show WDS Link Status
Peers MAC Address, antenna 0/1 received signal strength, phy mode and channel bandwidth for each WDS are
MAC Address : Display MAC address of WDS peer.
Signal Strength ANT0/ANT1 : Indicate the signal strength of the respective WDS links.
Phy Mode : Indicate the phy mode of the respective WDS linked.
BandWidth : Indicate the channel bandwidth of the respective WDS linked.
MCS : Indicate the MCS of the respective WDS linked.
SGI : Indicate the SGI (Short Guard Interval) of the respective WDS linked. "1" indicate the Short Guard Interval,
"0" indicate the Long Guard Interval.
If display "no signal" Signal Strength ANT0/ANT1, you need check WDS configuration. Things to verify are MAC
Address, Channel and Security type. Also, adjust antenna angle and Tx Power.
2.7.4 Extra Info
Users could pull out information such as Route table, ARP table, MAC table, Bridge table or STP available in the
500mW eXtreme Power 11Na Outdoor Bridge
User's Manual


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